So how trustworthy are sites like g2a, cdykeys, and greenman?

So how trustworthy are sites like g2a, cdykeys, and greenman?

Only used g2a once for DLC.

bought a dozen keys from G2A, no problem.
there is a reason why all big streamers are their partners. it's not shady.

It's trustworthy for the consumer. It's the source of the keys that people sometimes consider shady.

how is selling stolen keys not shady

greenman has given me no problems ever

Greenman is legit, the rest not so much

But if it's a bad source, can't you have your game removed? I wanted to buy some special edition for a game, but it's $50, I don't wanna play for a bit and have it removed.

Trustworthy. Greenman is literally no different then something like Steam. I can't speak for cdykeys but on g2a as long as you stick to high reviewed sellers you will have positive experiences.

Can you be cheated? Yes. I bought a key without G2A Pay and the game had been taken from me due to purchase via stolen credit card originally. So what happened? I contacted them, they gave the seller ten-fifteen days to respond. He didn't, I got my money back.

It's all good.

Because its dirt cheap and if the key gets fucked aend an email and get another

I've bought a lot from cdkeys and haven't had any problems. I have a friend who had to send proof of identity for some reason though.