PC gaming

>PC gaming.

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Rocket League is worth it. 1000 hours and I'm still not bored.


yea where is the $60 subscription to use internet?

>All those fun games

Where's the issue here, user?


>Tales of Berseria
>Resident Evil 7
>Rocket League
>Grand Theft Auto V
Looks pretty gud senpai

>No panty party
I feel let down.

>normalfags invade gaming by the millions since 2007
>become the only relevant demographic
>people are surprised that the top sellers are mainly normalfag games like CSGO and GTA

Tales of Berseria isn't normalfag though
Also on consoles CoD and GTA are big too

Fucking kek

Keep in mind pcfats rebuy cs go for smurfs too.

Looks fine to me, OP. Maybe your taste isn't like those around you?


>early access and multiplats
O I am laffin

To be fair, I see the game kinda like I see the first Fable. It's very fun and cool on it's own and I greatly enjoyed it, but when I see what was promised and what COULD have been, I feel sad and dissapointed.

Just as DmC:Devil May Cry was fun as it's own game, with decent gameplay and a meh story, but terrible for an actual Devil May Cry game.

I mean fuck, if you want to to show examples of "normies being wrong" show the positive reviews for fucking Skyrim or Skyrim: Pay Again Edition. Or Borderlands: Memes and DLC, or Fallout 4: The Post apocalyptic roleplaying game with all the actual fucking roleplaying removed. or any Early Acces: "we look promising but we're never gonna be finished, come drop your money on a game that's not done instead of buying a game that is complete and you know is good" or League Of Legends player count. Or people pre-ordering games nigga all you know about the game is marketing, of course it looks cool, wait a day after release and read some reviews,
Fuck, Metal Gear Solid V not being as good as it could have been is piss in the wind compared to all this other shit that's going on

well, most played console games are mainstream multiplat shooters and sports games..


Kind of ironic if you look at the ps4 best sellers and compare it to the PC best sellers......

(ps4 is almost completely shit versions of PC multiplats, PC has a lot of exclusives no matter if you think they're shit or not)

I also wouldn't consider CSGO normalfag,
and GTA might appeal to normalfags but I mean it's a legit fun game and we don't hate shit because it's popular right? We hate shit because it's terrible and could obviously be done better yet is STILL somehow popular like Bioshock infinite, or Fallout 3 and 4.

steam family sharing

>Zero Escape: The Nonary Games is releasing on PC 1 month before the console versions
What did they mean by this?

>console gaming.

remember user, multiplats don't count as games
the one true point of gaming is getting into autismal arguments about who's best with the players of other consoles/systems. fun is just an unimportant side effect

>console ports
>console ports
>early access survival game #6502
>early access survival game #65816
>port of a decades old Jap game
>console port
>indie shit
>port of a FOUR (4) year old console game

Really gets those neurons firing.

CSGO is definitely normalfag
Ya gotta buy smurfs to play competitive, doesn't work with family sharing



>PC gaming

>PC gaming

go away fag

It's regional, it doesn't show up in my top 10

Rocket League isn't really playable on toasters unfortunately.

>35 million per year
>additional from AMD
>the ps4 has sold 50 million in 4 years

No fucking way.

I love how insecure consolefags are about PC gaming. PC + 3DS truly is the only way to game and has been for years. The back catalogue on PC is fucking infinite and any multiplats are always superior on PC. Plus stable servers that are free to use. Plus the PS4 sounds like a fucking jet taking off, topcuck

You might find this difficult to believe but Top of the line Nvidia cards last you up to 8 years wo having to upgrade.
The constant upgrading of a PC is a meme.
A 800$ PC can last you 8 years.
Hell my 600$ PC could run every single game from last gen up untile PS4 and Xbone got released.
The number is going up in 2015 again precisely because now You are forced to upgrade for newer games.

It is.

>Can't say shit about RE, haven't seen it, not interested in RE since RE4 where the fuckers introduced QTE's at which point I turned it off and never played again
>Fun competetive shooter that has been a stable of the PC platform for years
>decendish fun normalfag game
>Weebgame that came out last year you sperg and is now ported
>Don't know
>don't know
>actually somewhat older game that at least got a decent port with additional features that shows they did put at least SOME effort into it.
stop being such a cunt.
are you implying games that run on terrible hardware are shit? Because:
>Half Life 2
>Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
>Whole bunch of old Star Wars games
the list goes on.

AMD's are substantially weaker, but yea, that's over 40 million each year.
Kind of funny considering the PS4 has hit 50 million units shipped at the end of this year.

If you're a manchild, maybe.

Not if you want 60fps without drops to 20 on some maps. I've given up trying to play it on my laptop away from home.

