Why did Sony made a handheld without a proper shaders and why did Nintendo use such a low resolution?

Why did Sony made a handheld without a proper shaders and why did Nintendo use such a low resolution?

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because sony has their priorities backwards - dedicated handhelds are supposed to be cheap to produce and cheap to buy. The Vita was neither, especially with those extortionate proprietary storage cards.

Why do people complain about 240p in a handheld?

Because for many years before that handheld came out we were already using higher resolution portable devices.

It's the same reason why we complained about 1 analog stick on a handheld. It was backwards and we already knew it wasn't a good idea years before.


>Vita and PC versions look generally the same, resolution and such aside
>3DS has shitty mud lighting

Nintendo fans, everybody.

It's the 3DS that doesn't have proper shaders you moron.

Because it looks like shit, especially on the XL.

is op baiting? do people actually prefer that shitty shading for a 3d anime game?

>already using higher resolution portable devices.
Which of those handhelds from many years back had 3d and graphics on par with op?

Don't get me wrong ztd looks ugly as shit but at least it looks somewhat demanding for a handheld. Especially if you grew up with shit like gameboy color.