Kingdom Hearts 1 is about a teenage boy who's island home gets destroyed and he travels to different universes trying...

>Kingdom Hearts 1 is about a teenage boy who's island home gets destroyed and he travels to different universes trying to find his two friends, meanwhile Disney villains are following him doing evil stuff
>Kingdom Hearts 2 is about a teenage boy still trying to find his last friend while trying to stop an evil organization from collecting the hearts of people to form Kingdom Hearts

what the FUCK went wrong with this series?

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Nothing. The gameplay will still be great.

More and more spinoffs and remake that all try´d to add something to a story that should have stayd simple.

Its a thing you see with alot of Anime. They start out with a simple premise and clear character motivation and get bloated to be these super complicated shitshows becouse the creators don´t know how to tell a story.

>Osaka team.
No it won't if 0.2 is any indication. Floaty as fuck.

1 is the best. Kingdom Hearts is nothing without a simple and vague story. It has a forlorn / lonely soul or something atmosphere

Nothing. The story has only gotten more fun. The more retarded KH is the better.

>muh osaka team

>KH has great gameplay
Haha, good one. I'll try to remember that.

except CoM came between 1 and 2 and then DDD and coded happens between 2 and 3 while BBS happens before any of them and X happening before everything which explains everything
there are no side games/spin offs

0.2 was pretty shit, he has every right to hate on them.

Play the fucking spin-offs. I hate these fucking retards that only play the numbered games and bitch when nobody spoonfeeds them the plot they missed.

It wasn't

Yes it was. Shit magic with boring properties, no combo modifiers, cancerous bosses (besides 1 optional), shit Critical mode, floaty physics. Its barely above BBS/DDD tier.

Tied with the Tales series for best Arpg combat of all time

instead of expanding on the backstory of the series, they ended up expanding on the overall story without offering any real conclusions in the meanwhile.

>How to spot a faggot in one post or less.

>Its a thing you see with alot of Anime.

Tales of has significantly less strategy and depth in its combat compared to KH.
It does. I would argue that KH II FM has some of the best action combat of any video game out there. Its extremely fast and fluid, offers the player a lot of control, and, despite being a jrpg, is so well balanced you can beat it at level 1 without any tedium. The games are completely fair and almost devoid of RNG.

Except Birth by sleep and chains of memories you don´t really need to play any of them to get the picture.

Hell, 2 was better if you DIDN´T play Com becouse you had the same information sora had when he woke up and didn´t get into the game with millions of lose ends to make sense of.

>Hell, 2 was better if you DIDN´T play Com
No it wasn't

>Sora and Riku are apparently teenagers
>Kairi looks like she's 8 years old
Explain this.

KH2 is an EXCEPTION though. It's a little silly to generalize the whole series as having good gameplay when most of them are shit.

Everything was fine up to this point.

>pressing a reaction button and floating around is "more depth" and strategy than Tales combat
Whatever you say, user. You're the fan, not me.

Birth by Sleep ruining the series. It introduced an unnecessary backstory with unnecessary characters that have zero personality. Xehanort was a stupid idea. The Keyblade War was a stupid idea.

Remember in KH1 when you thought how cool it was that Sora was the chosen one? Remember when the Keyblade CHOSE Sora over Riku making it seem like the Keyblade kinda had a mind of its own? Lol nope, it was just some shitty "Keyblade Inheritance Ritual". How fucking lame.

what do you mean? That was the high point, it was obvious as fuck the series was gonna go full on sports shonen with campy as fuck superpowers

I laughed my ass off at gate of bootylon

Longtime Talesfag here, don't make me go into detail on how braindead and exploitable every game in the series can be. None of them are anywhere near KH2FM on Critical. Not to mention trivialized by grinding whereas boss fights in 2FM can wreck your shit even at max level

He didn't get the inheritance ceremony performed on him

While you are right about what you're saying, KH still isn't really that complicated. It's just overblown and drawn out over multiple fucking systems no less.

Fair enough. Combat looks way better than what I remember from KH2. I still don't think it's great combat, but it's not nearly as bad as I thought.
>Tales has braindead combat
Stop playing on the lowest difficulty.

