>implying Mac with the popper buff isn't super fucking OP
Jesus Christ when are they gonna nerf that shit character? I play as Frank wielding a revolver and have no chance, even with toe knife melee at +7
>implying Mac with the popper buff isn't super fucking OP
Jesus Christ when are they gonna nerf that shit character? I play as Frank wielding a revolver and have no chance, even with toe knife melee at +7
Do I go with the Greenman or Dayman spec with Charlie?
You know whats hilarious for 12 seasons straight?
Greenman if you're speedrunning and don't care about damage.
Dayman if you want to fuck with people in PVP.
>Dennisfags mad that I can give them an ocular patdown and wreck them before they can even get in range
Get fucked. Also, D.E.N.N.IS. System is a crutch for people who can't play.
It was good for like, the first 7
Can't find this game anywhere...
Nah fuck you it's good. Have a laugh for once, you might get some friends.
Bro you can easily wreck him with Dennis if you know what you are doing
Just gotta make sure to use all his tools, and spec into Golden God for an easy win.
I've been trying to spec out my Trashman build, but I feel like his Garbage Eating ability isn't really useful, except in the backalley stage. Is there any tech i'm not aware of, or is he just super circumstantial?
>that fucking backstab damage bonus with Couch Frank
You think that's bad. I main Dee but can't get her Charisma above +2, keep gagging when talking to NPCs and it's ruining my progress
cricket master race
>fighting Golden God boss
>cast several status effects
>get boss down to 25% health
>Loses all status effects and regains all HP
What the fuck were the devs thinking? How is this fair at all?
>playing Dee
>wasting points in charisma
Charisma doesn't really help Dee very much, she's a bird no matter how much you pump into that stat.
>the black kid telling everyone to get out of the pool because of AIDS
I hate it when shows use memes.
Thoughts on the new season so far?
I fucking love playing Cricket, his mechanics remind me of the boss weapons in souls that make you do more damage depending on the damage you've already taken
I'm having trouble finding all the project badass tapes, any tips on where to look? I think I've found all the ones in the bar
These threads have never ever been funny, clever or entertaining on any way.
You have to go into the vents for some of them. It's kind of hard to get there, but you have to move a bar stool over and then break the vent open to get in, then work your way through the vents to the roof. If you've gotten to the troll toll, then you've gone too far.
here comes nu/v/ to run yet another thing into the ground
So when is the Trash Man buff coming?
Don't listen to this guy, there's no tapes in the vents, all there is is Charlie's bad room, and bad Charlie is by far the hardest boss in the game
Dayman is to OP! pls nerf or finally buff Nightman for fucks sake
you have to pay a charlie player to guide you through the vents
You see, you're doing it wrong. It's implied that if you fight the Golden God boss on a small boat then you can't beat him. You need to fight him on a cruise.
wft why is abortion survivor background so weak compared to the others?
Anyone know how to get into this boy's hole?
did you pay the troll toll?
I gotta pay the troll toll to get in?!
This. You've gotta pay the troll toll to get in.
the fact he's got a higher chance of getting permanent handicaps from injury than any other character is a bastard but it's redeemed by and the fact he can take more punishment than literally every other character except possibly Fight Club-specced Charlie
How do I defeat Pepper Jack with a Golden God Dennis build if I missed the Fraggle Rock thermos and can't just bribe him?
Why won't anyone buy my kitten mittens
You missed out, kitten mittens used to be meta but were nerfed
You have to pay the troll toll to get I'm that boy's hole.
they've been farmed to shit, everyone wants Fight Milk now
>mfw rolled a Country Mac
His luck is abysmal but it sure feels good to have a better charisma check than Dennis.
His ability for unlimited beer is damn handy too, easy to find a group every time.
>implying the M.A.C. system is any different
Has anyone used the big hands build?
>not speccing into Lawyer Jack after his Big Hand buff
I'm literally unstoppable.
Don't forget how convenient no fall damage is
I'm glad we finally got the season 12 expansion.
Old Black Man is best assist.
>nobody digivolves Dee into Birdramon
It takes a lot but its well worth it when you stomp everyone else.
>the console version doesn't even have Frank
Fuck the devs for not supporting it.
