Tales of Berseria or Gravity Rush 2?

Brunette or blonde? I can´t only choose one game

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or Yakuza 0

Berseria is censored and Gravity Rush 2 is just a shitty gimmick game. Get Yakuza 0 instead.


Seconding this

Both are very good so whichever takes your fancy.

Do you want a pretty heavy going storyline about relentless revenge or a chill game about falling everywhere?


Shill pls

Getting Berseria on PC bc it's 35€ and then ill get Kat when\if the price drops.

Who has the better costumes?

Tales, GR2 is ugly MC shitter

Gravity rush 2 easy one

Gravity Rush 2 by far.

Don't buy censored shit until it's on sale.

both feminist garbage, I would look to Yakuza 0 if you want to be a real man.

Buy my game, user! You don't want me to go hungry and live in a sewer for the rest of my life, do you?

this, you don't wanna play as a nigger do you tc

Shut up uggo, you fugly.

how is this even a question. berseria is just childish edgelord trash whereas gravity rush is one of the most innovative, and graphically pretty, games of its time

Berseria if you are a tales fan.
Gravity Rush if you like good games.

>muh innovative
On a scale of 9 to 10 how big of a hipster sjw cuck are you

GR2, but ideally Yakuza 0

Gravity Rush 2

Berseria has:
>better gameplay
>better art direction (besides dungeons)
>better script
>better storytelling
>better music

"Muh grafix" - you are the cancer killing Sup Forums.

>censoring a cutscene by making it more violent
what did he mean by this?

>>better art direction (besides dungeons)


also generic JRPG buttrock is trash. get better taste

>>better music

>better art direction (besides dungeons)
>better script
>better storytelling
>better music
This is completely bullshit.

>i like it playing the same childish anime games over and over again

On a scale of 9 to 10 how big of a maladjusted, foul smelling, virginal alt rightist are you?

In what fucking world does Berseria have better art direction or music than Gravity Rush?

It may be "more violent" in your opinion but the anime light show death is far less thematic than the original scene and completely ruins a sort of poetic justice moment later on. So yeah, it's shit.

Gravity Rush 2 is actually a unique game like non other (other than it's 1st game) but still
Tales of Berseria, i'm not so sure how different it is from the previous, but it's probably still similar. it could be good, but most Bamco games go down in price pretty quick compared to other games so you shouldn't be in any rush to play for Berseria since there's games like it and it'll probably go down in price in the next 6 months at most
also other games -
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 - if you already played 3D you have no reason to buy 2.8 at full price honestly, wait for a price drop
Yakuza 0 - it would be great to support this series since it doesn't come out in the west often, it's actually pretty long, but if it was between Gravity Rush 2, i choose Gravity Rush
Resident Evil 7 - if you don't have VR you probably should wait for a price drop, it just seems like a game better for that and i hear it's pretty short


fuck you waifushit

Tales of Berseria is a jRPG with great gameplay and a great story. The game is also around 60 hours long so it's a good bang for your buck.

I only played the first GR but while the gameplay was very creative, the game was too short and the story didn't leave a mark on me. Great visual direction and music though.

I guess they're both good entries. It all comes down to your preferences.

It's more appropriate because the kid looks like that he's murdered by using magical shit.

Velvet > Kat

What the fuck are you even trying to say? How is it more appropriate when it ruins later scenes?

Do I get tales for PC or ps4? also has anyone used instant-gaming.com before? its 30% off.

both of them are qt patooties

Get the one that is on PC for the best performance.

Tales art style is gross though.

>it's pretty so it's better

sony in a nutshell

Better script and better storytelling is true, music and art direction is wrong.

Berseria has one of th

>a Tales game that finally raised the series bar from shit to mediocre after so many years or a solid sequel to a good game
Gee, I dunno.

nah, kat is gross

You mean after 1 year? They taught you how to count in school right?

>any year

When will this semen slurping franchise die?

which one will price drop first?

t. EOP

Xillia's six years old.

Equal chances I would say. It's probably better to hold off on Berseria because they're doing that dumb bullshit where they release costume DLC weekly instead of all at once. It's what made me hold off from a day 1 purchase atleast.

GR2 will go on sale a few times, but Berseria will quickly drop like a rock. All recent Tales do.

Get Tales of Vesperia, it's in English now.

So sassy

Daily reminder that when people say the game is censored they mean literally one scene that was changed from a physical death to a magical one of a kid to apparently avoid the mature rating.

Wow i'd never thought I'd say this but vesperia aged. Cell shading is beautiful but those polygons mang... just doesn't live up to berseria models.

>Get Tales of Vesperia
That or anything prior to it
True, but gameplay is what matters

The game is close to a decade old what did you expect?

Berserk is a shitty ps3 game

Ehhhh the stylized Tales models tend to look better than the "realistic" ones with wonky mocap. Except for Legendia, those waddling characters looked terrible.

Is it possible to get this running on the latest PS3 firmware?

Do you even need to ask?
You played one Tales Of, you played all of them.

At least there's nothing like GravityRush.

tales of games are never worth the full price unless your a die hard fan of the series. after i played xillia 2, i knew i was done with the series. get gravity rush 2 instead. the game didn't get censored and were getting free dlc in march. the gameplay is fun, music isn't edgy and comfy and the environments are great. the art style is 4x better than whatever tales games.

>better music

GR2 is god tier. Has actual orchestral music with Sony's $$$ and is composed by Kohei Tanaka, who also did Gunbuster/Diebuster. I know your post is bait but still, fuck off.
This isn't even ALLOWED to be up for consideration.

