now we can love it
now we can admit it
now we can love it
now we can admit it
pretty good
don't understand most of the negative reviews and hate it gets here
got it for $9 and 100% it, which is more than i can say for any modern RE games
it was good and fun for it's time, but has aged horribly.
Most of it seems to be because the game was advertised as something different.
It's time was not that long ago what do you mean?
It's better than RE5 and RE6, but I prefer 4 to it.
>constant instant death
>shit plot
The instant death made it feel like it wasn't scary at all, eventually death was feared anymore and just became a regular occurance making the horror go away. It's a tedious annoying game. Boxhead was cool tho.
>Most of it seems to be because the game was advertised as something different.
I've only played the demo and it felt more like a stealth than a horror game.
It's fucking horrible
Of all time? No. Granted, I haven't started RE7 yet but I'd say it's the best since REmake. Very underrated game.
glitchy as fuck, sometimes no fun allowed, quirky combat. sometimes you die out of nowhere.
glitchy as fuck! really!
the escort missions too. bah - its so stupid. i wanted to like it, because, if you read the story, and actually understand whats going on (from pregame\game\aftergame) it has an actually great story! but the game, its just all tiresome
It's pretty good but RE4 is still better. RE might have still been Action Horror, if Mikami stayed on but at least it would have still have great horror atmosphere and interesting enemies/bosses.
The game is a 3rd person shooter with horror elements.
The first mission doesn't represent the game at all, and by the 3rd mission you are going to be killing just about everything you see.
There is a bit of instant death, but Dead Space had some and so did RE4.
I didn't experience any glitches, maybe they patched them out.
I want a TEW 2 so bad. I really like Action/horror games when done right, like RE4 and Dead Space. I don't know why the Internet decided it was cool to hate on them now.
I think it's because people want them to be straight horror games, and then people who don't want horror games don't buy them since they seem like them.
It's a shame since I prefer them to standard 3rd person shooters.
>horror game
>that part where you're in a ruined city shooting soldiers carrying assault rifles behind cover
>game boasts stealth mechanics
>no stealth upgrades
>throws you into ambushes that force you to run and gun
>pretend to be survival-horror styled
>said ambushes occur where you're mandated to kill everything to continue
>ammo is way too scarce for a game that forces you to run and gun
>the game thinks brain juice to reduce your gun's reload time by 5% is more important
Game's only 2 years old and some change. Hasn't even had time to "age".
>now we can love it
I ONLY love Kidman OP
So, I just started playing the game.
Where should I dump all the green jello?
Not really but it's better than everything post RE4.
Where you want.
Sprint time is good
Capacity upgrades are good
Damage and critical chance upgrades are good.
I didn't use the Agony Crossbow much on my first playthrough, but it turns out it's straight up OP and helped me do the no hit playthrough easily.
Apparently it's a hit or miss.
It was a miss for me
You run into instant deaths every 10 minutes.
It's very different in Dead Space and RE4.
Agony Crossbow is your backup weapon since there is no limit on how much scrap you can carry.
I know I'm in the minority here but I'd consider Rev1 on par with it. I really like Rev1, though.
>knockoff RE4 being better than RE4
She and that Gregory Peck looking guy were the best things to come out of this game.
Too bad we were stuck playing as the typical Dirty Harry wannabe.
TEW and RE7 are both pretty fucking good. Sadly I feel like RE7 will completely obliterate TEW out of everyone's memories, not that it was ever that revered or known.
I think it's better than RE4 but I also don't put RE4 on a golden pedestal either.
Get the Harpoon Bolts upgraded ASAP because that shit hits like a fucking truck. Upgrade your stock and the critical on your handgun, you'll mainly use the shotgun to knock enemies down and burn them, not for actual damage.
Considering I loved TEW I sure as shit hope you're right about RE7. I'd love for it to be that much better.
TEW pulled a narrative snafu by making Sebastian the MC instead of Kidman. He has more relevance as a character now should TEW2 happen, but as a standalone game he's just a guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. Kidman is way more interesting once you see things from her angle.
>The game is a 3rd person shooter with horror elements
Except its not.
Ammo is so scarce, especially on harder difficulties that shooting everything isn't viable.
I don't know if there really is a comparison. Its largely a running/stealth simulator, and there are parts where you can use guns or traps, but it's not a third person shooter.
The Evil WIthin is a string of concepts and ideas that just don't mesh together well.
Then to top it off theres the whole "It's all a dream" where theres no continuity or thematic reason to anything.
In RE4 you had the village, then the castle, and finally the island. These all had structured and exclusive enemies (Chainsaw guys only in the village, the blind prisoners are only in the castle, regeneradors are only on the island, etc). The Evil WIthin doesn't have that. You fight the same enemies, teleport around very jarringly, and it cheapens its own encounters by doubling down on them instead of making new ones.
You fight the chainsaw guys again, you fight the safe man again, you fight the long haired girl twice. It destroys the experience.
Only "good" part in The Evil Within was the Pyramid with the Safe Man. Everything else was just stupid schlock. It desensitizes you to the violence and gore almost immediately, and most puzzles that insta-kill you are in areas where you have a checkpoint immediately before it to redo the section.
It's a bad game.
I disagree.
On normal you pretty much do just gun through the game.
On Nightmare/Akumu you have to be more aware of your ammo but you'll still be killing just about everything by using one of your guns, you just need to be more aware of the AoE.
>Its largely a running/stealth simulator
Except after chapter 3 you barely use stealth again.
Sprint. Sprint should be the first thing you should upgrade and max out because the later portions of the game is very hard without it.
>I didn't play pre-patch
Pre-patch launch game ammo was way more scarce. I agree that Akumo is largely more about tactical use of things like matches and your crossbow
>Except after chapter 3 you barely use stealth again
I agree there is a dramatic tonal shift from stealth to arena shooter, but stealth can stay a standard in your repetoire for most of the game.
>>knockoff RE4
>Not being a homage of the REs Mikami worked on.
I didn't encounter much instadeath, but I didn't finish it either.
TEW 2! Probably never.
Ok, maybe the way I played just phased the stealth out completely and that's why I don't think it is, but I just didn't see the opportunity come up/feel the need to.
Also I didn't play pre-patch, you're right there.
But they it sold enough for one. There's estimations of it selling around 4 million. That's really good for a original ip.
The devs don't get the point that if you overdo some things, it kinda loses its effect. The game has so many dreamlike moments that after a certain point, you just don't care anymore because nothing makes sense anyway.