>Plus the PS4 sounds like a fucking jet taking off
fucking delete this now


Does GTA V still cost that much it's like 4 years old?

>I love how insecure consolefags are about PC gaming.

I thought PCfags were the ones who weren't getting Nioh, Persona 5, Yakuza Zero, Ace Combat 7, or Kingdom Hearts 3? You know, the only games worth a shit?

> want to get a ps4
> my computer set up is just too comfy


Its usually on sale 3 times a year.
It was like less than 40$ this winter sale.

>Crypt of the Necrodancer for 3,74€
I'd buy that if I hadn't already finished it.

Seeing all those newer C&C games makes me sad. They're all varying degrees of shit.


>Best version of a multiplat
>Best version of a multiplat
>Early access exclusive
>Early access exclusive
>Port of old game
>Best version of a multiplat
>Best version of a multiplat


>Shit version of a multiplat (repeated 10 times)


counter strike was always very popular you reject

I'm getting stable 60 on a PC from 2007 on medium settings.

Don't give a shit about any of those games DESU.

i knew AMD sells less, I had no idea that so many were sold in general.

Enjoy the scraps, buddy :^)


sort of want a ps4 because it's a good value and exclusives but also don't want to leave behind mouse and kb

multiplats arent games

But you'd talk about them nonstop once they were ported, huh?

>PC Gaming

those are all niche games and sell under 1M
if it was mainstream most of Sup Forums would hate it like everytime a game became popular

The RX 480 sold really well, however, and AMD was able to again several percent in 2016.

I'm still waiting for the 350~400€ Vegas, though

Totally man! I love playing with the same 100 people on my gaming PC! Are you also from /r/pcmasterrace? xD Fuck consoles amirite?

please upvote me

Talking about games months before release is a sonygger thing specifically. No one actually cares in the real world either

you can use a keyboard and mouse adapter thing for ps4 but it's extremely hacky

honestly you don't want a ps4 just because it's small fans make way more obnoxious noises than your pc

The discrete gaming GPU market is literally keeping PCs relevant.
OEMs are dead, workstations are a tiny segment, and datacenters are dominated by Intel.
Just look at , Nvidia made more money on gaming GPUs in a single quarter than they did in almost 3 years on OEMs.

Real talk: I was so disappointed when I booted up my new ps4 during the holidays and hopped on the store. The psn store looks like what i'd imagine steam big picture mode from bizzaro earth to look like.

It's so dated, clunky and slow. If this was 2016 ps4 i can only imagine what 2006 ps3 looked like or worse yet... PS2 online ui in 2000.

There are millions of console friends that pay a $60 subscription to this. Im glad i thought twice about purchasing a yearly ps subscription with my ps4 purchase.

>a bunch of jap shit that nobody in the real world cares about


>Want to play game
>Have to play it off of DRM platform
>Origin, Ubishit, Steam, GOG, Battle.net...
>Friends go off about the latest Early Access Survival Zombie Minecraft game
>Steam monopoly just ass raping their users, their own games just spit out cosmetics instead of gameplay
>Twitch is just people playing mobas, CSGO, and WoW
>Want to play online game; Hackers, crashes, /all chat trolling your team mates to also troll stuck in a match for next 30minutes with them, and open mic koreans just fucking livid screaming as if their lungs are being ripped out because you didn't meta

As an idort, my PC is mostly for playing obscure CCG and roguelikes. Seriously PC gaming is fucking shit mostly.

>you can use a keyboard and mouse adapter thing for ps4 but it's extremely hacky
It's basically worthless plastic. You HAVE TO leave M+KB behind if you want to play on consoles.
That's also why I don't play any kind of first/third person shooters on console. It's just unplayable for me.

it died with rts

>i can only imagine what 2006 ps3 looked like
The original PS3 storefront was actually very simple and really good.
Then they changed it to an abysmal search system with huge as fuck icons.

Don't have a PS4, so I can't tell how that store is.

>Talking about games months before release is a sonygger thing specifically
Nintendrones do too. Must be hard being a PCfat and having no releases to look forward to.

no, user, THIS is pc gaming.


>Must be hard being a PCfat and having no releases to look forward to.
those are just called early access now

nioh, persona, yakuza and kingdom hearts looks good but i wouldnt give up my pc. i already use a controller for many rpgs but for some games it makes them literally unplayable
i honestly dont get why you autists arguing when both console and pc have its own advantages and good exclusives

Holy shit it's digital now.

rts is super alive friend

Ultimate Apocalypse is a god tier Warhammer rts

>PS4 and Xbone
>best sellers are remasters, multiplats, and remasters of multiplats

Really makes you think

Ps4 is a dirt cheap console if you get it used.

