Tfw uni student and all these Q1/Q2 game releases

>tfw uni student and all these Q1/Q2 game releases

What effect does university have on your ability to play games?

>tfw graduated and working
>never have to think about work while I'm at home

i don't quite get your problem op?

i am going to university as well, got freetime for all of march

and then from end of july through october

Because you have assignments/projects/exams to work on. If you spend all day playing games then you'll fail.

>tfw plenty of free time to play videogames
>games aren't fun anymore

>What effect does university have on your ability to play games?

The games i'm interested in are huge time sinks i can't dedicate to until a break

He doesn't have money to buy them

>tfw uni student and i don't care because modern gaming is shit


Do other students spend all their time on work? I always dedicate time off to play games and watch anime. I can't work on assignments, projects, and studying for an entire day.

Doesn't address OP, but good luck starting a new game around finals week.

>spent my grocery money for the week to pick up berseria and fate/extrella

>Will have to eat school food for the next month probably with no eating out

The struggle is real.

>not being able to make time for school and leisure time
You can do better, come on now.

Doesn't the MC in this manga choose that girl? She was the best desu.

Uni thread?

Who /marketing/ here?

drop out and be NEET

not on playing, well besides time loss
it's money, most uni/college's cost immense amounts to go to

>Computer and Software Engineer student
My life has been a pain but I hope it will become easier.
Although I don't enjoy games as much as I did before... except for the 3DS I just bought

So funny how little people think of psychology. You would think the study of how humans work and function would be better appreciated. Hopefully in the future.

It's not a real science.

Why do Americas call it women's studies. The rest of the world calls it social studies.

What game releases?

t.someone who doesn't realize the social sciences pay more

That statement is as subjective as what you'll find psychology to be. Behavior analysis for example does use the scientific method when constructing experiments.

Does that make it a "real science"? who knows, who cares

Social studies is a broad subject, whereas women's studies only focuses on the female pursuits in that arena.

Its not calling it different, Its a more specialized subject.

>it's a team project module

Unless you start your own practice and it takes off, it's just like everyone else.

chemical engineering here


Hello redd!t.

It depends on your degree. Last semester I ended up spending about 40 hours a week working on one of my group assignments since there was so much work that needed doing. And some students want part-time jobs or a social life. I'm the sort of person who needs to spend hours playing a game too, I can't simply play one hour every day.

Although if you have no social life, then I suppose you have plenty of free time.

No social life here
Feels pretty good having all the free-time to myself

Computer Science is a pretty well-respected degree in the UK. Although, from what I've seen anyway, Computer Science in the USA is a joke.

Mechanical Engineering graduating in may. Woop woop.


>Computer Science is a joke.

Computer science is a meme degree now that companies can hire pajeet's to do your job for crack change

I picked the perfect time to waste 4 years of my life on it. Was too stupid to finish my degree anyway.

How about instead of making this thread into off-topic gay shitposting, someone tell me all the Q1/Q2 games we can expect?

/history/ here, so..rry for my shit taste in subjects.

>implying psychology is the only social science
If your under 25 you really should stop talking kid.

Chemistry. I have no idea why I picked it, but getting that piece of paper and living a relatively peaceful, mundane lifestyle after graduation with a steady job is all I care about at this point. I'm cruising so hard that it feels like all the days are just one big long slog.

Its just retards that fell for the STEM meme, you can safely ignore them. Like employers will ignore their degree when they graduate.

kek. The team did most of the work and a massive part of the mark was a 1 and 1/2 page reflection. Easy af mate.

There's more to Computer Science than programming. Anyone who takes a CS degree to become a programmer is a retard who deserves to be jobless.

Expeditions Vikings is Q1 2017, pretty excited about that.

Teaching my man.

math god race
any job i want, 300k starting

Geology. I fucking love it

>tfw got past the rough shit, and now the majority of my classes are electives
Life's looking up fampai


Sorry, I shouldn't have replied to you. We were talking about psychology. Moving the goalposts to all social sciences doesnt negate my point about psychology.

You didn't read my comment which you replied to manchild


y tho


>this Sup Forumseddit quality tier list made by some teenager with zero appreciation for the finer things in life

pure pleb

Iunno I got a pretty respectable wage straight out of school with a compsci degree.

