Does anyone even own one of these?
Does anyone even own one of these?
Yes. Playing resident evil 0 on mine right now.
Have this one user. Playing some Slain, Binding Of Isaac Rebirth and Titanfall 2.
Also some Backwards Compatible games, like Dead Space and Lost Oddysey.
Why did you buy one? Honest question here.
I know a few people that do. I think the reason was that they played CoD with friends on 360, and wanted to get the same system everyone else in their group had. Obviously looking back, it was a huge mistake.
Microsoft is trying to get out of the console business and compete with Steam going forward.
26 million people do. It's exclusives might be shit, but the third party library is strong as fuck. As long as Madden, battlefield and call of dudie keep being made, it will end up with respectable numbers by the time Xbox Two comes out.
Yes. I do. Only to pisa you off. Sonygger.
Every Xbox purchase goes towards destroying neogaf.
>xbox one is actually the third xbox
>xbox two would be the forth
Microsoft is shit enough to name their next Xbox the Xbox Two.
I do
I honestly don't know, I play it a lot though
Not him but MS gave me a trade in deal on my PS3 (which I just replaced anyway).
I was happy to get one at first, since I could play KI. But then it all went to hell in 2016.
I bought one, only because my girlfriend at the time played on it. Haven't touched it since we broke up like 2 years ago. I should sell it but frankly I can't be bothered.
I picked one in those trash cans in Japan.
They went from windows 95 to 98, vista to 7, from windows 8 to windows 10. Numbers don't mean shit to microsoft. They even named their 2nd xbox the "360" to one up the PS3.
They're probably going to name the next xbox the X-7, just because 7 is higher than PS5
Rare Replay and some bc games run better
Is that backwards compatible? What about Code Veronica? Never finished that one on the 360
Dust your living room, user.
>I was happy to get one at first, since I could play KI. But then it all went to hell in 2016.
This, I got the Xbox One before they announced everything was going to PC. It was great at first or at least decent but after Halo 5 released (which wasn't even as good as Halo 4 imo) MS announced that every game would be coming to Windows 10, including Quantum Break, one of the games I had purchased the Xbox One in anticipation of
KI and nu-halo is aight.
Pero me encantan Gears
I sold mine to pay for some shit but I intend to buy the Scorpio whenever it comes out. I miss playing Halo 5
0 was made for xbone/ps4
>Microsoft is shit enough to name their next Xbox the Xbox Two.
It'll be called Xbox Zero. (Obligatory: Zero, as in no games.)
Yes. It's a $500 Halo machine though, which really pisses me off. I can't name a single worthwhile exclusive that isn't something Halo.
Just look at pic related for even more perspective on the Xbox One's current situation.
Even now I play Forza Horizon 3 on both XB1 and PC (though on PC it kind of sucks).
Oh. I'm not that big of a RE fan. I always digged SH more.
Yeh I think this will be M$ last console. Quite sad. Not saying this one is good but 360>PS3. This time it's just PS4>XBONE big time. What a shame. I don't think the Xbox can be saved anymore which is sad because it's the BEST CONTROLLER. I can't handle the Playstation controller. I never could. When the 360 controller came around it was what I've wanted all the time.
So since this will be Microsofts LAST console I guess we need a Switch otherwise Sony will become too big? I really don't know. Weird but I guess it will just be Nintendo and Sony in the future. Would be odd if PS5 would be the last console left with zero competition.
>They even named their 2nd xbox the "360" to one up the PS3.
They had a habit of doing that with some of their non-gaming software too by skipping version numbers to give the false impression they had a more advanced product among uninformed consumers.
>The Microsoft "conspiracy" started in March 1993 with the release of MS-DOS 6.0. Later in the year they released an update that was labeled 6.2. Since IBM's version of MS-DOS was 6.1 they had to stay one number ahead. Yes, consumers fell for this all the time. If there were two nearly identical products to choose from, the one with the higher version number typically won out. Microsoft used this same strategy when they upgraded from Office 4.3 to 7.0, one higher than WordPerfect 6.0. That worked too. A couple years later there would be similar version number battles between Microsoft and Netscape.
Are you retarded?
>Even now I play Forza Horizon 3 on both XB1
I still play Forza Horizon 3 on Xbone as well, and occasionally go back to Sunset Overdrive and Gears 4 (I bought it on physical since I own 1-3 on physical, even though the PC version is better)
Still though, I kinda don't feel great about it. The console would have more value to me if MS just cut the Windows 10 shit out, which frankly doesn't seem to be working anyway because everyone hates the Windows 10 store and actively avoids it.
I got one senpai
I do need help....
To be fair, they're using One as a noun, not a number. It makes sense in a kinda retarded way.
How so? If you compare titles on all systems it would always be
PC>360>PS3. All those titles looked like shit and played like shit on PS3. Enjoy Skyrim on PS3 for example. Sorry I'm not into your Jap games and prefer American stuff. Don't worry I hate COD.
no, I have one of these. Never play it though because PC
>PlayStation 4 is actually the 6th PlayStation
Psp, ps vita
Do handhelds even count?
What do you think PS stands for
>PlayStation 4 pro is actually the 7th play station
Bought for Rock Band 4 as I had over 800 songs on the 360 and wanted to use them on the new version.
Shame RB4 is such a disappointment. I use the Xbone now as a BC machine mostly.
They're not consoles
console =/= handheld
>Playstsyions aren't PlayStations
Wow Sony is in full defense this morning
now that nintendo announced they are going buy to play for online I might get one since microsoft's online has been historically the best one