Is he constructing an elaborate hoax to paint twitch as sjw?
Is he constructing an elaborate hoax to paint twitch as sjw?
Other urls found in this thread:
Twitch deserves it
Trash website
Twitch is SJW tho
Fuck off Evan
Noboyd likes your shit game and you ruined my favorit dere
What defines "perverse Japanese culture"?
No more panty quest 9? Boo fucking hoo. White males who like jap games are the reason we are in this cultural mess.
>"studying" feminism at all
It's fake.
I doubt yandev made it himself, it's more likely he just temporarily fell for something obviously fake because he's a deluded fuckwit.
what is that thing?
I'm at the point where I can't tell what anyone is now.
Shit thread though
Make me.
Another thread made by Eva to shill his shit.
Check the catalog dipshit
fucking garbage of site, anyone watching other people play instead of playing themselves deserves to be raped by a pack of wild niggers.
what about black males?
Twitch is for kids.
and for young adults to make money from dumb kids with too much money
who cares
>mfw Yandere Simulator can't even be a good Ecchi Game, therefore making its existence pointless
Game looks fucking awful who cares. And who the fuck cares about twitch
She looks like someone took the head of fat 30 year old man and put it on a 12 year old boys body
Confirmed fake email. Though I don't know why a programmer needs 3 hours to read an email header and see that.
They likely just went for a way to legitimize the ban, considering it's a fetish-tier Youtube bait 'game' and the general response would probably turn sour after a few days of it being broadcasted.
Twitch is SJW but Eva is a retard who would fall for any trick in the book.
Give me one good reason why his game should be allowed by twitch.
you cant even fuck anyone in that game. It's literal trash and just wants to cash in on muh meems and qwerky japneez culter
Twitch has always been SJW though. They initially banned Senran Kagura Burst (not even the lewder ones on the Vita) because some mod was triggered by it.
We're not. We're laughing at him for being a failure.
> Samefagging this hard
Twitch is shit though
Spotted the 14 yo LoL player who spams LUL in the chat XD
He already posted that it was fake, you fucking mongoloids.
They're both shit but I'm glad Twitch BTFO this raging autist fag.
Go fuck yourself, sheep
Yeah really
Its for fucking kids you fruitcakes
t. twitch staff
>yandere simulator
>can't even kidnap your lover and keep them chained in your room raping them every day for the rest of your life
Personally wouldnt mind a ban on all weebshit to be honest.
Why are you fags suddenly talking about him in the past few days?
Wait so this isn't a porn game where I have to properly fuck my yandere waifu to keep her from killing me? I'm playing as a yandere?
Same shit happened with bartender waifu. Instead of being a bartender and fucking your waifu, you play as the waifu. Why can't you weeaboo faggot developers get it right?
I support twitch in this decision. Literally all anime games are nonce-tier and ought to be deplatformed everywhere.
>Sup Forums pass
>calling others retards
Posting Yanderedev threads should be a bannable offense at this time.
Fuck off.
I'm not a Sup Forumsentooman, how much of that code could be simplified?
Personally i wouldn't mind if dumbfuck web admins would learn to partition their site with regard to their content, so the soft-skinned normies could fuck off into their "safe space" along with the webcam whores, while the actual people who want to play videogames to an audience can fucking play whatever they like and whoever can watch whatever they like.
> 2017
> be a streaming site
> not having a "no pussies (figurative and literal)" section
i remember when i was younger how sci fi movies had people with brightly coloured,retarded hair.
sometimes i wonder if im stuck in a shitty sci fi movie
>he just temporarily fell for something obviously fake because he's a deluded fuckwit.
more likely he's just desperate for attention and will pass any obviously fake email he gets (doesn't he hate checking his email btw??) as real to kindle the drama fire / sow more anger over Twitch, while having the plausible deniability of "oh it was actually just a hoax, sry guise"
Unironically announcing sage because EvaXephon can fuck off
>implying twitch is not right
Two nukes weren't enough. The guy that manages to highjack a bunch of nuclear silos and turn the entirety of Japan into a blasted radioactive desert will be forever remembered as a hero and a saint
Lets hold on a minute, and stop talking about SJW's
Have any of you guys heard of Aerocratic Atheist?
I'll give you a quick run-down on him..
>He's a tripfag
>He's a redpilled furry
>He posts on /lit/, Sup Forums and /sci/
>He absolutely destroys Muslims, Catholics and Jews in online debates
>He's absolutely rapes Feminists, Blacks, SJW's and Commies too
>He's a libertarian
>He thinks that 9/11 and Sandy Hook were inside jobs
>He likes some aspects of Shari'ah law
>He supported Anjem Choudary in the 2005 general election, as well as supporting Islam4UK in 2003, in London
>He flocked to Ron Paul in 2012, and then Flocked to Farage and Trump in 2014
>He destroyed Dawkins and le black science man on reddit
>He thinks London's current Muslim mayor is an idiot
>He collaborated on writing Primus's last album
He's also writing a book, apparently. Redpilled as fuck. And it's working.
Have you heard of East London Libertarian Shari'ah law, Britain's future ideology?
jesus... I'm just a common ITfag with a bachelor's but after 2 seconds this is triggering me.
first reaction is, why is he using string literals for his conditionals? the shit on the else if lines. comparing strings is inefficient as shit. Each character of a string costs as much as an 8bit integer. He could easily be using uint8 instead of string to represent this.Witnessed
then, once he's using numbers, he could use a switch instead of that huge string of else ifs switches are way faster and dont make your code look like a fucking shopping list.
sorry for sperging, but fuck me that's sad if it's real
Bingo, whole thing could be a 15-20 line case statement
When hasn't twitch been cucked? They've always been SJW.
I see everyone complaining about these things, and they are right, but someone please post the pastebin with his whole code. The infinitely long update method that was hard coded to check for every possible variable state every single frame because he implemented 0 logic into it is on another level.
I didn't even know it was possible to program an entire fucking game exclusively with ifthenelse
>yfw it's supposed to execute every frame
>yfw his other scripts of similar quality are supposed to execute every frame for every NPC
>you can see where he added two new things to witness but couldn't be bothered to deal with his own code and left them on their own
It's not even a good yandere sim
It's just a bunch of memes and pop culture references: the game
Stop pushing his stupid shit so much. There are daily threads about him and his "game" 3 years in the making.
I read in the other thread about this that PewDiePie came from Sup Forums - is that true?