Are there any games like Borderlands but good?
Are there any games like Borderlands but good?
>like Borderlands but good
Yes, Borderlands 2. You posted it.
phantasy star online
I was actually wondering this same thing when I was playing BL2. The concept is nice but ultimately it feels pretty shit
Well, what did you think Borderlands/2 lacked?
What wasn't fun for you about the games?
Fun. It should be an actual requirement for you to have at least 2 friends before you play that game.
Bordeelands 1 is Bl2, except good.
Decent loot isn't nearly impossible to comeby without farming. But the sheer variety means that getting exactly perfect drop is near impossible, but you get shitloads of interesting and powerful drops that are *alnost* what you want.
Scaling is linear (or near enough), highest damage gun is 4000 damage, unlike Bl2 that had exponential scaling and damage numbers went into the millions.
Minimalist writing (couldn't afford voice acting for most sidequests) and a dry dark sense of humour. In contrast to Bl2's NPCs who never shut up and 7 memes a minute philosophy to comedy.
Borderlands 1 is 2, except lacking any variety in environments or enemies.
>dry dark sense of humour
That's a lie, Borderlands humor was always stupid and silly.
Borderlands isn't fun because underneath the rpg mechanics is dull and slow gameplay. If the movement speed by default was the shieft speed then you could actually try to dodge projectiles and it would be enjoyable.
plz don't compare bl1 to the shitfiesta that is bl2
I only played BL2, is the first one worth a shot?
Shadow Warrior 2 is pretty Borderlands inspired, but with ninjas and stuff.
proper endgame scaling.
Fun fact: the word "Badass" is said aloud zero times in the entirety of Borderlands 1.
In Borderlands 2 its said dozens of times in spoken dialogue.
Success for this series was a mistake. It should have flopped so we'd have a cult hit that never got a sequel.
I just want movement to be snappier. It has a nice enemy count and you're running around guns blazing but it all feels quite sluggish. For instance I think there was a powerup that boosted your movement speed, that should be the default speed. Gibbing enemies is fun, bulletsponges are not. Most fun I had was jumping around with loads of stacks shotgunning people at point blank and watching them explode. Of course in that instance they were way below my level and couldn't damage me at all so it was pretty lame. If simply shooting enemies in a shooter isn't enjoyable, something has gone wrong somewhere
In theory it has a lot going for it. Enemy designs are quite imaginative, at least the wildlife. The areas were quite nice and open, but then there's not really anything to find except the same stuff so ultimately the big map is just a waste. Playing it alone is kind of a hassle too. I did play it by myself quite a bit because I like the concept, but it could be much better
Oh yeah and biggest offense, there's no reason guns should be so inaccurate. Sure is fun watching your projectile bullets fly everywhere except on the enemy you're pointing at. That's another good thing about the game, everything is projectiles instead of hitscan. But then it's used in the absolute worst way. Which is one reason why I enjoyed the point blank shotgun method
>at least the wildlife
Robots were the best.
>can shoot away their guns, making them blast you with some weird energy blasts from the torso
>can destroy the legs, making them crawl
>boss battles with huge contructor robots that make more robots and also launch huge rockets
>those transforming robots that turn into jets in the midgame
Beats any BL1 enemy.
Well it's an RPG so I guess you're supposed to use skills and items that increase accuracy. Or just go Hyperion.
diablo 2.
Play Brick.
There's an easily exploitable bug to permenantly increases your movement speed to your Beserk run speed while being able to use guns. It's hard to go back to any other character after playing like that. a similar glitch can give you car movement speed, but it makes the game a hassle to play in close-quarters and trivilasesss everything since you can circle strafe and backpedal with no chance of being hit
It's an FPS with perks. If the main thing you do is shoot things, it should be a) fun b) possible
my negro
They just have to get rid of that cancerous humor.
i fucking loved Revolvers. found one at lvl 25 that could only fire 2 shoots and was slow as hell but could still 2-3 shoot bandits up until my lvl forties
No it's not, it's Diablo 2 in first person perspective. You don't use default attack in Diablo on Hell and then complain it does jack shit damage, right?
better loot.
Handsome jack collection is $16 on psn, is the game worth it?
All the good drops were stuck behind specific enemies. In BL1 you could find all kinds of sweet rares just by dicking around and doing whatever, but most of the shit in BL2 has to be farmed off specific bosses. I mean, I guess that is a nice option, but I literally never found a E-Tech gun past the one that is handed to you for a quest. BL1 I found all types of alien weapons and it was great.
