
Wasn't there supposed to be an update to this?

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>Early Access game

you fell for the early access meme

Don't be a retard, sometimes they have big paid expansion packs with lots of content

There actually have been regular updates for subnautica. Some of them quite huge, and recent too.

The precursor update has been released 16 dec on PC and early january for xbox.

There was a 500Mb update to the stable version last night.

Spotted the developers

How spooky is Subnautica at night?

>correct someone on something

Remember when Sup Forums actually liked video games?

Playing Early Access games just sucks most of the times, I pirated one version of it, and it ran terribly, and it still felt quite unfinished and there was just not enough content in Subnautica.

Yes user, there was supposed to be an update. I thought it was going to add stuff(or remove lol terraforming), but apparently it was just bug fixes and shit like that.

aka, who gives a shit.

If you immerse yourself in the game, you probably won't notice day turn to night.

Anyways, most of the game isn't spooky (unless you're afraid of the ocean and water), and the spookyness isn't so much as "oh no, it's dark, I can't see! Spoooky!"
The spookyness is derived from not knowing how far the darkness extends.
It's spooky to look out into the darkness, but not because "oh it's, dark! I hope nothing jumps out at me!"
It's spooky because the darkness is mostly filled with nothing.
Just an endless expanse of emptyness.

It's spooky regardless of what time of the day you play.
However, the game isn't intentionally trying to creep you out.
So results may vary.

They already got you money dumbass.

VR is the best way to play. Sense of scale really brings out the fear of the deep and how massive the creatures out. Just sucks that subtitles don't show well in it.

I'm a vive memester and this to be quite honest family

So there are no deepwater krakens/leviathans?

It's sea sickness. VR is just that immersive.


They don't just hang out in deep water.

I heard from a dev they plan on releasing the update either Thursday or Friday.

My uncle works for nintendo, he confirmed this as well.

So are you just too retarded with computers to figure out how to glance at the update releases?

You fucking idiot, everyone who speaks positively about video games on Sup Forums are either paid shills or the devs themselves.

It's spooky regardless of the ingame time of day either

In some of the spots just below the surface to the south and east of the crash site you can see vast expanses of blue nothing in all directions, which made exploring around there unnerving as hell even without the worry of stumbling into a reaper leviathan's territory

Is there an option/mod to make it so you don't automatically orient yourself and your vehicles upright yet?

my uncle is the sombrero tacoman who provides tacos to this guys uncle who works for nintendo and he also confirmed it


>I've never believed that video game violence creates more real-world violence. But I couldn't just sit by and "add more guns" to the world either.
>So Subnautica is one vote towards a world with less guns. A reminder that there is another way forward. One where we use non-violent and more creative solutions to solve our problems. One where we are not at the top of the food chain.

Reminder the lead dev is a retard

>mommy mommy I posted it again I'm a baaaaad troooooll a very baaaaad trooooooll


like clockwork

>paying for early access games

You would think they would at least issue something like tranquillizer rifle (not bullshit stasis one) to those who travel potentially dangerous locations. Anyway, the survivor, if he ever get's of the planet, should a) sue the hell of the company who flew him b) petition to change gun laws.

Agreed, they should put a ton of weapons in the game all decorated with American flag colors that can one-hit kill everything.

They probably had weapons on board with a whole security team, just no way to 3D print one so no one could go full american on the entire scientist crew.

I love this game but I feel I will always be left wanting, or feeling like something is missing. I always feel like I want bigger submarines more base options, more threats in the sea like leviathans, more abyss and more bigger monsters in the abyss. I hope the game is easily modifiable on release so we can get this. Would have liked multiplayer with friends as well.

I still haven't been able to find the research base. SW of the base my ass.

Why would you want a tranquillizer over a stasis rife for sci-fi game? Would you prefer a normal flamethrower to a sci-fi plasma thrower?

Do you think dead space would be vastly improved by replacing the stasis field with a tranquillizer?

>dead space
I never played it so I don't know. I just don't like subnautica stasis rifle.

Thursday or Friday, at least they seem to be actually working on removing terraforming.

Well, you personally prefer what you prefer, of course.

My point was that stasis rifles/fields/whatever are very fitting and well established in sci-fi media since it's basically the "hi-tech" version of a tranquillizer.

>more threats

I want the feeling of being afraid.
That's what the game needs. More threats.

Ultimately this is the perfect game to secretly add a terrifying creature in without telling anyone on the dev blog.

Yeah after playing through a couple times I know the shtick of get seamoth and then cyclops and nothing can get you then.

But I build my bases deeper and more dangerous each time for fun. I even autismd out a base 500m deep connected to solar panels so that I kinda have to worry about crafting at night.

>Remember when Sup Forums actually liked video games?
Spotted the developer, Sup Forums has never liked video games.

Not if you want biopsy from the sea creatures.

Well I suppose this is another point of personal preference.
I'm fine with the scanner since I'd rather not play dissection minigames.

It already has more content than No Man's Sky

>Early Access game
>No multiplayer
Can't wait for this to be DF-9'ed

>Remember when Sup Forums actually liked video games?


Its already better than a lot of full releases, so if they stop development there's really no issue.

>I know the shtick of get seamoth and then cyclops and nothing can get you then.

The creatures get worse as you go deeper, actually damaging the seamoth and prawn. Some can even pull you out of them. The cyclops seems to be immune from it for now but I imagine they'll change that at some point.

Speaking of threats, I was a bit disappointed when I heard everyone talk about Reaper Leviathans since I thought the ones I had seen so far were "normal" Reapers and there would be a second even more huge "Leviathan" version somewhere in the game.

Spotted the newfag

They should in my opinion make the game moddable, so if people want to add massive kraken size monsters they can do or if people want to add massive submarines they can.

The developers are literally convicted fraudsters.

Did you not pay attention to Natural Selection 2 or something?

Natural selection 2 was pretty good, it just didn't have community retention.

So are they finally making a dock for the cyclops to base? I hate having to swim from the moon pool...

Also I want bigger base buildings.

The whole point of the Cyclops is that it's a mobile base. It even has its own docking bay.
There's no reason to add a docking point for a Cyclops
Post v1.0 has "Cyclops Dock" listed

Would be nice if power nodes could split three ways or more too. If you have more than a single line from the power source to the base, the beam does some weird things.

You'll need a base to charge it once the battery exploit is fixed. Some people just want to set up bases and have a walkway from their sub to it.

I love going on late night swims