Become an ambassador of the country you are learning, could make some good money

>University operates on Trimesters
>Jan-April, April-July, September-December

It's nice, I get January through April off so I don't need to be stuck in -20 degree weather walking to campus every morning and night.

College is easy. I had plenty of free time. Now I work 50-55 hours a week, 10 hour days, and have very little time. What time I do I have I spend relaxing, because fuck 10 hour days.

I am the law.

That shit is over 10 years old, I remember seeing it on Sup Forums in 2004.

>stem meme infiltrates another thread

STEM is full of the worst mannered people, this pic well demonstrates their elitism

/marketing/ freshman here, hope the jobs aren't shit.

/Mechatronics Engineering/ here

I can't believe this old as fuck, stupid image is still being used.

>Statistics top tier
>Psychology low tier

You literally can't into psychology without advanced knowledge of statistics

do psychologists use Bayesian statistics?

Ignore him. Psychology does involve a surprising amount of statistics, but it does no go into the depth of a statistic major.

Which is why its lower on the tier list.


dont @ me pussx


Is that Happiness?

Mechatronics engineering here. I don't know from where you guys are, but my winter break starts mid december and ends on february, so I don't see the problem with Q1.

Electrical engineering here.
I wanna die.

Hi EE friend. I still think it's pretty fun. What are you studying?

Mid Tier Computer Science boys where we at.
Fucking end me, I despise this subject, just one more semester to go

>tfw going to shitty uni
Think I could transfer in two years?

yeah, just grind that gpa as much as possible so you can get into whatever college you want

You'll soon learn that all unis, apart from a very small number, are shit but yeah transfer if you can.

>graduating uni soon

Will there be time for games?

The fact is that STEM subjects have much more job opportunities and much more practical uses. Even the more theoretical subjects like maths have plenty of uses in the real world. If you take a degree like sociology, the only real career option you have is teaching people sociology.

I have absolutely no problem with people who study non-STEM subjects, if anything I respect them for choosing a subject that they enjoy rather than doing a subject they don't enjoy and are bad at just because of the career options. But it is an objective fact that STEM subjects are better when it comes to employment (which is the main reason why anyone goes to university, seeing as you can get all the knowledge you need from the internet for a relatively cheap price).

Business Administration Management, I have 4 classes that the group with the lowest mark fails.

>two meals a day for 5 days a week
>no car because frequently fighting with my gf and we share her car since her dad has about 4 spare ones
>social ties are dying because most of my old friends entered pharmacy school
>talking to whoever I can to not go crazy which has the side effect of making women interested in me and I am not a strong man
This hacked 3ds was one of my most important investments. RF4 is great.

sure, a friend of mine did that to get all of his gen eds/early classes out of the way, then transferred to a nice school. Depends on what you're doing though, some schools are stingy when it comes to credits, especially if they have to do with the sciences.

Oh you poor thing

>mfw in CE and failing every course except programming
im fucked, honestly dont know what to do

Programming is literally the hardest subject to deal with, just study a straight up software engineering.

>Some kid fresh out of college gets hired for a management position
>He's never worked a day in his life, much less a day in this his field
>My face when watching him flounder under the expectations of corporate
>A few months later he is gone. Either quit or layed off and a fresh green college kid is here to take his place

It's so beautiful. They never learn.

fucking this.

>Have no social life, wish you had one instead of so much free time
>Get one, start hating it in two months
>Go back to being an almost basement dwelling neet, remove the not in education part
>Happy again
never again, I'm just not fit for that shitjavascript:;

>They never learn.
People learn from mistakes, so it's valuable experience of the first kid.

The sheer number of games coupled with a lack of desire to do either homework or game has put me in a but of a slump. Aside from that however, looking forward to playing Yakuza 0 and Stormblood come the end of the semester.

>tfw only one class left I actually need to take
>tfw still short several credits so I've got to take some random bullshit classes to pad out this last semester
Taking PoliSci, Shakespeare, and British Literature. And the one class I actually need is a fucking semester-long group project. Fucking kill me.

Here's the non-meme tier list

I really want to marathon the Fallout games but my final semester starts on Monday and I also have a part-time job

Should I just get started now and stretch it out through the semester, or wait and do it as a reward for finishing uni?

Where's Geography?

They're still going to be there when you actually have time to play them.

the irony

>just study a straight up software engineering
doesn't exist where i live