Warhammer 40k

I played DoW and DoW:II but never really got into the lore
I've heard its really fashy and awesome so where should I start?

I dunno where to ask I guess I'll ask here since its vidya related
Sorry if this is the wrong board

Other urls found in this thread:


the fuck does that even mean

It means lurk moar

Nah fuck off back to


Top Fucking Kek



Press 'random page' and start reading.
Click on every hyperlink that interests you.

Read Lexicanum and find stuff that interests you.
Read Horus Heresy for spess mureen and chaos and history stuff.
Read Gaunt's Ghosts for IG stuff.
Read Eisenhorn and Ravenor for Inquisition stuff.

Lol ok guess this works
Any books I should read though?

Oh sick thanks user

>its really fashy and awesome
The series makes fun of how shitty fascism is, humanity is treated like dirt by those in charge and either stepped on by those in power or basically just stepped on by anyone with a boot. I don't get how """"""fashy"""""" is awesome.

Also lore videos here

Gtfo faggot

Suck my dick you edgy nigger. 40k Fascism is a living hell.

You sound autistic as hell

in 40k it's also a necessary evil lmao do you even read the lore or do you just read the black library books where everyone in the imperium is evil and scary for the sake of being evil

Warhammer lore is awesome and awe-inspiring when you're new to it. It's actually complete shit though, and the universe is poorly handled by the writers.

Because I told you about a universe you created a thread to learn more of?
Yes, because humanity has to survive a fuckload more years to become a psyker race. Doesnt mean it doesnt make fun of fascism though.

What do you mean?

good concept that is poorly executed by many writers

Can you go away? I didnt ask you to spout your shitty political opinions

Fuckloads of different writers with hilariously different quality consistency between them that have absolutely no problem contradicting each other and retconning each others works.
Not your safe space you faggot.

Thats pretty lame. Is there some books that are better than others?

Also I dont give a fuck about safe spaces, I didnt ask you to virtue signal about how much you hate fascism

Well tough shit I don't even know what virtue signaling is but you got it done on you anyways. I get the impression you think anything hella fashy is automatically cool so I might as well give you a heads up that living in the Imperium is basically a perpetual gulag unless you are lucky and born on some ass backwards farming planet.
>Is there some books that are better than others?
Yes. What faction do you like the most?

Anything written by Abnett, Dembski-Bowden or McNeill.

Thanks dude

You're a fucking sperg, piss off
I'm not here to have an intellectual debate about politics mate

Listed whats basically the holy trinity of 40k authors. However Dembski-Bowden is rather hit or miss with denizens on /tg/ because he CANNOT go a single book without sneaking a waifu in to the story and that might shit on your experience.

I love 40k but OP should fuck off back to Stormfront

Christ this board is full of fucking redditors
What happened

They might be a bit too mean for him. He can't even have his cute little """"""fashy""""""" fantasy challenged without resorting to telling people to leave him alone

>r/the_donald calling others reddit


>Played two long games with many different races into it and couldnt get into the lore
>couldnt even post something from 40k in OP
well unsurprisingly today OP was a faggot

Cry more top fucking kek
You are so scared of people liking a fictional universe? Fucking autism
>how to trigger reddit with one word

Not an argument

pic's not even 40k

Alright I got my answers i'm off
You antifa SJW cucks or whatever you are keep kvetching if it makes you feel better

You're an insult to Molyneux

Yeah the ones I listed are actually good authors, not just on 40k scale. Most of the others can just write boring bolter porn. Sandy Mitchell is decent with Ciaphas Cain novels but they are pretty systematic and get kinda boring after a while.

I'm sure you'll be back OP. I mean if you were too fucking retarded to understand anything about the lore after playing through two whole fucking games I'm sure we'll have to spoonfeed you some more in the future because google is just beyond your abilities.

You can go for the Horus Heresy books, they are pretty good in my opinion, which the Horus Heresy is rather important to the lore.

I like bolter porn though. Its like the capeshit of warhammer. I finished Red Tithe last night and while it was bolter porn it was sitll fun.
>Get told the 40k universe is shit and that the fascism is a parody
>a-antifa cucks!

>wah the people are mean to me!

lmao fucking rekt

>I like bolter porn though
Sure, nothing wrong with that but some of them just write it better.

desu Molineux is an insult to humanity as a whole