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Go be chuuni somewhere else
Didn't Nasu say they'd both end up dying if they ever fought each other?
I think he said shiki would kill emiya if they both fought at their peak.
You are like a little baby.
Shiki would die cutting Emiya or a maybe a traced weapon.
They both die is what Nasu said, don't remember why though.
He also said that Shiki's brain would melt and kill Shiki from trying to kill Shirou's projections repeatedly.
To be precise. He said that Shiki will win if we ignore what will happen to his brain after the battle is over. Basically Shiki wins but it'll cost him.
Yep, still cringe worthy.
Is Nasu a hack?
How is this game? It looks like a fate skinned Dynasty warriors which I'm totally okay with. But how does it hold up as a warriors game?
It's pretty good as far as Musou's are concerned, the Characters feel different enough to b enjoyable. You have an actual risk of having zones taken over with how fast they get invaded.
Just be ready for 20 minutes of Fanservice and Nasu Chuuni speak after every Mission in story mode.
Unfortunately it doesn't have much staying power maybe a good 20h. It ain't no Gundam Musou 2 with its hundred hour Mission mode.
Literally the only reason to get Extella.
You'd have to have braindamage to like any Fate girls.
Holds up pretty well. First of all, it's fun. It has less content than your average musou, but the huge story makes up for it (although you have to play Fate/Extra to fully enjoy it). The characters are also really good, and every one of them has their own little side stories, which is nice. For a Fatefag, it's definitely worth the asking price.
And Nero is the Miracle of the Universe.
>The characters are also really good, and every one of them has their own little side stories
Little being the key word. 3 mission with maybe 1-2 paragraphs worth of actual dialogue throughout all the missions.
Some of the best moments of Fate is Servant bants but Extella is 80% Waifu bait and 20% bants.
10% of said bants is between the 3 main girls. The side Servants get shafted so hard other then Gilgamesh and to a small extent Emiya.
Waifushit was a mistake
They're short but enjoyable in their own way. Of course the most important part of the game is romance but the same can be said about every Fate game ever.
Nero is shit and you're shit.
I'm sorry you couldn't handle the brilliance of a true Roman emperor.
>important part of the game is romance but the same can be said about every Fate game ever.
I'm pretty sure F/SN was about autism and cooking.
Best boy.
>Greatest glutton in history
>None of the Round Table can cook worth a damn
Truly she suffered the most out of all the servants.
Defenseless anuses were a big part of it, especially in Hollow Ataraxia.
You can have waifus without ruining your franchise by focusing only on them
Wada is truly amazing, the entirety of Extella was drawn perfectly. Compared to her, Takeuchi is a fucking disgrace.
You will bow before your Saber god and you will like it
This design was really fucking retarded. Nero's design was iffy to start with and this is just overkill
He said that if all physical restrictions and limitations are ignored and each fights to the fullest degree of their power then Shiki would likely win.
Then he said that that situation would never come about as Shiki's brain turning to mush at trying to see even the slightest line or dot on a magical item would mean that Shiki would die or at least be fucked up completely very quickly into the fight.
So, reality: Shirou wins
Hypothetical full power/no limitations situation: Shiki wins
Is Cu Chulainn's original F/SN outfit in the game, I hate the Tron spandex.
>being a contrarian faggot
Also, Proto-Cu as DLC
>better than Takeuchi
Holy shit taste batman
It's supposed to be ridiculous, she literally became the God-Emperor of Love for fucks sake. Besides, look at that tummy. It's beautiful.
No, he has the right idea. The only good characters in Fate are males. They have a great variety of stories and interesting personal tragedies. All you see from females is either annoying tsundere, totally not yandere or Saber face copypasted ad infinitum. Kotomine Kirei and his character alone is millions of times more interesting than anything listed. In fact he's interesting enough to deserve his own novel.
You mean you. And no, your taste is shit you contrarian faggot.
>can't stand a difference in opinions
>has to bust out samefag accusations
Nice intellectual surrender, chum.
Im right about the samefag point though, bub.
You're not right about anything, waste of air.
>getting this defensive
>still the only person to reply
Ok, bub.
He's right though. Nero and Tamamo are shitty waifubait. Altera is alright.
Can't we just like characters on both sides?
Sakura a shit though.
Again, nice try samefag.
>this desperate
Didn't ryougi kill magic shit? thought they had the same crap
Takeuchi was not perfect to begin with, but he managed to get worse as time went on. Sure, his art became all smooth and colorful, but his characters now all look exactly the same. Takeuchi simply has no talent as an artist - he's good at designing characters, but certainly not drawing them.
Wada, on the other hand, made significant progress since Extra, and her work on Extella is really fucking good.
Nero was a mistake
>Altera is alright
Altera interaction is brought down by her Master, because he has Shirou level autism.
Physical interaction scenes with Titan Altera are the best part of the story.
>samefaggotry is painfully obvious
>still trying this hard
>posters go up every time
Sure thing you autist. I bet you're a Nerofag too.
once you create perfection there's no reason to create anything else.
You'd cry wolf even if seven people responded to your post at the same time. Sad is that you still haven't killed yourself.
