38 days

38 days.

That's an awful long time to go without taking a shit, user.

>that SDTV

Why does it feel so recent?

I bet the (You)'s will just roll in with hilarious joke's like that! :^) @ 365219007.


It's only been, what 12 years?

Who the fuck has a mirror facing he toilet?

Lol. Is it really that exciting? You're supposed to rest your eyes for a few minutes per hour anyway. Use your bathroom break to do that.

>my roommate had a wavebird
>I went over every once in a while to check the channel it was on , and set my wavebird to his channel
>he always left his room open
>I could hear the bing bing Wahoos from Mario sunshine or some weird game with robots fighting from my room
>every once in a while I'd tilt the stick on my controller or press A
>hear autistic fits of rage

Good times


>You're supposed to rest your eyes for a few minutes per hour anyway.

A household with women.

I only ever had one wavebird but I'm fairly sure that wouldn't work

So I can jerk off to myself taking a dump


>mfw I always do this

That's why I set up a mirror on my hallway.

It does, there's this little switch on the receiver to set it at different frequencies or something

Female vanity knows no equal

>I could hear the bing bing Wahoos from Mario sunshine or some weird game with robots fighting from my room
You didn't have a Gamecube.


Sonygger who never owned a Wavebird

You're right.

I didn't

Dumb normie

False you would just hear CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK from the controller.

I know that, but I just didn't think it would pick up 2 controllers on the same channel. Similarly I would sneakily unplug my brothers controller while he was playing and watch him freak the fuck out. Good times

t. anons roomate


If it takes you longer than 2 minutes to take a shit, you need to eat more fiber



>TFW got anal fissure from lack of fiber


>38 days until I have to ship mine out cause some idiot paid $500 for my pre-order


But he would have to play the controls backwards because of the reflection.

I want to pre-sell my shit too, but I'm too pussy in case the order gets cancelled or something.
>could've sold Dota TI tickets for like 700
>wait til I have them on-hand before listing, getting like 300

I hope you get robbed and murdered.

Oh I had good luck selling my TI tickets since after a certain period they can't cancel or get their money back, and you order them months in advance.

>mommy the bad man sold my toy with 1 game on it for months :(

You should get mad at Nintendo. They are begging for it by now.

He would also have to play while smelling some shit because there's literal pieces of shit coming out of his rectum at that very moment.

>Wireless GameCube controller
Enjoy your input lag, fag. *Shine Sparkles three times*


what did nintendy mean by this

Brown shooters every day of the week are for boys, 1 game every 6 months is for men.

You're a fucking faggot

>MLP beanie
Rage every fucking time.

nice meme

memes are fun sometimes.

Scalpers are doing God's work. Get a job or complain to Nintendo if you can't wait a month or two to purchase exclusive items.

man, getting a whole fucking set for that shit?
don't these kids and shit ALREADY have a fucking 360?

it amazes me that they buy a system bundle at this point. i figured even normies would have a fucking 360 or ps3 by 2011.

Hey, we sell the 'Fuck Me Silly 2', but it's only 12 pounds of tits & pussy.

360 had a lukewarm launch and the redring fiasco, but ignoring that, they weren't alive when it came out.

Had two, can contest that this is indeed how it would work; did it once or twice on accident, playing Namco or Ikaruga

>15 years was 20 years ago

I feel old

Have you tried this MEGA MASTURBATOR?

till fucking what?

yeah, but as kids, they are ALWAYS going on about EGGBOCKS THRII SIGGY OH MAHN SUUUU GURRRRD

they won't shut up about cod, halo or minecraft

>like 200 bucks for latex pussy

i kinda want to play pipedream extreme now

whatever happened to that game anyway?
i was like tetris was, all over the place, then once the 90s ended it just disappeared.

compare the target audience of that ad to the target audience of modern nintendo

No. I always thought dolls were kind of silly. Like if it's your thing that's cool but it's just not my thing.

I think it's 300 and something. I dunno. It's a pain in the ass to get off the shelf and I don't want to drag it down again.

I don't know if it's my thing because I never tried it. I'll do it one day just out of curiosity.