Post your favorite video game

post your favorite video game

simple as that

good taste

No single favorite game, so here's mu OCD addled "by the platform" favorites list

>pc - doom
>nes - super mario 3
>snes - super metroid
>n64 - ridge racer 64
>gamecube - resident evil remake
>wii - dkc returns
>psx - final fantasy viii (yes 8)
>ps2 - need for speed hot pursuit 2
>ps3 - disgaea d2
>psp - mgs peace walker
>xbox - genma onimusha
>gba - metroid zero
>ds - strange journey
>3ds - re revelations
>neogeo - last blade 2
>ngpc - samurai shodown 2

That's it, I think. Make of it what you will. And honestly, hate all you want. You're a bunch of fucking fags anyway...


>You're a bunch of fucking fags anyway...
Why are you so insecure? Like what you like, shit for brains. Who cares what other people think.

>You're a bunch of fucking fags anyway...
Aww I love you too, user.

>he can't handle the bantz


Good taste

>Thread is post your favourite game
>posts 16 games
dial back the autism user
though to be fair you also have pretty good taste


My old favorite game was Ratchet and Clank (got me into games), then Doom, now DOOM. After overexposure my favorite spot changes.

Chrono Trigger

Easy pick

Here's mine

These games look really good, I need to give them a try someday.

Nice list. We're all friends here, user!

It's so close to Chrono Trigger I wish I could call it a draw.

OP already posted mine, so I'll post my second favorite.


And I haven't even played the ps3 version.


paper mario

good taste

Doom, but System Shock is a very close second.


good taste

Fun and comfy book to read and play




there's no bad picks in this thread so far but there's some boring/ borderline normie ones.



in terms of hours played?

Asking me to choose only one of these is like asking which one of my nuts I prefer.



why this over 1?


IMO better boss fights, better music, better items, better exploration, more challenging

it's more flawed than MP1 but its highs are higher than MP1 and make up for it

MP1 is still phenomenal

Could pick it up today and play it for the rest of the week, having spent at least 400 hours on it over the course of my life.

>not a single post shitting on someone else's tastes
Am I in bizzaro Sup Forums?

Always and forever.

no doubt about both being good n all
I prefer 1 because of all of your reasons, and also the menus

except 2 was more challenging, which is really effin nice. please devs include a challenge


Sup Forums keeps on trying to tell me this game was bad because of some autistically minor detail here and there but Dark Souls 3 is still easily the best game I've ever played.

Easily this

I mean I'm glad you like it so much but I just find it incredibly dull

Good for you.



>Transcending history and the world...

I'm a Nightmare man myself.

Came here to post this, you're alright user.


Good taste. I was always more of an Aether guy. Plus U-Mos is fucking bro. I'd take a super missile for that nigger.



This one is NOT far off with how much time I've spent on it, but my absolute favorite is still:

If I had to pick one and just one itd be Zelda OoT. I have a lot of favorites tho, so I would bad if I do that, so I'm gonna pick a few more

>majora's mask
>super mario 64
>Galaxy 1 and 2
>Mother 3
>Yoshi's island
>Chrono Trigger
>Super Metroid
>Castlevania SotN
>Metroid Prime



Such a fucking atmospheric game. I miss abstract/experimental 90s Nintendo.

I didnt know this game was on ps1, idk if I should play it or on steam.

no atmosphere

>overall favourite game ever (2d platformer)
Super Mario World

>3d platformer
Super Mario 64
Secret Of Mana 2
Zelda: Link's Awakening
Street Fighter II Turbo
Red Alert 2
Modern Warfare 2
Mario Kart 64
San Andreas
>Third person action
Resi Evil 4
Star Wars Rogue Leader
Wayne Gretzky
>beat em up
Viewtiful Joe

I just feel like it does everything that the previous games did, but does it all poorly
>combat is between das 1 and bb but worse than both
>ditched the few good changes das 2 made
>world design is by far the most linear than it's ever been
>bosses are almost as generic as in das 2
>introduced nothing new besides weapon arts which are worthless
>totally ruined defensive mechanics
still better than 2 thouh

I'm with you there user, MP1 was amazing but MP2 will always be my favorite. That whole world seemed so dangerous, and the challenge was awesome

My nigga


Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins(GB)
Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
Rayman (PS1)
Yoshi's Island (SNES)
Wario Land 4 (GBA)
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA)
Luigi's Mansion (GC)
Paper Mario: TTYD (GC)
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GC)
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (DS)
The World Ends with You (DS)
Catherine (360/PS3)
Bayonetta (WiiU)
The Last of Us (PS3)

probably missing a lot I cant remember atm

Ghost Trick is a close second. Tied with God Hand.

The original Kingdom Hearts is objectively a good game. Even though it's turned into a garbage fanfiction tier series like Sonic, the original is still a great game.

Da2+DLC >DaS3

prove me wrong


Same as yours, OP.

recently beated it again, best rpg ever made

Who gives a shit because it's going to be Breath of The Wild from March until the end of time.

Other games literally cannot compete.


If DaS 2's core gameplay/movement didn't feel so fucking nauseatingly awful you'd be 100% right but they fucked it up so hard. It's so clunky and floaty and gross. It's a real shame, if the gameplay was as good as DaS 1 it'd be a good game with a staggering amount of content and replayability.

I find Zelda to be boring as fuck and this just looks like Zelda only with all the cliches that have plagued wRPGs for the past ten years or so.

Nobody asked for your shitty opinion retard. Kill yourself.

The grind never ends, but that's okay because it's still fucking fun

My favourite game too, user

I got tricked into getting MH4U as my first MonHun game because my brother and I thought the fanservice costumes would be sweet

I regretted it once I realized 3U had water environments, less load screens, and console availability. I can't go through that grind again though, no MonHun for me until Capcom actually puts some effort into a new release

It's the only one I've played, I got it on a Christmas sale on the Wii U and I refuse to take it to the tiny 3DS screen. If Capcom wants my money they'll put it on a home console, otherwise they aren't getting a cent.

bro you lucked out, 4U kicks 3U in every way. Water Environments are literal cancer on the game. I also just enjoyed 4U's monster cast a lot more too.

All three of you. Fine gentleman. 3U is easily the best Monster Hunter experience in absolutely every single way.

Monster Hunter 5 needs to be on console. I'll buy any remake that is ported to console as well.

Goud taste. The build-up in Tubba Blubba chapter is an absolute treat. The game is at times a little on the easy side, but it makes up for it in almost every other aspect.

is there a way to transfer your Wii U progress to the 3DS version and back?

Ah I have so many games I love, but I think I'm going to go with the GOAT fish killing game.

patrician taste.

Virtual On and Oratorio Tangram are gifts to the human race.

Neat taste.