Japanese game

>Japanese game
>Cicada noises

Other urls found in this thread:


name thirty (30)

jackie chan

summer in animal crossing is fucking hell thanks to this shit


>American game
>eating noises

>american game
>burger noises and burger music start playing

I feel bad for japan, in rural america it's quiet as fuck at night with a few birds here or there.

I would go insane if I had to sleep to that.

>russian game
>vodka noises

>Japanese game
>water bamboo thing sound

i hear alot of cicada and cricket noises at night time in town

thirty (30)

>American game
>A mixture of ape sounds and mariachi music

sounds pretty accurate for texas

>europoor game
>game stops every hour for 5 minutes
>trucks constantly ruin the fun

Cicada noises are relaxing, faggot.

crickets yeah but not cicadas.

>Japanese game
> *tong tong* YOOOOOOOOO

>British game
>can't play because no license

China chose a dragon as their main mythological creature and what does Japan chooses? A FUCKING INSECT lmao

fucking kill yourself my man

a dragon is just a big insect

Last year here in Florida the cicadas were out in full force.

I actually have a box in my desk with 10-15 molts.

Is right though, Cicadas are relaxing.

One of the few rare benefits in Florida is all the unique wildlife.

No it's an arachnid dumbass.

More people has died to insect attacks than to dragon attacks.

>American game
>muffled "AY YO HOL UP HOL UP" in the distance

>French game
>bathrooms in game have two bins in each stall




shut the fuck up retard

>has 7 apendages
>insects only have 6
>roudn it up and it's 8

it's a fucking arachnid.

ITT: Things that never happened.

Just innocently strolled by and, you fucking what? I hope this is bait. If it is, congratulations. You made someone who had zero interest in the thread's topic enter the thread.

user is obviously joking, no one counts the tail and you don't round up.
it's an insect.

depends on the area user
when i was young in PA there were definitely cicadas in the summer

>not liking cicadas
>not liking higurashi


I never discount the confirmation bias and mental gymnastics people on the internet have the capability of displaying due to what I've seen of various internet communities. I'll just leave the thread now.

>Japanese game