You can hate Poos as much as you want, but you have to admit Symmetra looks friccin sexy with the new year skins

You can hate Poos as much as you want, but you have to admit Symmetra looks friccin sexy with the new year skins

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If only she didnt have such a manly face.

Her headpiece is fucking retarded.

the problem is her ugly poo in loo face


I can see her pussy!

>calling them poos
>while 90% of our countrymen are black, orange or shart in the mart

China Dresses are good shit.

I also like Mercy's new skin.

Isn't it just a palette swap?

It's not because of the skin color. It's because there are places in India where people literally shit in the street.

maybe if she didn't have a doorstop for a chin.

It's her normal dress but red.



>a recolor

blizzdrones will unironically defend this.

aka all girls that aren't white

its not even a chinese dress

lol no

Chinese girls would be cute if they had big eyes and thinner noses. And if they shaved. And didn't speak an ugly sounding language

Well that's because it's a recolor.
Cheongsam was clearly the inspiration, the skin is even named qipao.

>tfw no skin that fixes her face

>Chinese girls would be cute
M8, that grill is 1 in a million. Most chink """girls""" are BUTT FUCKING UGLY.

>shart in mart
i thought this forced meme was dead
literally only exists because of buttblasted poos

I hate her skin colour. I don't understand why either, I'm a nigger IRL and I find other niggers attractive IRL. But brown skin in overwatch looks bad. Like literal poo.

its another pallate swap what the fuck are you on about

Her proportions are fucked up, even for a cartoon character.

That's a bit disturbing.

She looks the same as always

Welcome to women lmao

Take a walk on the fucking streat anywhere lmao

lmao right ? lmao lmao

Oh em gee lmao haha lmao

wanna be friends?

so this is a video game character?
jesus tapdancing christ, looks like a mass seduction material

why are her legs so long?

>this CTF gamemode

Every new Symmetra skin just makes her even sexier. How do they keep doing it?

I wish she had a prettier face

>that webm of her sucking two (2) dog dicks


don't be fooled by it being on Shadbase, it's made with source film maker


wew lad

my thanks

it doesnt hide her ugly man face.

Plastic surgery R U I N E D her

I'd poo in her loo. If you know what I mean.


She looks like she just took a massive shit and is proud of it

>skinny thighs

why are western artists bad at making women

Poos are literally shit and only a small percentage of their women are hot

Why do they even exist either than to be fucking weird cunts?