Decided to get a PS2 and get games I missed back then.
Am I doing good?
What else do should I get Sup Forums?
Decided to get a PS2 and get games I missed back then.
Am I doing good?
What else do should I get Sup Forums?
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No recommendations, Sup Forums??
Yakuza 1
SMT Nocturne
TimeSplitters 2 is an essential, OP.
God Hand
Good taste
Steambot Chronicles
Valkyrie Profile 2
Persona 3&4
play the bottom game on GameCube
buy Devil May Cry, GTA3, and Gradius V
buy Siren and Silent Hills
Gitaroo Man
Also if you have a Wii or gamecube dont play the PS2 version of Killer7,its pretty bad.
ghost in the shell. It's good
God Hand
The Warriors
Dark Cloud 2
Ape Escape 3
Phantom Brave
Steambot Chronicles
Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Fatal Frame III: The Tormented
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
Naval Ops: Warship Gunner 2
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
>Crimson Tears
It's a beat em up/roguelike hybrid. Recommending since you have Baroque.
>Persona 3 FES/Persona 4
Self-explanatory. 2 of the best JRPGs on PS2
>Clock Tower 3/Haunting Ground
I haven't played HG myself, but CT3 was pretty good. Tense and creepy.
>Fatal Frame series
I've only played 1, but I've heard FF2 was the best/scariest.
Way of the Samurai
I played Baroque, but I really don't know why people like it. Care to explain?
How about Onimusha?
If you like FPS games.
TimeSplitters2 if you can handle the controls, Future Perfect if you can't.
It's not an innovative game, just a solid fps.
Same here.
>tfw yurop boxart
>Area 51
But why ?
Midway gave the game for free on PC years ago.
I'm getting this in the post. What am I in for.
I've always wondered, a lot of people always shit on Persona3&4, yet there also seems to be a lot of people to recommend it. I feel like a lot of people are ashamed for liking them.
Light hearted exploration fun. Car football.
The music isn't very good.
Good taste
Also try to play Killer7 on Gamecube, it runs better
If you have a PC you can try and emulate it
obviously there's racing involved too.
Ive always been a consolefag, plus I just like physical games. It actually makes me feel like I *own* them
It's okay then, i played Killer7 on the PS2 too and it's fine
Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions
Celebrity Deathmatch
Charlie's Angels
Final Fantasy XI
get 007 agent under fire, a blank DVD-R, and a cheap flash drive. then follow the instructions to install freemcboot.
then you can play whatever you want, even if you're a collectorfag you'll still want to softmod it so you can backup ps1/ps2 saves via USB.
Surprised to see anybody actively pick that up and then ask if he did good. Usually it's people asking if it's any good before considering it, and even those are rare moments.
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance & 2
i bought baroque when it was released it's a good game
I love it, but it's not a game I can easily recommend to anybody. Then again, OP also got Drakengard which are in a similar boat I imagine.
Buy a memory card with freemcboot for $10 on ebay, a network adapter, and an PATA IDE Hard drive. Then pirate all the games with Open PS2 Loader.
These, jak series, sly series, ratchet and clank series, god of war series
>area 51
that's free on PC without an emulator
also, get future perfect
Excellent choice my nigga, it's my GOAT
Go for God Hand next, and also try Mister Mosquito
Dark Cloud 2
Summoner 1 + 2
Beyond Good & Evil
Chaos Legion
Odin Sphere
They're very polarising. A lot of people hate them for being baby's first SMT featuring anime VN. If you're into that though they're great.
OP, get these
>Yakuza 1/2
>Jak games (Be warned that 1 is completely different to the sequels and ignore Lost Frontier)
>Ratchet Games
>Klonoa 2
>Drakengard 2
Why would you subject yourself to that willingly?
I hate persona 3 because you can't control your party.
I know its polarized, but Im open to anything. 99% of the time, I end liking what is considered as such, so I figured why not.
Pac-Man World 2
2 and 3 are some of the best action platformers ever made
Which PS2 did you get?
Fat one is best.
Don't try to buy these because they are going for stupid money, but...
>.hack IMOQ
>.hack GU
^those 6 games are my GOAT with IMOQ ahead of GU.
Just soft mod it. I guarantee you that any used PS2 you get, its disk reader will die within a few months.
If it's chipped and you can play "safety backups" download Final Fantasy X undub. Fucking love it. (alternatively just buy the steam version and patch it) Also, same thing there are improved versions of FFXII that you can play
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Devil may Cry 3
>Beyond Good & Evil
>Katamari Damacy
>Zero/Project Zero/Fatal Frame
>Time Splitters 2
>Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 (play 1 first on an emulator if you can or something)
>Tony Hawk games
>Disgaea (can buy this on pc now too actually)
Those are pretty much the ones I can think of that I enjoyed the most
The GTAs are pretty good too but honestly I would just play them on PC now, some people are really into Resident Evil 4 but to me it was the fucking game that introduced quick time events. I remember I was outraged when a boulder came rolling down a slope and I was getting ready to hop into some hiding spot in the side (as in every video game ever) and instead of letting me control my fucking character it went to a cutscene and said PRESS THIS BUTTON NOW!! I never played it again.