>zero personality
>implying Master Xehanort isn't the best Xehanort
Name one (1) scene in KH more hype than this:

All KH is floaty

>what the FUCK went wrong with this series?
the first game

Not him but all the games are on one system finally.

the plot was fucked from the start. Don't forget the last hour or two of the game which made no fucking sense

Oh yeah, you're right now that the remasters exist.
I played both remixes for the ps3 but couldn't be fucking arsed to buy all that other shit and do it, even though I had all the systems. I wanted to do BBS but the combat was too fucked for me and I just dropped it. Kept losing to the first tree boss in Snow White. What the fuck? I was coming fresh off of just beating 1 and 2 in a row, guess it's just because those were the only ones I was really familiar with from back in the day.

>Not one of the better games in the series

Were you playing on Critical? BBS is generally easier than the other games since you can exploit surge attacks and dodges have infinite i-frames. The game isn't balanced for critical though and anyone playing it is recommended to just play Proud.

Typing in caps doesn't make it sound more convoluted

Never post in any of my threads ever fucking again.

No, I was playing it on normal and felt like a retard. I'm 27 and have never played any of them except for the first 2 on PS2 so I don't know if that has something to do with it. I wanted to complete Birth By Sleep for the story of those characters though, and I couldn't do it back when I had a PSP because this guy I know "borrowed" it or "lost" it or whatever the fuck.
I just felt like I couldn't get the combat. It could be because I'm just older.

Wait wait wait I love KH,but the Tales of series combat is anything but brain dead

Sadly you posted the 2 best games which came out YEARS ago.

Everything is garbage Graces combat now.

Kingdom Hearts 2 finished the story, so they made a bunch of handheld spinoffs to establish a new overarching threat to justify a third game, when they could have just made the third game.

Is this bait? Those are combo videos, they have nothing to do with being "braindead" or not. You can get more damage and hitstun than any of those flashy combos by spamming Tidal Wave (or maybe Negative Pain if it's a single target) in Vesperia, or Final Gale, or become invincible with Estelle and Repede, and Guy was so broken in Abyss that they had to nerf him in the US release (where he is still broken), and Free Run in general makes that game a joke.

>what I remember
>using your memory from your childhood to talk about its battle system

how about you do a critical run in KH2 Final Mix and the extra bosses and then come back here

Relax, he admitted he was wrong already

I think my memory of the game's combat is pretty good, because I played it about 2 years back. I dropped the series because I didn't care for the story or combat. The only reason I even picked it up was because everyone around me said I should "play this amazing game".

I already have KH2 on the PS3. I'm not willing to shelve out money for a port of a game I didn't enjoy.

Kingdom Hearts is retarded as fuck, deal with it, mango. Despite being a retarded mess it's a fucking ride.

Terra was unironically the best part of BBS. It was a thrill watching him go to other worlds and fucking all sorts of shit up for both himself and disney characters. I still laugh whenever I remember that his main objective in Neverland was beating the shit out of Peter Pan because a pirate told him to. Also his final boss is kino and the pinnacle of hype moments in the KH franchise.

Yeah, there's just a certain something about the first game. I realized that around the time KH II released if not earlier.

How in the flying fuck does that zipper on Donald's hat work?

.2 mechanics were fine the bosses were just trash.

It's a magic zipper.

> Kingdom Hearts 3 is about a teenage boy trying to keep his friends safe

Look, I can strawman too!

This can't be real.

This fucking anime, man.

>spawn onaholes anywhere
This has to be hentai, right?

Shitpost all you want, any franchise that introduces time travel late into the overarching plot is too far gone.

You mean in the 3rd game in a 8 game series?

It's a wild ride that's a lot of fun and goes all over the place. The games would suffer greatly if they just had a boring disney film plot.

>what the FUCK went wrong with this series?
Nothing. It gets better and better.

BBS and 3D are not considered spinoffs by Nomura.

Story still has me invested, and the dumb shit is at least entertaining.

Not all the handheld games are spinoffs. BbS is KH Zero.

Worse, it's ecchi.

>Combat looks way better than what I remember from KH2
That's because KH never has this level of combat unless you're doing critical runs on the most recent release of the game, and even then this is mostly late or post-game stuff.

The majority of the game and the version of it most people actually played doesn't reach these peaks, which is why a lot of fans hanging around these threads will tell you if you haven't 100%ed the final mix versions on a level one critical mode run you can't judge the games. It does have a deep and exciting combat system but it barely takes advantage of it and the amount of shit you have to sit through to get to the highlights is barely worth the time.