Did you do the Mac-specific mission to break into the Jew lawyer's office and eat the original contract? You're still getting sales, they're just not registering because you don't hold the marketing rights.
Yeah but his mission was the shittiest out of every expansion ever
What do you guys think of the Pepe Silvia secret boss?
They nerfed the Trying Times event. No longer needed unless you wanna make it stupid easy.
I don't care that the Cole Armstrong DLC cost $20
he is OP as fuck and I love it.
I though they re-named him to Old Man?
Also, are we all clear on The Rules? Because I'm confused.
Yeah but you always have to do a health check to make sure he isn't dead
excuse you
True, but there's always that one retard in your party who consumes the blood packs instead of equipping them
GTFO newfag. Pepe Silvia is a player-created myth.
Same for Carol in HR.
I don't think he exists. The only hints are from Charlie mains and they're all insane.
His ocular patdown is too fucking busted.
No enough processing power to render his magnum dong.
Plus it's for the best, Rum Ham perk was broken and we all know it.
shitty dee reskin, worst "character" expansion since wallace in the scott pilgrim game
>trying to do the Chardee MacDennis mini-game
>literally every Dennis player cheats and gets away with it
This game needs fucking moderators.
It's sad that only Sup Forums can have IASIP threads since Sup Forums threads on it are such shit.
That episode was the weakest this season.
I'm still mad the mods decided the pull the Horror level at the last minute
>Not doing occular patdowns on a regular basis.
Still damn good. Fucking Quantum Leap musical interlude.
Excuse you.
Just let him take your Dee. Even in endgame she's a basically useless character. I'm having a lot of success using Artemis in my party instead
>not countering with a Frankenstein with a Pondy companion
waitress character dlc, when? speculations?
Guys I got kicked off the mountain, is there a way to install Mountain Rules at the bar?
>ask a much lower level player if they want to trade deep in the pvp area when we are the only ones around
>they always say yes and give you whatever you want because of the implication
>implying Special Agent Jack Bauer's invincibility isn't hands down the most broken thing in history
Why bother picking anyone else?
That isn't the Irish episode.
Mac and Dennis solo episodes are always fantastic.
Not for a while I don't think, not much info out. We don't even know the name of the character yet.
A-are you gonna rape those players?
so when is the inevitable cross-over update?
I saw a Special Agent Jack Baurer and a Poppins do PVP for 40 hours straight once. Shit was intense.
Why not just add Chardee McDennis rules while you're at it if you're wanting to cheese the game?
>this season
and fuck you the Leprechaun episode was good
Damn right man. Dunno what it is about the show but I'm never sick of it.
I'm a season behind because I don't have cable. Is old black man a recurring character?
>picking special agent Jack Bauer
>When the indestructible Poppins exists
It's like you want to lose
Aside from the instant heal you get, it also gives you a hidden Heal over Time AND a 1 minute experience boost.
Ever wonder why so many botters squat the scrapyards and landfill maps? There you have it.
He's very minor but he is in a couple of episodes
you're right, we need another thread about what he meant by this
He's kinda central in one episode where they all become black people.
The only one of those systems that involves even a modicum of skill is the F.R.A.N.K. system. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to you.
Poppins doesn't have the Pool of Gasoline origin perk though, so SAJB is a no brainer.
Why is it that Charlie players are so fucking obnoxious?
>Carrying the Wad of Hundos item and your Monster Condom for your Magnum Dong item
you've got it backwards, DENNIS system requires skill, frank is just pressing a button and that's that
Paint debuff.
Are they ever going to fix Cricket?
He may have ass attack but that doesn't matter when your defenses are so high that literally nothing in the game can kill you.
Because being Charlie is the only time I can enjoy life now.
>Newer Maps are huge call backs to the first few maps
Thankfully the latest update are more original. I love the suburb and slopes maps.
pls no
Constant lack of support from other characters. It's kind of essential to your survival if you're a Charlie.
This. They ran out of ideas and just reference themselves now.
>tfw no one else liked this mission
Cricket is the lethal joke character. Everyone thinks he's weak but then they notice you're fucking invincible and can fully heal with sewer trash and crack rocks.