Does anyone else think that the whole Weeping Angel-style thing where enemies don't move until you turn your back on...

Does anyone else think that the whole Weeping Angel-style thing where enemies don't move until you turn your back on them is getting overplayed in horror games?

Do you have any new ideas for horror game monsters?

Other urls found in this thread:

enemies that want to suck you off

Loli vampires that try to take your virginity

enemies that love you

thicc enemies

enemies who get stronger the more pleasured you are

i want my horror games completely empty, but i dont want to know that from the start


Horrible. The RE5 mansion DLC did that for the first half and it became the most boring thing in the world when you realized it five fucking minutes in.

I'd love a horror game where there's absolutely no audio/visual cue to warn you if there's a monster around, bonus points if it can crawl on the ceiling and on the walls
You'd be on edge the entire time


Amnesia kinda does that, it teases you with apperitions and sounds and shit for a while, but the first monster you encounter is like 1 hour into the game or something.

>You'd be on edge the entire time
Nah, that just means that looking around extra carefully is the new default.

The scariest of enemies

P.T. had it right... Silent Hills would have kicked serious ass had Konami hadn't gone full retard.

>the enemy are doors and lights.

thank goodness re5 tried it first, nothing of value was lost

What games other than SCP containment breach and spooky's house of jumpscares does that?

Anything that isn't a hide and seek simulator with invincible enemies is good. Hope is a key element of fear. Without it, it's not being afraid, it's being resigned and bored. Second half of Soma, I just ignored and ran past the enemies. No idea why that game it so praised when the gameplay is such garbage.

I've got the perfect game for you.

I'm just waiting for an SCP game with a budget bigger than $5

i thought it was a legit horror game the first 5 minutes

Not really an enemy more of an idea. The game has several safe places or hubs throughout the game, with slightly soothing music and all that jazz. But once and only once, maybe halfway into the game will there be a monster there with zero foretelling and maybe a bit if a jump scare.

That should be both completely unexpected, since the game "Trained" you that those places are safe, and also keep you on your toes for the rest of the game, all in vain of course.

In a way, it is.

The enemies only move when you actually are looking at them.
The game revolves around a mechanic where you have to open your eyes then close them and remember where everything was.

I got one. You know how some rooms are completely silent, but the player in on edge thinking there's a monster nearby? Well, imagine them going into a room for some key or object they need, and


What if as soon as they pick up the object we blast them with piano cords and a monster starts chasing them? Hell, we'll do it for EVERY key item they pick up, because who expects the same thing happening more than once, right?

Me too.

Dead Space and one of the REs did that off the top of my head.

Dynamic inventory menus really need to happen more often in horror games.

Nothing scarier than exploring the house of a dyke

I feel like Sup Forums has warped their own expectations on what this game is (or isn't). While the dissent from reviewers is just, I don't understand why people go out of their way to bash Gone Home for actually being an interesting concept that was executed fairly well in the grand scheme of things.

That'd work great with VR. Alone in the Dark had a blinking mechanic for spitting enemies and such that my then-teen self remembers as being pretty neat.

Get this man greenlit and donate to his Patreon! Genius!

This is a nice idea but i think the player would catch on before long.
You need to give them a sense of anticipation.
You can't let them get comfortable.

Beware of 173 it only moves when you blink or look away

>No jumpscares
>spookie atmosphere
>game takes control of the protagonist randomly
>the protag will beg the player to turn off the game when they are feeling paranoid
>if you do it and load your save they will be somewhere else in the game
>if you leave the game idle for a long time the protag will panic and beg for input from the player
>game would play on paranoia heavily with fake music cues to throw the player off

I saw that funhaus video too

As far as games go, wasn't this first done in Condemned? Did all the newer horror games copy it or something?

The only way a horror game would work in modern systems is if it had hidden patches that added or changed familiar parts of the game.

I want a hansel and gretel scenario where a protective mother figure takes you in and you think you're safe but you follow her around and see that she's slowly killing you without her noticing you.

sudden dissonant piano chords are so underused in horror games.
they really make the whole game more immersive

Well, the opposite. Some sort of a hairy vaguely humanoid bullshit body horror creature that you shouldn't look at. It should produce some stupid wailing sound between a baby and a wounded dog and using your headphones, you must judge where it is and avoid facing it. If you look at it, your mouse slows the fuck down and you must roll that thing like a madman to escape it's grasp or you're paralyzed and fucked and it does some vaguely sexual shit to you while it keeps crying.

You can incapacitate the enemy, but you have to sacrifice max health in order to permanently kill it. It means you're always considering health vs. ammunition and you're always thinking long term vs. short term.

Idea 2: Super meta here. The enemy is made of ink. You have limited saves a la RE. Sometimes the save itself will become an enemy when you save or load. Prevents save scumming and requires you to think when you actually need to save instead of just reflexively doing it.

What if the piano was the monster playing itself while chasing you?

Sounds more annoying than scary.

>Weeping Angel
>Not SCP-173


I think it sounds neat. It reminds me of the insanity mechanic from Eternal Darkness. And it's a damn shame those mechanics are trademarked or some shit because the world needs more insanity effects

Mario did it way before Condemned

enemies that want to dom you

what if it wasa skeleton controls you from the inside.

What games are like gone home meaning scary/keeps you on edge or interested but has absolutely no jumpscares?

