Is the game suppose to look like this?
everything is at the highest and I've palyed around with the settings but it still looks like shit
Also when shadow and ligh meets i get this "spotting" on the surface and it looks horrible

It's not like this in any other game

Other urls found in this thread:

>He's not playing on PS4 pro

>owning a console
what year is this?

You should turn chromatic aberration off. Looks like shit.

that helped a bit, but everything looks so "blurry" like it's shot through an old camera or something

Its shitty filters and post processing

Its used to make games look passable on cucksoles

You can dick in settings and see if it helps. I doubt it will though. Hopefully someone mods that shit out

put your anti aliasing to fxaa or smaa
taa is dumb shit and should die

Have you turned resolution scaling to 2?


More ps4s than gaming pcs

Is anybody else getting bad lag spikes?

>More ps4s than gaming pcs
There were more AIBs (GPUs) bought in the past 2 years than there are PS4s on the market.

You probably turned rendering to interlaced, you dumbass. This is why you don't change shit when you don't know what they do.

SMAA looks better
it's at 0.8 by default. Haven't touched it since I don't know what it does. Should I change it?

stuttering in cutscenes and turning corners
wasn't bad until the police kangs shovel scene and the game paused for a full 4 seconds

this is how it looks now
You can see the "spotting" I was talking about on the hood of the car

>Haven't touched it since I don't know what it does.
Modern PC gaymers everybody.

Yes. The higher it is the better and less blurry it looks

>implying shipped equals bought by customers
>implying all of these went to gaymen pcs
we went over this yesterday, stop posting shit you don't understand

I've been playing PC since I was a kid I just never really gotten into technical things. But thanks



Change it to 1 or above
You're basically running the game at a lower res if it's lower than 1

lower than 1 means it's being rendered at lower than the native resolution and then being upscaled

Why don't you just reset back to default settings, you fuckin idiot?

There goes my theoretical euros

>>implying all of these went to gaymen pcs
Everything over the mainstream likely went to gaming PCs, hell, even some of the mainstream shipments likely went to gaming PCs, since JPR defines mainstream as anything under $1000, performance as $1000-$1800, and enthusiast as anything over $1800.
And even then, based just on shipments that's still more shipments than PS4.

>Those graphics
Now that´s a spooky game.

AMD CPU owners cant even proceed further than the basement because it will always lock up and crash.

2 makes it lag and 1 is just perfect, can't believe I didn't figure this shit out
check this

>running the game at 80% of your resolution
>complaining about shitty graphics


Playing on an AMD CPU now. Works on my machine. Only crashed once early in the mansion and I'm at the end of the game now.

Then you most likely have no phenom.
The demo crashed with phenom but they patched it.
Full version crashes with phenom too, but no patch so far.

>7 main series installments
>still no option to unload weapon

s m h

>fix a crash in beta/demo
>release somehow doesnt have the fix

This happens more often than I would expect.

>running current gen games on a literal decade old CPU and not expecting it to run like shit

If Interlaced is on, turn it off, it absolutely destroys the game on a lot of rigs and gives everything blurry double vision. Set the internal resolution to 1.0 at least.

>cant even proceed further than the basement because it will always lock up and crash.

Stop playing at full graphics

There. Fixed.

Bloom and Blur can't be seen by humanoid eyes anyways.

What puzzles me the most is how they had a patch for the demo ready in under 24 hours and treated it as high priority but so far there's no communication from them whats the eta on a patch for the full game.

Theres no game yet that can max out a phenom cpu.
This is just lazyness from capcom's side.

All the other AAA games run on a phenom cpu.

Yeah, i think the game is meant to look like this. It looks blurry and smudgy.

Nah, its a CPU glitch.
Why did they bother to fix the phenom crash for the demo and then include it in the full version again?

>Bloom and Blur can't be seen by humanoid eyes anyways.

Okay, seriously.
Is everyone in this thread 14?

Bloom and Blur is invisible yet when I disable it the game looks magically different? Is that what you're tryna say?


disable FXAA and depth of field, you fucking inept retard.

I'm not that guy but how the fuck did you not learn the graphical terms and options while playing?

>It looks blurry and smudgy.

Yeah, on non-pro PS4s.

It's just some more Human Revolution style shit that's impossible to get rid of. Turning off post processing/chromatic aberration might help, but it'll always look a little like this.

nigga, you are aware that ps4 pro graphs are always inferior to a PC if he can run it at max?

OP are you sure you are running it at the correct resolution? That looks like it's low res

I am a PC user, but what does that have to do with my post?

>Yeah, on non-pro PS4s.

>nigga, you are aware that ps4 pro graphs are always inferior

>am a PC user, but what does that have to do with my post?

I'll ask again - are you 14?

No, but I suspect you might be.

The PC version is the base version of the game, so therefore it looks better than all the rest.

OP has a Novidia gpu.
he's ass blasted and is throwing a tantrum that the game is bad.

sweet nvidiots tears.

>Everything over the mainstream likely went to gaming PCs
Gaming grade, especially determined by cost, doesn't mean neckbeards use them to play games in their basement.

Check the steam survey - it directly fucks over your hypothesis, especially since these days pretty much everyone who plays on pc has an active steam account.
My company is charged around 1500 per workstation not counting in peripherals like monitors, mice, keyboards etc. Pretty much every bigger company is like this. Not to mention stuff like clusters in research facilities or universities, dev companies, movie studios and the like where you paint the walls with high end hardware. You'd have to take stuff like that into the estimation. That chart is not enough to back up what you would like to believe.

that's is actually the most favorable case for Nvidia. Check @ 4k the 470 surpassing the 1070.

