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>running on 3 GB GPUs
impossible, medium is eating up 4 GB VRAM of my R9 390X x
how is a 470 above a fury x?
how a RX 480 is above a a 1070 ?
There was just a 500 post thread about this
In summary no fucking clue, this is a DX11 Nvidia branded game with Gameworks and an official driver release.
AMD hasn't even put out a driver yet.
>DX11 Nvidia branded game with Gameworks and an official driver release
>AMD hasn't even put out a driver yet
Knowing AMD they will put out a driver and magically fuck everything up.
rx 480 confirmed goat
>* Update: Nvidia released a new driver which massively impacts performance. The results have been updated but we'd not be surprized to see something similar happening with AMD drivers. hence the results today remain subjective. The game is incredible hard to measure objectively.
>contact hardening shadows
Meme shit forces like 5 GB for no gains.
at the moment, no games require more than 3 unless you want to play at 4k. Which is a meme resolution anyway.
>nvidia releases new generation of cards
>5 months pass
>only the high end card is still capable of actually running games
i can't believe people actually want to hate AMD so much they fall for shit like novidia
My point is that those benchmarks are phonies.since it says ''Maximum Quality Preset'' which includes those shadows.
>cards can't handle maximum settings
>blames the settings
>My 1070 is slower than the 480
Oh man, that burns, if this keeps up, I'll sell it.
>thinks I'm blaming the settings
Wow, there must be a really low IQ requirement to pass the special ed class bro. The benchmarks are phony because there is no way cards with less than 4 GB can run it maxed out with more than 30 fps.
>Nvidia gimpworks gimping their own cards by accident
The argument that comes back is always that you're a poorfag if you keep a card for any longer than a year, so it doesn't matter that Nvidia cards fall off a cliff.
New drivers will fix it
>390x that was 330$ when it came out which is a slightly higher clocked 290x which came out in 2013 is only 8 fps lower than a 650$ card that came out less than a year ago at 1080p
>Even beats it at 1440p
You cant make this shit up.
I'm gonna sell my 1080 when AMD releases Vega and get that instead.
This game is quite well optimized.
>tfw cheap 470 4gb master race
I'm a poorfag but that doesn't mean I don't still get 120 frames.
>people fell for the 970 meme
>people are currently falling for the 1070 meme
lmao, can't make this up
>tfw fell for the 1060 is better than 480 meme
Don't do it Nvidibro! Nvidia needs its loyal supporters now more then ever! Don't jump the green ship! Sometimes its hard to be a Nvidibro, but you have to be loyal to your brand.
Imagine if this game was in DX12. the 390x would probably destroy the titan x even.
NVIDIA must have really fucked up if this is true.
>m-muh graphics
>frame rate is graphics
>But why were they sieged?
>rx 470 4gb gets 116 fps at 1080p
>gtx 1060 6gb gets 85 fps
Really made me think.
vega ain't even looking to be much better than the 1080. IF it even beats it out, it won't be by much.
They have super even performance on most games m8. The only advantages of a 480 is the 8gb, but that's really not relevant in 1080p.
That and not getting gimped by nvidicuck :^)
Where the fuck is the 970?
>top card is 3x more expensive than the 480 for less than a 50% increase in what I assume is FPS
>Where the fuck is the 970?
RIPing in pieces.
>nvidia just werks™ gaym rdy dr1v3r$
Nvidia is spending more time to perfect their drivers for this game. AMD's drivers produce graphical glitches, overheat graphics card VRMs, and corrupt save files.
Do NOT fall for AMD's lies.
>I bought a 1060
First Nvidia card I bought in like a decade and Nvidia decides to shit the bed.
>pay orders more for only slight benefit!
why does it show rx 460 and 470 at 4gb, but only 8gb for the 480? i have a 4gb 480 so this shit always bothers me
>Just bought a 1070 with a 1440p 144hz gsync monitor
The difference is usually in 5 frames or so
>tfw 1070
>play RE7
>its way above the 60fps so i dont care
>see that RE7 game ready driver released
>install it
>no difference in fps whatsoever
Well aslong as its above 60 fps. Whatever.
>tfw have r9 390x
>barely get decent FPS in games cos old CPU
Let me guess... You have a FX 6300
>by accident
Keep in mind that you can't "max out" the game with less than 4GB of VRAM. The 470 4GB probably stutters a lot unless you turn down shadows and textures.
I don't get the people who say it won't beat out the 1080
This is not a small chip. It's a 1500+mhz 4096 core monster. Even if there are no IPC improvements (like they say there will be), it's still clocked 50% over the Fury X which also has 4096 cores.
is 8gb a meme? or is it going to become more necessary in the future or at higher resolutions?
i7 930
I'm not sure if there's something up with the game, but in the demo I'm getting the exact same performance as I did before with a 980 with the new drivers. Like 120+ fps maxed out with except for textures/shadows set to high to prevent stuttering.
>is 8gb a meme?
It is. You don't need anything more than 6GB of VRAM atm, but I still have 8 on my RX480 just to be on the safe side.
>mfw Phenom 965 and 370 4GB
I've accepted that my old rig is now a console. It kind of hurts though since I went AMD and their CPUs are garbage and now I have to commit myself to a whole new 800 dollar build to be above the high-water mark now.
I don't know if I even care enough anymore.
anyone getting massive fuckin stuttering in this game? I'm talking 10+ second freezes. I've set everything to medium settings and turned off the shadow cache but I don't understand how this game can eat up all 3gb of my vram and 8gb of my pagefile at low settings even
r9 280x here with i5 4460k
You need $600 max, if you have a keyboard+mouse+speakers, a monitor, a case and an OS.