Exponential scaling made the late game in BL2 a total shit house. Nice passives like ammo regen got neutered pretty hard and I honestly missed having elemental artifacts for your action skill. Also, manufacturer bonuses sounded nice on paper but turned a ton of drops into utter trash - I had a much harder time actually finding upgrades in BL2 because most of the gimmicks totally ruin half the guns they show up on.
Oh yeah I didn't realize I shouldn't use guns in a game that advertises it as a game with billions of guns and where you basically just kill things with guns
Bl2 was atrocious for that, guns had recoil/spread way out of proportion for what they felt like and the damage they did.
Bl1 had amazing hipfire accuracy because the more you used a weapon type your accuracy/damage/reload speed increased. If your gun wasn't garbage parts it was easy to shoot enemies in the distance from the hip. A good Hyperion SMG was basically "move cursor to where enemies head is and hold shoot button" no recoil and no spread, over almost any range.
Too bad alien guns were worthless in BL1.
Reading is hard, I suppose.
not for more than $10 and sure as hell not on a console
Quality writing.
Damage/health ratios that don't get entirely fucked
A post-game experience that's not "play it again only harder this time" and not being forced to carry around a slag gun
Better gun design without meme drawbacks like funny shaped spreads or making dumb noises when you pull the trigger
Just make a Borderlands not by Gearbox I guess.
the thing is when you do find an e-tech, the chances of it being passable were really low. only e-tech smgs and rocket launchers+sham were okay. the rest were a joke.
>default attack
All your attacks in BL2 are shooting with a gun. Except throwing grenades and spawning a robot
They were still a lot more interesting than pretty much any gun I found in BL2. I did like the new grenade mods at least.
There are skills that increase your accuracy. I know that Gunzerker one does it if you put points in some tree. I upgraded it and eventually it increased my rate of fire and reduced spread as I held the trigger, well, mouse button. I think other chars have something to that effect as well.
Interesting? How? There was one that shot a slow energy blob that did kind of okay damage but your energy bar was over in two shots and basically any comparable level conventional gun was better.
BL2 E-tech at least look cool, even if they end up being just as worthless in the long run.
Ya know, the idea of a shooter-MMO hybrid sounds fucking awesome. BL2 dabbled in it and the core system was sound but had no social features, and Destiny tried it but had decent social features and apparently shit gameplay. I feel like it can be done with a couple more tries.
Gunplay in BL2 felt like shit. I shouldn't have to lead 2 feet in front of a bandit who's strafing 3 meters away from me.
Writing was bad.
Exponential scaling "bigger numbers = more fun game right??? :D 9 bazillion damage xd"
Some gun classes were just not good, assault rifles outside of a few specifics were garbage.
>I shouldn't have to lead
play call of duty then
>assault rifles outside of a few specifics were garbage
that's true actually, can't argue with that
funny how the opposite is true in most games
Interesting in that they had different mechanics than every other gun in the game, and I could actually find the fucking things to use them. I found all of 2 unique guns that I can remember playing though BL2, and I outleveled them just as quickly as I picked them up. I actually got to try a good number of uniques in the first game, and they lasted me more than two levels.
Gaige had a perk where bullets that miss will bounce toward enemies. But that's kind of the opposite of that
Shadow warrior 2
>Sup Forums liked BL until burch memes
jeeze, you guys are a bunch of sheep.
But the only different mechanic I remember was the recharging ammo bar, which is hardly exciting when paired with a bad weapon.
>I found all of 2 unique guns that I can remember playing though BL2
That's the biggest BL2 flaw for me, retarded MMO grade drop rates. Fuck it.
Yeah, Gaige's interaction with accuracy was... funny.
>be me farmed legendary loot midgets
>found a pearlescent, bearcat.
>a grenade shooting rifle.
>got excited and geared up axton w/ AR dmg. no +grenade dmg b/c it doesn't apply for some reason.
>anyways, all decked out, ready to test it out.
>slagged some pyschos and switched to bearcat
>mfw it did absolutely no dmg
Axton has explosive modifiers in gunpowder spec. Did you try that or did the grenades just not count as explosive damage?
With more proficiency they recharged faster, it made them a good side arm if you didn't have much ammo regen. I also remember there being a sniper rifle that shot a laser of sorts, and a couple other neat effects as well. The point being they stood out a lot more than throwing my gun like a bomb and wasting my already limited ammo, or shotguns that fire "as fast as i can pull the trigger " that only carry enough ammo for one shot.