>scary/keeps you on edge or interested
Those are like the last things I'd describe gone home as

Firewatch is based around the same principle. Leads you to believe it's a horror game but it's not. You don't have to play it now though because I just spoiled it for you.


the best type of fear is from inside ones own mind so the game would play off the players paranoia rather then making a story to follow like the game would make you feel like there's something always following the protag with them randomly looking behind them or randomly sneaking and peeking around corners and telling the player not to go that way.

What are you 12

Albino Lullaby was genuinely creepy and unsettling without any reliance on jumpscares.

It's like $20 and has no replay value, it's interesting for about minutes, which just happens to be how long it takes to complete. It's exactly the same each time you play it and therefore has no replay value, no enemies to fight and nothing to do apart from walking around pressing use and reading.

It's fucking shit.

Plus it's neat that the PC is aware that they're being controlled by someone. If the character was possessed somehow or had a brain implant or something it could be explained in-story, and would give a better excuse to beg the user not to force them to go into spooky places

Sounds like any Call of Duty or Battlefield single player campaign.

>rather then making a story to follow

The story is always so dumb it might as well not exist.

>make you feel like there's something always following the protag

There is. There's always some loud douchebag around if not a whole squad of them.

>with them randomly looking behind them or randomly sneaking and peeking around corners

Enemies can and do spawn out of thin air and play peekaboo behind cover.

>telling the player not to go that way.

There's always that loud douchebag telling you what to do and if you don't get it, the game itself will warn you to return to the battle area.

And if that's not scary enough, when the game ends within three hours and you realize you spend 60 bucks on it, you'll be shitting your pants.

>those nurse enemies in ZombiU
>don't show up until the last quarter of the game
>first time you fight one is after the game goes from action horror to suddenly being a tense atmospheric horror
>kill them
>go to loot their corpse afterwards like you do as normal because of the games mechanics
>jumpscare when you do so
That got me something fucking fierce.

I'm sure that sounded more clever in your head

already been done

That'd be cool another idea that could work is the Protag was a VR tester that got waaaay to immersed into it and started to think they where a playable character or have someone hack int their VR system to control them inside the game world.

That gives me a fun idea for doing something with FO4 of all things. You meet your doppelganger and it doesn't have synth components on it when you kill it.

>your mouse slows the fuck down and you must roll that thing like a madman to escape it's grasp or you're paralyzed and fucked
I like this idea.

And if their sanity meter was too low they could grab onto corners or streetposts or something and try to not let the user control them until you calmed them down.

I think making an emotional attachment to a character that knew you were there instead of just a regular third person game or trying to make the user immersed though first person could really add to the scariness of it

no pls

It might not be an incredibly engaging enemy design, but as a tool it can/could be used very well

Like, encourage the player to keep facing it, and then have other enemies engage from the direction you aren't looking

Decoy style

Having the game be VR compatible (but not required would make it meta as fuck too.

Having them go berserk or crazy if you push their buttons too much would be a fun interesting mechanic

is it wrong to feel bad for him? i don't know if i'm a bleeding heart faggot or not for that



Only time I've seen it actually working well was the mannequin scene in Condemned and the Librarians in 2033.


thanks you


SCP totally stole that shit from doctor who the BBC should sue the fuck out of them




no ruse that was a ripoff the BBC should make sure that the SCP is gone forever

not falling for that one user

TW3 has these things as an easter egg.
It's kinda creepy, since they are no enemies, so you can't kill them.

fuck you gotta drop a trigger warning on this

>Never even heard so seen this fucks
>Watched one shitty top 10 on youtube and now see them everywhere
What the fuck man.

it's one of the few good episodes of doctor who, the original appearance of them is anyway

I understand that but I've never seen or heard someone talk about them until last saturday and I've seen/heard of them every day since then its fucking weird.

this episode scared the shit out of me when it first aired

I know that fucking feeling. I bet there's a scientific name for that feeling.

baader-meinhoff phenomenon

The real creepy ones are your NPC allies who pull that shit.

Shit like this also happens in Final Fantasy XV.

I knew it

well shit

don't weeping angels multiply when more people think of them?

>set up a decently spooky scenario where your family is missing in your home
>waste it on a selfish lesbian sister who destroys her lover's dreams
Words can not possibly express how much I fucking hate this garbage walking sim.

Unless that came at a later point, no.

>no reliance on jumpscares
Someone hasn't played up to the part where they meet the half-transformed man.

I was talking to a guy at work over skype when he replied ILC, I know that jam.

I didn't know what he meant, but I googled his phrase exactly and saw it was a brand of jam. And a slogan? I never heard of it.

When I got home, legit, there was ICL jam in the fridge. I called out to my wife and she said she just craved jam and went and bought that Jam. "I... I KNOW this jam" I said.

Then on the weekend I was helping my mate move house. "What is left?" I asked,after loading up all the boxes and furniture. Just some condiments in the fridge apparently. You know what was in that fridge. You know that jam too.

A game in which your response to certain enemies/environments effects the rest of the levels, until eventually all you are faced with is the thing react most negatively to, all amalgamated into a single entity.

For example, if the player panics and quickly tries to get out of an underwater environment, the game throws more levels like that at you because it's assuming your reaction was based on how much you dislike said environment.

With creatures, the game will initially throw a bunch of different enemies at you (spider like, squid/tentacle beasts, children, ghosts, fast monsters, slow monsters etc) and eventually, based on your reactions, the creatures you dislike the most will become the most frequent and may morph into a single being, like an underwater spider creature or the ghost of a child.

the static speaks my name is a great and free 15 minutes game that manages to keep you on edge.
It's not horror, tho.


sure, might as well kill a few minutes