>World of Goo
>Little Inferno
>Human Resource Machine
Confirmed for launch
Sony btfo
>World of Goo
>Little Inferno
>Human Resource Machine
Confirmed for launch
Sony btfo
But those are all on PC
my ass
>More garbage indie shit that already released on literally every other platform years ago
Nobody fucking cares
I-I care..
Weren't all of these on the Wii U already?
>World of Goo
What is this, 2008?
kek this so much
The shitty indie games of 8 years ago....today!
It also has Cave Story!
How can other consoles compete with such exclusive and fresh lineup?
You could get it on the friggin' Wii in 2008.
I'm buying 10.
>all these sonyggers complaining Nintendo doesn't get 3rd party or indies
>suddenly shitposts when it gets games other platforms have up to standard
Fucking nyggers need to go back to neogaf or fuck off, holy shit you guys are cancer incarnate
>Botw, port
>Binding of Issac, port
>I am Setsuna, port
>Just dance 2017,port
>1,2 switch, new game
>Bomberman, "new game"
>Skylanders, port
>World of goo, port
>Little inferno, port
>HRM, port
What a great launch
assmad 4life
pretty much this.
this just looks a bit sad at this point.
Are these literal Iphone games because they look like it
theyre interactive wallpapers they all suck
Spotted the sonygger
Does the Switch have a single 3rd party game that isn't 3-5 years old?
>"i eat shit you don't HAHAHAHA"
>why eould you do that
>"cause i can and yet you don't lol now brb gonna go get BLACKED and CŮCKED"
>ok sonygger
I enjoyed world of goo ost
Can anyone post some music?
>Have played through World of Goo on like 4 different systems now
>Still not tired of it
It's just that good. Little Inferno not so much, and HRM is not a good game unless you like logic systems, which most console users do not.
Not Chrono Trigger getting a day 1 release is pretty clever from Squeenix.
I don't think there's any JRPG competition and plenty of folks probably ignored the PC/Sony release since it was a busy time.
I Am Setsuna is only a year old. ;)
I think they are shitposting that you don't get anything really recent, World Of Goo has a special place in my heart but it's from 2008, mate.
Wasnt it Nintendo fans making fun of indie games and ports?
Guess its okay when Nintendo does it.
What's wrong with porting old games to newer systems?
Its following the Wii U lifecycle.
The Switch is not even out.
80 games in development baby, told you Switch will have a robust library that will kill PS4!
>World of Goo
>little inferno
>human resurce machine
>12 Switch
Look at that lineup, MMM
>tfw will play World of Goo in 720p on a 2 hour battery life handheld
Feels good to not be a sonygger
dont you mean isnt for 3-5 years olds
It can't follow its lifecycle because the thing isn't even alive yet.
>World of Goo
>Little Inferno
>Human Resource Machine
2.5*. The .5 part is very important fellow Nintendofan
Dead on arrival.
>Implying games like world of good won't last the full 6 hours.
Either way these weak indie titles won't do. I'm hoping for more launch reveals during February.
>>More garbage indie shit
You really push the stereotype of the sonygger that only buy AAA because it's AAA.
These will be $10 each at most
I don't give a shit about those games, but honestly getting a lot of these smaller games on Switch is not a bad thing. It certainly seems like a good system to play platformers or games like Isaac on.
>I'm hoping for more launch reveals during February.
I don't see that happening. If Nintendo had anything more to offer right now, they would've shown it.
What a pile of trash
Mario party.gif
finally ports
yeah nintendo fans would do it in vita threads all the time
list the other 75 faggot
>Make fun of any console that gets ports and call them out as "NO GAMES! AHA XD!"
>Get ports of indie games from 2008
>"Woah, time to Switch™ it up!"
Niggas be trippin'
>world of goo
>bomberman R
70 of them will be more ports of old games little nigger.
so you don't know shit, got it
>2 Fast 4 Gnomz
>The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
>Audio Hero
>Untitled Derby Stallion game
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>Farming Simulator 18
>Untitled FIFA game
>Just Dance 2017
>Lego City Undercover
>Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure
>Minecraft: Switch Edition
>NBA 2K18
>Ohayou! Beginner's Japanese
>Skylanders: Imaginators
>Snipperclips - Cut it Out, Together!
>Stardew Valley
>SteamWorld Project 2017 (tentative)
>Syberia 3
>Tank It!
>Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
>Zombie Vikings
Can't wait for all these hits.
Anyone who believed the 80 games would be things like DMC 5 or Persona 5 is delusional.
Why are indie's sending their games out to die.
Do they honestly thing they can compete with a new Zelda? There's a reason Fast RMX, Has Been Heroes, Shovel Knight, etc, aren't releasing day one. No one can fucking compete.
Literally what?
The thought of having only one game on a launch console is bad to me.
I'm getting this for Zelda but my other family members would prefer easier and simpler fun games.
I don't think 1 2 switch fills that role since its just trash.
>not liking indie garbage means you like AAA shit
Not everything is in black and white, Nintenbabby.
i want a little inferno update with new stuff to burn. or modsupport / workshop support.
I can't wait to play world of goo for the billionth time.
I'm buying world of goo again then
>>Botw, port
>when you have to reach on your first example
I played World of Goo on Wii years ago. Now Nintendo want me to spend $300+ to buy it again for Switch?
Nothing will last 6 hours on Switch, user.
Can't wait for the fanboy tears when the tech reviews come out.
But now you can do it ON THE GO!
And I mean right now, on your phone.
>yfw not a sonygger or Anthony Burch