Really, there were too many guns that used up more than one bullet per shot and they made ammo regen a lot harder to come by. Opening cardboard boxes hoping for the right ammo to be in there sucked compared to opening shit knowing that anything could contain a rare gun.
I would have been up for this if you told me a few years ago. I only came to this epifany after spending hundreds of hours in bl and bl2, reinstalling it recently and realizing I wasn't having fun.
It gets much deeper on the third playthrough but yea
I recently bought the game to play it with a friend.
I hope I haven't made a mistake and co-op is fun.
What's a fun / useful class for co-op? My friend is going to play as Gaige.
>crate opening button is the same as the reload button
Fucking up my stacks
nah, it didn't work. tried it out. even went online to do research. only torgue and tediore gets grenade damage mod.
They're all just fine. Axton and Maya are probably better for co-op overall, but Krieg and Zer0 are probably the most fun.
fastball krieg is pretty satisfying
Torgue, Tediore, and almost anything with splash benefits from grenade damage, like Maliwan guns or the Hail.
but yeah, Bearcat is still a steaming pile of ass.
>6 ammo per trigger pull
nah fuck that.
I feel like every class has at least one fun build. I had a great time with gunpowder Axton and just drowing enemies in explosive damage.
>The point being they stood out a lot more than throwing my gun like a bomb and wasting my already limited ammo, or shotguns that fire "as fast as i can pull the trigger "
They absolutely didn't for me. I'd give any of them for a good Torgue three- or four-barreled shotgun, which is basically a pocket carpet bombing.
Yeah, the skill trees were definitely one of the things they got right in this game. I've played everyone but Krieg and have had fun screwing around with different gear for all of them.
My only gripe about the trees is that certain skills are just fucked because they only have a base damage component that's just insufficient lategame.
that being said, Unf0reseen is surprisingly strong. Just wish chaining melee kills in UVHM wasn't such a pain.
They also loved it so much they carried it over to Battlestillborn.
>everyone but Krieg
You missed out on possibly the most fun character.
Borderlands 3 news next month.
Get hyped.
>The fucking bitch of Lilith
>The traitor of Moxxi
Reminder that these sluts are why Jack went crazy and why Roland died
>slag weapon
I hope that never happens. Weapons whose only useful purpose is just to -res debuff shit for other weapons, is a terrible idea in any game.
They better give us skag rider so we get to play skagzilla
Everyone's a victim of terrible writing since BL2.
Reminder Jack was already crazy, and pre-sequel writers just paid no fucking attention to prior lore at all.
Oh, I'll play him eventually, I'm just going to wait until I find someone who'd want to actually play through all the way to OP8 again.
I am playing through this game right now. The only thing even remotely true is the damage scaling. BL2 New Game++ was absolutely unbearable, BL1 thankfully doesn't reach that point.
"Decent Loot" is only true because every gun, shield, and grenade is so close to being identical but with different numbers it is actually infuriating. BL2's loot was shit as well, but at least the exaggerated differences between weapon manufactures ensured that there was a variety of different playstyles dictated by loadout alone.
BL1 was quieter than BL2. The quality of the dialogue carried straight over to BL2, and they somehow managed to make it even worse in BL:TPS, but that game aside, the dialogue quality isn't enough to completely kill the experience.
Nisha returning? Somehow I doubt it
Tales from the Borderlands is a funnier game than both 1 and 2.
Killing her on BL2 is completely optional
>Doppel Jack isnt returning
So the one that died on BL2 to get the voice box, was that one?
the dictionary is funnier than borderlands
>Zer0 as boss
Fuck this, fuck you, fuck him, FUCK EVERYTHING!
diablo 2
Would be funny if you unlock him after you beat him, you never unlock anything on Borderlands other that skins
The new enemy faction paid him more in both memes and yugioh cards, it was inevitable. Could be a cool boss fight
>Too bad alien guns were worthless in BL1.
You never played online and was given a hacked alien gun that first every single bullet variation at once
Shit was so fun. Finding new hacked things online was one of the best things in that game. Led me on to modding my own shit for the 360 version, fun times
>posts The Unforgiven
>which is in BL2
He means the Revolver/Pistol separation in BL1, due to the fact that Revolvers were shoved into the Jakobs-brand pistols in BL2.
I know, I was just pointing out the bad example
I agree that revolvers being shoved into Jakobs was a bad call though, if not only because I miss using the Defiler
That's what made destiny so shit.