It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made

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Playing the first after seeing the thread you posted a few days ago and having some one recommend it to me
>These controls
Good game though, Struggled with controls a bit but something about it is very endearing. Just reached the first town though

what game?

it's time for exactly same thread over and over again


That is not Witcher 3.

>challenging and unforgiving combat

>comfy as hell

>amazing music
>dense atmosphere
>challenging quests
>no holding hand
>great NPCs
>Interesting and funny dialogues
>amazing world design and attention to details
>great character development

there is just something magical about the world

Vanilla > NOTR

gothic 1 is much more clunky, broken and imbalanced. gothic 2 (especially with the night of the raven addon) plays a LOT smoother and is overall a much better game than the first one.
G1 is still worth playing for the unique setting, good atmosphere, and experiencing the story - if you've played through G1 you will enjoy G2 a lot more than if you start with G2

Both Gothic 2 and Witcher 3 are in my Top 10 favorite games of all time unironically

literally fucking how?

>tfw Gothic 3 is okay at best Arcania is fucking atrocious Risen 1 is just Gothic 2 again and Risen 2 and 3 are fucking terrible

>Risen 1 is just Gothic 2 again

What? Risen doesn't even come close to Gothic 2.

NOTR made everything too easy

That monastery is so comfy.

ah, baiting I see

I mean it's basically a retread of Gothic 2 with the factions

There's a fucking monastery in the game where you do novice shit

Here. Let me fix that screenshot for you, OP. You got a picture of a wrong game.

why does morrowind look like vomit inducing garbage compared to Gothic? Both games came out in 2002

Watch the skies

>I had problems with stone guardians the post

>Enemy gets sliced 3-4 times
>Enemy swing and fucking one-shots you

So, New Vegas thread then?

pretty much everything in gothic one-two shots you

>you'll never experience playing the Fire Mage path for the first time ever again

Gothic 2

what mod?

>any free houses for me?
>there is this guy and no one likes him, go kick his ass
>alright, that's the quest for my level
>unable to even deal melee damage unless crits

it changes right after you get just strong enough to damage through their armor, and get proper combat animations

>Risen 1

Morrowind? Baldur's Gate 2?

playing as Fire Mage was hard at the beginning but absolutely broken later

Expecting FNV, im so dissapointed op.

NV was great, but there was this one little bit better game in series

new vegas is overrated as fuck

>cast three firestorms at once
>everything around is dead, city is saved, quest is completed, hero walks among dead bodies of people he just freed

this thread again