>mfw when the only thing I use my fat PS2 for nowadays is a place to store all my hardcore opiate drugs in the expansion bay
I recently played 4 for the first time and loved it. About 10 hours in on 3.
Lean off the opiates and get on psychedelics.
It improved the quality of my own life, and helped me ease off smack.
I used to do dem psychedelics (shrooms, mostly), but after a while I unfortunately started doing benzo, and then finally opiates (quit the benzo though). Now I'm deep down in the shitriver with fentanyl and shit..
I miss the psychedelic days. ;_;
Why are we talking about this on Sup Forums?
Bumping for PS2 master race.
Bunch of fucking degenerates. Keep that shit to yourself.
>look how perfect I am
Condolences bro... Hey, Sup Forums has a tendency of springboarding weird, off topic convos.
Benzos are a good thing to have knocked off, the anxiety trap, plus the refill-policy makes it so easy to turn yourself in to an apathetic, unstable mess, especially if you roll around the types of people. They'll take advantage of you as soon as you have a weak-spout, and the loss of trust in humanity and yourself makes you want to block that shit out.
Fentanyl can be dealt with, I enjoyed it up until I hated myself for getting clean from H only to end up back at square one, a twitching, sobbing mess who can't stand a day sober and would do almost anything for a fix.
Best advice? Consider the reason your in this mess. How did it end up like this, when did it stop being fun, how do the people around you affect it? I don't know about you, but it started off fun, and when life kept throwing curveballs like death, depression, anxiety, and the rest, it became a necessity to numb and survive.
I got off multiple times, but the last one has stuck for the longest. I just moved away, told the old people I'd hung out, cried with, laughed with, spent a major investment of time getting to know and get fucked up with to get the fuck out and left the whole scene. THe withdrawal will hurt, but the isolation will kill you, so best to try and make new friends and learn a new lesson every time you fall down and not give up hope.
Festivals were one, joining a DnD group helped me meet some "normal" people who were not too judgemental and outcast enough to not look at you funny and enjoy you for the person you are. That's the key, find yourself, what you enjoy, and find people to reaffirm that. The addiction spiral is deepened by the circle of vultures that prey on you, who dare call you a friend.
are you gonna play that on an hdtv?
isnt it gonna input lag out the ass?
I wanna buy a normal Wii but I don't because I'm worried about input lag...
Better than you faggots
I've struggled with addiction to weed and vicodin for the past four years or so but I can't fucking imagine doing heroin or fentanyl. Stay strong my dudes, we can all get through our problems, drug related or not, if we work hard enough.
He's able to function without narcotics. He's posting on Sup Forums so he's far from perfect but he's better than you losers.
Good choice, dude. A real gem.
Ssx 3
I never said that, but I don't talk about my personal garbage on a mandarin basket weaving board.
It's really only a problem on games that require precise inputs like rhythm games or hard action games, for 90% of games it's not too bad. You might notice it a little bit but it's by no means unplayable or bad to play.
Area 51 was a pretty solid game.
Surprisingly long campaign and nice plot twists
But I played on the PC which has the best version
Shadow of the Colossus was good.
This. K7 on PS2 has very bad slowdown. Great game though and the craziest thing Grasshopper and Suda have ever made.
Consider sterilization
>play Area 51 online
>run around with dual shotguns and it was really easy
i played a lot of PS2 games.
what i really want you guys to play (mainly because the games are dirt cheap used) are the Onimusha games.
Onimusha 1-3 are fucking amazing and i consider Onimusha 3 one of the best games on the console.
a lot of really good truly exclusive PS2 games are really expensive for you americans.
things like Yakuza 2, Steambot Chronicles and Haunting Ground, but these games are pretty good, sadly waaay too expensive, especially haunting ground isn't worth that price.
there are a lot of good games i could recommend but i feel like the prices have gone up so much in america that it's often not worth it.
I'm thinking about buying haunting ground
Why would you buy Drakengard 2? Drakengard 1 is nigh indefensible as-is, 2 is dogshit on the pavement.
>DDS2 but not 1
anyway here's my recs
Ace Combat 4, 5, 0
Silent Hill 2 and 3
Spy Fiction
Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2
Katamari Damacy
it's a really great game, but the hiding gameplay is not necessarly something everyone enjoys.
but as far as athmosphere, story and levels go it is fucking great.
>Spy Fiction
my nigga
Killer7's loading times are godawful on the ps2, enjoy
They're not actually that bad