This one is particular gives me End Of Evangelion vibes, chills to the spine 38 seconds in.

Really? I honestly think the new models look terrible because of the lack of cell shading. I can't even see any glaringly noticeable polygons in that screenshot but I can easily pick them out on the newer models.

Don't choose the nigger

>You played one Tales Of, you played all of them.
No, you really haven't. In this case if you played Zestiria I would assume it's similar to that, but it's certainly different from any of the older games.

honestly, that track and the track in the middle-class area with all the markets i find super repetitive and grating.

other than those 2, i completely agree with you


>one scene
Nobody believes this. They've lied once already.

>want to talk about how cute Velvet was in the prologue
>Berseria threads get deleted because of shitposters
This is suffering.

why can;t I access dlc costumes for berseria? is anyone else having the same problem.

Except that is literally the PC arguement you dumb faggot

Leave it to Sup Forums to just take one thing about a game and absolutely and utterly run it into the ground entirely and drown out all other topics of conversation. I wouldn't call it suffering but it's literally all but impossible these days to have a decent thread about anything before shitposters decent on it to beat the same tired drums about shit almost nobody really cares about to the inaction of mods. You literally can't even just discuss something as innocuous as the waifu characters anymore because apparently even that is asking too much and just leads to somebody trying to shitpost you about why "your waifu is a shit". You can either ignore it and just have no conversation period or take the bad and have a really mind numbing one that goes in circles. Lose/Lose. Amazingly you're almost just better off going to Gamefaqs or something where there's plenty of stupid obnoxious people but you at least have a shot in the dark of not having all your threads shitposted to death.

It's probably going to calm down when people will realize Berseria really is a good game.

Feel free to leave. Being this asshurt about a Mongolian ecchi sketch board can't be healthy for you.

I don't think things like potential general community consensus opinions actually matter to shitposters when their whole goal is to grief people. The tactic in that case is just to call it the opinion "casuals and normies" which in shitpost speak immediately renders said position irrelevant and calls other shitposters to pile in on the exchange.

Granted as soon as a shitposter busts that at this point classic crap out they're made and I can just ignore them from that point on for what they are but other people get baited incredibly easily into their shitposting regimens and cycles.

I doubt they will calm down anytime in the near future.

Oh and don't forget calling you butthurt and mad too no matter what it is you're actually saying. That's also shitposting 101.

am not a shitposter but you have to wait when a game is irreverent/forgotten or fallen to obscurity to get a minor cult discussion with a few people. most people in this board don't buy games at $64.99 so they want to shitpost and prevent themselves getting spoiled in real discussions. There a lot of phonies on this board who pretend to act as if they played the game while they just watched a videos of their favorite lets players to gain a half ass understanding a the game without actually playing it.

It's amazing how many people still feel like they have to reply to that kind of shit. It's like they think they can "win" when the argument is meaningless to the shitposter in the first place.

If they don't "calm down" for any other game then there's no reason this one is going to be any different. "calming down" usually just means something else new and bigger comes along that is a more immediate thing to shitpost but even then some stuff still gets mileage for years and as soon as you bring it up again they'll remember exactly what it is they're supposed to shitpost and get right back to it. For this game it will forever and always be the "censorship" thing. For Zestiria it will forever and always be false flagging about Rose vs. Alicia and Hideo Baba. Like they don't even play these games, they just pick the one known controversial thing that everybody is kind of aware of about the game no matter how actually big or small and issue and immediately get to work redirecting the thread regardless of where the topic was heading before and people either take the bait or false/samefag back at them every single solitary time.

Yeah no, that's average at best and no "Sony $$$" will improve the composition. Velvet's theme didn't have to rely on basic arpeggio rhythms to get its points across. youtube.com/watch?v=vkwZEsGho40

No there is no 'winning" against shitposters. There's no actual argument taking place that's the thing, they're just trying to troll you, a fanbase and/or a thread. That's where the whole "moving the goalposts" sub-meme and archived behavior of flip flopping opinions within the same thread just to keep an exchange and troll going come from.

Implying you can "win" an exchange with a shitposter is deluding yourself to thinking there's actually an ongoing dialogue and exchange of ideas and opinion in the first place when typically they've never actually played the game or watched the thing for themselves and are just cold reading you for further material to work away at you and the thread with.

so which one of you did this?

All you did was say what I just did with more words, user.

Your best bet is to strategically make a thread while some other major "controversial" game is coming out that you know will attract all the shitposters. For example right now a solid strategy would be to make threads on weeks where things like Horizon: Zero Dawn, Persona 5, the Switch+BoTW and the like come out respectively where the conversations will all be about the graphical quality, waifu wars and the voice acting/Zelda's appearance respectively. Hell this week might even not be a bad one to make threads for stuff (just not for this game cause it has baggage for days for shitposters to work from) cause RE:7, KH 2.8, Yakuza 0 and to a minor extent Gravity Rush 2 all drop within the same stretch. Just literally good luck getting anything decent going for any thread relating to any of those games with the possible exception of Gravity Rush for about the next 4 months.

Yeah it's called building upon an idea. I hope this doesn't threaten you somehow because if it does you're probably a shitposter and I'm about to find out by your next reply.

I got my copy, I wish I had a PS4 to play it on.

>tfw couldn't didn't get a chance to preorder a collector's edition and now scalpers are selling them for $220+
I hope all scalpers get scalped and burn in hell for all of eternity.

>implying any talesfag could get that fair with a woman

Ohhhh yeah, dat GarageBand™ QUALITY, the non-existant range and fake instruments are very soothing to my ears