>I've accepted that my old rig is now a console
That rig was a console when you built it.
Why would you go for the 370? It's arguably worse than the old 270.
It is worse, they made the 270X the 370X and the 265 the 370
Previously the 270 was just a 270X missing a power pin and clocked lower
I went for a 370 because it was a cheap as fuck upgrade from my 6850 that doubled performance and more than doubled vram.
I built this thing in 2012.
This whole post is a fucking meme ya dip
There was no 370 in 2012
I'm sorry I have to bullet point basic reading comprehension but hopefully you figure things out from here. Otherwise I need to get a tutor for you.
Come on m8, reading comprehension.
>>I went for a 370 because it was a cheap as fuck upgrade from my 6850 that doubled performance and more than doubled vram.
Should've gone for a 380x or gotten a cheap 280x on ebay.
The 280x is still a beast of a GPU really.
You know the 370 is a rebranded 265 which is a rebranded 7850 right
You could've bought the same card in 2012, the year the 7850 released
Jesus Tyrone. What are you doing?
>my card (290) isnt even tested any more
>the 4GB 470 almost outperforms the 8GB 1070
>tfw only have a 60hz monitor anyway
its like i upgraded at the perfect time kek
>The 280x is still a beast of a GPU really.
I can confirm. That's what I have, and when I overclock it, it performs about as well as a RX 480 in benchmarks, but most of the time I don't even need to overclock it. Hell, often I end up underclocking it to cool it down, and I can still run most games at 75 fps.
390 is a 290 with 8gb of VRAM and I think 50mhz higher clocks
At the time it was around 200 or more dollars. The 370 was a solid 100.
>You know the 370 is a rebranded 265 which is a rebranded 7850 right
Yes. The 370 outperformed a 7850 which doubled performance from a 6850. I understand all of these things you people are lecturing me on.
My primary point is that AMD has no real alternative to the Phenom 965 that I'd like to "upgrade" to so I'm stuck with buying a whole new mobo for Intel. That was my point. Not the cheap video card upgrade.
Price for performance the 370 was dirt cheap for what I had.
No as in the fucking 370 and 7850 have the same god damn chip
>it performs about as well as a RX 480 in benchmarks
I wouldn't go that far, but it is a damn good GPU.
I upgraded from a 280x to a Fury so I could give it to my sister for her newest build, but even up to mid-late 2016 I was playing games on high at 1440p and could easily hit 60 FPS.
>At the time it was around 200 or more dollars.
It would've been worth it.
Also, 280xs were going for sub-$180 in late 2014/early 2015 on ebay.
I got mine for $185 new.
>AMD optimized games run better on AMD hardware
How good is the GTX 750ti?
so a 290x with a slightly higher clock? no thanks m8
Again, it's a Nvidia branded DX11 Gameworks game with an official Nvidia release driver.
And AMD hasn't made a release driver for it yet
The 370 is clocked a bit higher though.
The idea is your card is still being benched pretty much.
Doesn't fucking matter they hit the same clockspeed when you overclock them.
>And AMD hasn't made a release driver for it yet
the latest amd driver provides support for re7.
oh oh
sorry im retarded
I built my PC back in 2010~
I upgraded my GPU recently
Pre-release driver, not a release
driver nonetheless. This only speaks well of amd anyway
So memes aside, do we have an actual 4k card yet?
Name one capcom game that worked better on NVIDIA
Lost Planet 2
Lost Planet
It'd be easier to name Capcom games that didn't run better on Nvidia.
Is this AMDs payback for gta5?
>390 above a GTX 980 Ti
>Fury X below a 470
Holy shit Capcom, what are you doing?
Looks like you're the poorfag, faggot. I build PCs every year. What the fuck do you do? Switch out the GPU?
>Making their $400 card perform worse than the competition's $200 card
>Making their flaship $600+ card perform barely better than the competition's old gen $300 card
>Not an accident
Nvidia fucked up their drivers again. You can just rollback to the previous driver to fix the game but of course people would rather just shitpost.
>tfw when I waited for Vega
>tfw when I waited for Ryzen
>inb4 shill
Honestly I'm going to be glad to go all red. AMD seems to be making more worthwhile optimizations with DX12, Vulkan, and VR. I've always felt like Nvidia was the opposite by not making optimizations based on hardware but based on game to game.
I hope Ryzen doesn't suck and has at least Broadwell level performance, 8 real cores at $350~ sounds baller as hell.
I think it's good to wait if you can, but you shouldn't pick any brand or product without looking at benchmarks first.
That's why I said I hope Ryzen doesn't suck. That applies to Vega too, but I have slightly more confidence in their GPU team than CPU, not to mention Polaris was exactly the competition AMD needed at the low and middle tier of graphics cards.
In regards to brand, I feel if AMD can come within a 5% margin of Nvidia and Intel with their products I'd still buy them. It's not because of AMD faggotry but I really want to support competition so Intel, Nvidia, and AMD can all improve.
why are "PC gamers" such humongous morons?
I have more confidence in the CPU team.
They rehired Keller for Zen. He's the guy who made the original Athlon design, then left around 2002. It outperformed the Pentium 4 in IPC by around 60%.
Course Pentium 3 had higher IPC than Pentium 4, and a 1.8 ghz Core 2 outperformed a 3.8ghz Pentium 4, in single threaded applications.
>Nvidia fucked up their drivers again.
Yet its always AMD that gets shit on for having shitty drivers