That's tantamount to saying that Trump would win back in ~august 2016.

Torrent when?

>Gaming grade, especially determined by cost, doesn't mean neckbeards use them to play games in their basement.
But it does, why talk shit when you didn't even read the report?
>My company is charged around 1500 per workstation not counting in peripherals like monitors, mice, keyboards etc
Those shipments are NOT entire builds, those are AIBs, meaning only GPUs, the only figure that takes into account the entire build is the prices I mentioned, which determines which market segment it would be a part of.
The main markets that would see major shipments for large companies as opposed to regular consumers or retailers selling to consumers are the mainstream and workstation markets.
Anandtech breaks it down even better, pic related.

Anyone else getting this crash and error message? Happens periodically and doesn't seem to be triggered by anything specific.

Sorry about the Italian and the fact that it's an off-screen cap.
i7 4790k
GTX 980

Not him, and this is on normal (progressive) rendering, and I still see those shadow/light flickering, almost like dithering. It looks nothing like interlaced.

Image is downsampled from 4K.

your GTX 980 is what got triggered.
It's refusing to load the game.

You should just give up, and 'member the good old days of metro and Crysis 1.

I'm using GTX 660Ti and it runs fine, can't play at max settings of course

Using the game ready RE7 driver released today?
Are you running the game as administrator?

Is nobody else bothered by the car in OP's image?

Yeah but what happened? The card is clearly capable of running the game and I'm having no stutters or fps glitches.

I've not got shadow cache enabled, I'm not pushing the AC stupidly high or spamming post fx.

Yeah, both :C

I had no issues with the demo whatsoever, either. Ran at like 120 fps the whole time.

Yeah, my wrong assumption - I lost that report somewhere. I'll crunch the numbers in my spare time and I'll take it from there.

the graphics are hot garbage

you fags playing this got uncanny valley feels with this game?
I watched a couple youtube vids and they felt real bad. Also, especially the hair looks shit.

And hell, based on Nvidia's numbers, I'd argue that PC gaming is literally carrying the entire hardware market.
In fact, seems like prebuilts are less relevant than ever.

does the ps4 version run at 30 or 60fps?

It's also kind of sad seeing just how much of the market is dominated by Nvidia.

Pretty sure it's 60 FPS.

Upres it, increase resolution scaling to 1.5.

Gaymin is their revenue?
I've always thought/assumed that render farms and supercomputers were their main source of income...

>you fags playing this got uncanny valley feels with this game?

Yeah, the characters are literally scanned people and they move like animatronic props.

Not according to Nvidia.
Pretty sure most of the supercomputing space is dominated by Intel and embedded solutions, something that Nvidia isn't really insanely involved with.

well, it could work in the favor of the game, since it's horror genre.

I have a pretty modern system and seem to get hangs in a few areas, like the area is loading in or something. Any ideas? Otherwise runs well over 60fps. The hangs are annoying though. Like going into the bakers main foyer, it hangs for a bit.

Using an SSD? If not its probably getting data from the hard drive.

damn that's was very counter-intuitive for me.
Thanks user, I stand corrected.

It's not only their biggest source of revenue, but it's surpassing everything else by more than twice, if we exclude OEM's.

>Nvidia made more money on gaming GPUs in 1 quarter than they did on OEMs in almost 3 years
Fucking kek.

Only thing that fixed it was setting reflections to off/variable.

People really underestimate how big these new GPUs are, at this point gaming is probably the biggest moneymaker for the PC hardware market as a whole.

graphics hardware market*
Now that I think about it, CPUs are still HUGE everywhere else, for obvious reasons.

I don't know if it's something with my game or the game is like this. But lipsync feels very weird, the way the characters move their mouths while talking looks very weird.

In the first few minutes of the game where Mia's video starts playing i was already like "WTF".

>Only thing that fixed it was setting reflections to off/variable.

This was a well known problem with the demo version. Reflections set to "on" activates screenspace reflections but the shadows go completely crazy, the best one is variable.

Careful, don't cut yourself on those jaggies

>being so autistic you can't just play a game without pausing, coming to Sup Forums, making a thread, and then spending 20 minutes fiddling with graphics sliders and looking up fixes online
Mustards, everyone.

I see, thanks. Good to know it's been fixed for release at least.

>volume of purchases = quality
By that measure CoD is the best game of all time?

It's because you set your pixel sample to less than 1.0. In other words your output is set to 1920x1080 or whatever but your game is running at half of that, lmao. Enjoy your 2x2 pixels.

i'm probably going to refund this game

after the dinner table scene it starts freezing really bad when i turn around every corner

even when i have all my settings as low as they can go

Holy fucking ahit am i being meme'd?

Is this a satire thread? Master race indeed, holy fuck what a pain in the ass it must be to enjoy vidya.

I put the disc in my PS4 and 7 minutes later the game was fully installed and i have have been having a good time ever since.

Fuck doing what you guys have to do to make shit work for a tiny bit better visuals.

>Has to install games
Consoles are dead.

At least im playing RE VII with no crashes. Holy fuck, i didn't even know modern vidya DID crash. Its not something i ever have to encounter. Keep posting tho, im gonna go back and join the family now crash free.

>spend a grand on a multiplat box
>can't even play console ports
>to say nothing of the Japanese games that won't ever come to PC

yeah it's actually really bad in japanese PS4 games, the KH3 demo in 2.8 crashes multiple times per playthrough and it's only 3 hours long


The only games actually testing rigs these days are AAA console games.

it worked for me atlest

Daily reminder that even with all the shitposting, Nvidia and AMD shipped more GPUs in a year and a half than the PS4 shipped in 3 years on the market.