You think you are hot shit whit your 300$ budget PC.

I pay that much just to upgrade my GPU every 4 years.

Gaming hardvar is not even that expansive.

People send far more on Cars Phones and Clothes.

I prefer Public transportation and Bike even thou i have a Car.
And my old Phone plays MP3 and allows me to talk to people on it which is the only think i care about.

And now i probably wont even have to because consoles are literally gonna be holding back Graphics for the next 6-8 years.

My 980 is already far above the PS4 pro GPU in performance.

Once PS4 gets more than 2 games i care about.

Actually available for purchase games not upcoming ones.

Il probably get one.

I already finished Bloodborne and Second son on my friends PS4.

Maby il get one in a month or 2 after i finish Zelda Breath of the wild on my WIIU and sell it.

And find a PS4 used for around 200-250$.
I am acualy interested in Nioh and Ninokuni.

Il have my gaming pc and enjoy best Possible versions of multiplat games.
While you will continue to pretend how your exclusives matter and play the shittiest versions of games because you have no choice.
And continue to acualy pay to use your own internet on consoles.

Console fags think PC users beg for games because they cant play them.


Its because we don't want to be forced to play a shit version of your games because Sony is holding them hostage on a Budget closed platform PC.

I could play FFXV right now.
It would take me less than 30 minutes to borrow my friends PS4.
But i prefer to play the final non early accesses version whit all DLC included and decent textures and 60 fps and actual non shit resolution in a year or so when the game will come to PC.

is this a reddit copypasta

>all this PCuck samefagging
really makes your planets align.

>Best version of a multiplat
>Best version of a multiplat

Wot? Are you ducking retarded? There is a thread on Sup Forums right now full of mustards who can't get RE VII to stop crashing and have had to come here instead of playing it to get advice on what setting sliders to move.

Again, you are fucking retarded.

Come on you can false flag better than that. You have to include how you paid $4000 for your bug-ridden machine

Avorion actually looks really good.

Do people really believe that any console is superior to the PC?

>Rocket League is still in the top sellers

The developers of that game have to be fucking rich beyond belief.

>PC is such a worthless platform, you absolutely NEED to buy a console to play the REAL games

I'm convinced that anything made outside Japan are fake games. There's no way anyone would literally, ACTUALLY, enjoy Mafia 3, or Mass Effect Andromeda, or anything by Ubisoft.

Sometimes people stray from the truth and find escapism in things like visual entertainment, recreational activities, drugs, and shit posting.

>lying on the internet

Sure looks like there are a lot of issues


>A 800$ PC can last you 8 years.
Literally one sentence before you said "top of the line Nvidia cards will last up to 8 years". A top of the line nvidia card is $600.

This is complete BS. Show me someone playing new games with any reasonable performance with a video card from fucking 2009 and a complete PC build they paid $800 for.

Some people have shit configurations or use shit drivers.
Or don't know how to update drivers.

You'd be supersized how many times iv been to peoples houses to fix there somewhat decent PC and found they still have out of the box Drivers for the GPu.

PC still surfers from the fact you have to have minimal know how on how to use.
Its not a platform for absolute casuals.

who plays that game? I never see anyone talk about it

>top sellers are videogames
really corrugates your frontal lobe

>There is a thread on Sup Forums right now full of mustards who can't get RE VII to stop crashing
Kek, are you the retard who shitposted in that thread too?
It's literally one guy complaining about the game being ugly and one other guy complaining about it crashing.

i want an option on twitch to filter out streams from the 10-15 most popular games or something

the idea of watching strangers play vidya you've never heard of before is neat
but actually what happens is thounsands watching e-celebs play league/dota/hearthstone

Quite a few people, 200-300k peak each day.

Threads die because there's nothing to shitpost about.


5,006,331 ± 61,024 owners
4,796,641 ± 59,749 players total
1,443,371 ± 32,924 players in last 2 weeks

I actually think a bigger problem is windows and other companies try to shove shit software down your throat that runs all the time and you have to go in and prune your processes down.
Really isn't much of a reason to be running more than 60 processes at any one time.
Mine usually sits around 45 processes.
Seriously, it's amazing how much performance people lose and the crashes some of that shitware causes.

PC begging race. Begging for Bloodborne, still begging for Red Dead Redemption and hell, they're still ''waiting" for Halo 3! LOL fucking pathetic.


It depends on when you buy it.

Card requirements are directly tied to Consoles.

A card from 2014 will last you this entire console generation which will probably be over 8 years.


Same, I always like to find new games scrolling down a bit.

This is some poorly crafted bait. How much fucking trash is on the console side God damn.