>the character designs in extella
>look good
Altera is the only good looking design. The others are horrible. You can tell how inferior he is whenever you see a sprite he has done of of one of Takeuchi's original characters
why are there so many sabers
There are no alliances in the waifu wars
>still this angry about being outed
user, I'd be less worried about what I do to myself and more worried about you giving yourself an aneurysm. This is just unsightly now.
I'm not angry, I just think you're a pathetic creature that should be put down for the good of everyone, yourself first of all.
because it just prints M O N E Y
>1 Saber = good
>10 x Saber = 10 x good
So simple, even Archimedes could make Liz do it.
>Altera is the only good looking design
Altera was the only character in the game not designed by Takeuchi.
>You can tell how inferior he is whenever you see a sprite he has done of of one of Takeuchi's original characters
Like Artoria? I'd say Wada's Artoria looks much better than some of Takeuchi's latest works.
There's only one worth a damn
>Altera is the only good looking design
Altera reminds me of candy.
Because Fate is all about japanese schoolboys getting to dick hot blonde magical foreign girls.
See also: Tsukihime.
Takeuchi doesn't do coloring btw. Koyama does it for him.
Explain further
Her tricolor motif and the way the sword bends reminds me of gum. That was the first thing that came to mind when I first saw her.
>your options in Extraverse are an overwanked, obnoxious, used up whore and a vindictive, hypocritical bitch
>the most popular girls in Fateverse are a generic tsundere and fucking Saber
I know they make your peepee feel funny user, but that does not make them good.
.....I like Mashu.
Literally Harry Potter of anime. With a equally retarded fanbase.
10 points to (you)!
I thought LWA was Harry Potter
Fuck Liz, she's literally Shinji in a dress.
I thought it was Negima?
Except Shinji in this universe is a 10 year old boy. And Liz never raped anyone. (at least this version of Liz, unless you count her singing)
>Except Shinji in this universe is a 10 year old boy
Yeah, I know. He's also ded.
>And Liz never raped anyone
She did FAR worse things.
I like Rin because she's flawed but competent, and generally not an aggressive tsundere. But I agree that male characters in Fate are a lot more developed than the girls.
>Tfw was already a Nerofag after Extra, indifferent to Tamomo
>Extella made me fucking hate Tamomo
>Made Nero look even better by comparison, now an even bigger Nerofag
Tamomo is for skinning and fur coats. She is irritating as fuck in Extella, couldn't based Terrorism Shirou have been part of the Nero and Alteria trio instead?
Feels good to be a saberfag
I know that feel. Extella didn't make me hate Tamamo, but it made me fall in love with Nero all over again. She is too fucking perfect.
That's really just plain wrong unless you're only counting the Extra series
The discussion was about Tohno, not Ryougi.
How do you claim the Nero bride Pre-order bonus?
>English release doesn't get the pre-order dresses for Nero and Saber
>Bride dress no longer available
>No pre-order costumes either
Check the download list.
If you mean the JP version, then you should have a code to enter on the store.
It's only available if you pre-ordered the digital version. Should've been downloaded and installed along with the game, check the outfits in My Room.
>the side servants you can switch to are all hysterically stronger than the main 3 girls yet still follow them
Game would have been a thousand times better if the main characters were EMIYA, Gil, and Karna prove me wrong
Karna doesn't lead. He's a follower and he's the best at what he does.
Why is this game so bad? Half the characters feel like ass (Gawain, Tamamo) to play. The game has really shitty character models for some reason as well. Gawain's head looks really bad in particular.
Also extella moves are the most boring thing on the planet yet the game practically revolves around them. Would it have been so hard to think of a gimmick button for every character to map to O?
Literally can't, the longer I play this game the more I cry inside that half the game is waifupandering crap for Nero and Tamamo. Wish tamamo would just die already.
Will they port CCC now?
>Wish tamamo would just die already.
So much this.
>Half the characters feel like ass
Lu Bu is pretty awful he literally feels like budget-indie Dynasty Warriors Lu Bu.
The biggest problem is that there is only waifu pandering routes, if one or two of the routes were lead by a character who actually has a character it wouldn't feel like such a drudge.
Why is her model so ugly compared to her sprite art, it's just jarring to have them side by side like that.
Shiki is about as chuuni as they come, only he's not self-aware about it.
>no demand
They might, in a couple of years.
>Jeanne is slow as fuck
I like using her though.
Emiya exhausts his mana and Shiki kills him but the sheer number of swords he kills overloads his brain and he dies right after.
All the character that are fast feel good but the slower the character the worse they feel. Slow characters don't have enough "OOOMPH" to them to make them feel good.
Emiya and all the Sabers feel really great to use with Emiya making me wish we could have a DMC style game with him as lead.
Gilgamesh can feel a bit iffy at times but hes the best you can really make him without completely changing how he fights.
the "lasers" that Karna and Cu have fuck with the Camera and last 2-3 seconds need to fuck off or be sped up with the camera fuckery removed. But otherwise they are both fine with Karna feeling a bit slow at times.
I didn't enjoy Iskander but I never bothered to get him to 25, he needs to be always riding a horse or something hes just kind of bland feeling to me.
Gawain is the most awkward shit ever, half his moves make him dash a million miles and the other halve have him stand still for 2-4 seconds.
>the only requirement for being an Archer is having a non-magic, non-spear projectile
So would someone summoned from the far future with a laser gun count as an Archer?