When will he return?

When will he return?

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Captain price was funnier in the WW2 games

He became some sort of chuck norris wannabe in the modern warfare games

He was the ultimate bad ass.

This speech gave me chills. This was the last good call of duty.


man, i got chills too. i should replay MW2

The better question is; When will MacGregor return?

>MacTavish wants to talk about the detail of an operation
>Price suddenly starts rambling out of the blue

Knowing the current series, probably as a multiplayer skin, without personal lines.

I still dont get it
are they actually the same person or just happen to be another person with the same name and voice actor?
I mean how old is he in Cod4 if he was already old enough to fight in WW2?

It's a meme you dip. The games exist in different universes or something. You can also pretend they're related.

its just the same name and voice actor

Climbing the ice
The airport scene
That favela chase
I still cry when Ghost dies

>you cheat dead again comrade

(old) Infinite Ward once said that the only reason they put Price in COD4 was because they wanted to make a "mascot" of COD in general.
In the canon, MW!Price is a decendant of Classic!Price.

They already did that in Ghosts I think

How the fuck do you manage to screw up a link so bad?

Bloody hell, you are right.

>tactical dildo barrel extension for quick insertion

Oi! Suzie!
>And that's how Price molested the whole cast of CoD Ghosts.

Surely, you cant be serious

I wish.

I'm serious and don't call me shirley.

somebody finally remembers

I know Sup Forums isn't exactly the best place to ask this, but how is IW? I haven't touched the series since BLOPS 3.

Soap was the realest OG.

Common opinion is:
Sigleplayer is good enough.
Multiplayer suck dick.
Zombies is up to you.
>I miss the co-op missions in MW2.

Slightly better than Ghosts but worse than BO3. MWR is the only redeeming part.

He's immortal.

- Campaign was surprisingly great. First CoD campaign i genuinely enjoyed since MW2.
- Zombies is pretty fucking good, better than Blops 2 and 3 if you ask me.
- Multiplayer is shit like every CoD after Blops1.

>haven't touched the series since BLOPS 3
So last year? kek

I didn't enjoy how linear the campaign was but then again I haven't played any campaign after WaW
I hated the theme of Zombies, pretty bad compared to BO or WaW
Multiplayer was kind of fun, only got 10 hours in it or something

Multiplayer keeps finding new ways to get even worse. Some guns in the game are beyond broken. Also, Activision has went full jew with their supply crate shit, it's borderline p2w. Campaign is good and zombies is always a blast l.

Campaign is mediocre, story is meh, guns feel bland and enemies take way too many bullets to die, while they don't really represent any danger. Some levels are nice and floating in space is well done, too bad it's not used more. Also surprisingly fun spaceship missions.

MP is shit.

Zombies are okay I guess, nothing new but the setting is at least interesting.

Worth buying for CoD 4 remaster, at least before they ruin it even more with supply drop faggotry.

>Also surprisingly fun spaceship missions.
We are living a era where Call of Duty made space combat more fun than Star Fox Zero, No Man's Sky and Battlefront.

I was suprised how well they were made after the shitty attempts in BO2 and AW

it's not exactly Ace Combat but it's something

In the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019 video game) reboot.

the fuck kind of link is that?

Reznov is where it's at.