Has there ever been a "deconstruction" of the platformer genre?

Has there ever been a "deconstruction" of the platformer genre?

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what does that even mean

Has an indie developer made an art-house version of a platformer that removes most challenges and adds a non-nonsensical narrative.

thomas was alone

Conker's BFD


thomas was alone or whatever the fuck that cube game was named

I was thinking more of Braid but Thomas Was Alone is probably a better example.

"Deconstruction" is a meme term used by pseuds.


And there you have it.

Nice try friend, I almost clicked on that link but not this time. I already have plans for the rest of the day.


fun times, forgot about this

The last level of Braid (and I guess some of the dialogue along the way) was more a deconstruction of the save-the-princess-with-no-context trope.

How can you even make the deconstruction of a game genre?

Someone please post any examples that have been done before if there are any.

That is one vintage meme.

Faggots will get a kneejerk reaction anytime this is mentioned but Undertale

Stanley Parable is a parody of pretentious walking sims, which is a form of deconstruction.

Bioshock also

OFF! He just didn't put it back together.

Spec Ops tried.

why is bioshock a deconstruction? genuinely curious what counts as a deconstruction

>deconstruction then
>insightful writing about characters and human nature

>deconstruction now
>parody and 4th wall breaking with a "Can you see what we're doing? we're pointing out the trope, we're so smart"

it's just for the bit of "would you kindly", since it's put into attention that in most FPS the main character doesn't have a clear motive to do move forward.

In shooters like it you are mindlessly taking orders and killing things all the time, except here they pay attention to that and comment on it and make it a part of the plot.

There was one on Newgrounds where you only got one life, if you die you died for good even if you refreshed the page

There was no then stupid moeposter.

Anything by yoko taro.
Not even a fan, but that's his whole spiel.
The "wow it's kind of fucked up that theirs a score counter telling you how many people you just killed in a row"

I'm guessing you're thinking of Planescape?
I mean considering how generic things are anyway this is always welcome anyhow. And it fits for videogames to bring attention to the fact that it' the player controlling it, so at least it's something only games can do and they're using that.

Aren't cinematic platformers some sort of deconstruction of the platforming genre set by mario? movement is more "realistic", falling has heavier consequences and the stages are more grounded.

Spec Ops: The line did it but people couldn't understand that You're not supposed to self-insert as Walker
And simply do all those evil things as a means of pushing the story forward and not a bait and switch to insult the player for being "terrible", since he's not commiting any atrocities, he's pointing cursor at AI-controled soldiers in a videogame.

There was before this self deprecation and ironic era.

now it's just a tool for people to talk themselves down so they can't be criticized.
And to give "insightful" commentary about the obvious by pointing out tropes that we've all seen.

>make a really shitty game with half-baked philosophy just spewing from the onahole of the '''''''dev''''''s blatant self-insert
>"lol 2DEEP4U tis a d'construction of the genre, my fellow gents!"

You mean QWOP?

Deconstruction is about themes not gameplay mechanics, stop trying to fit video games into established art conventions.

There it is.

Definitions of words change. It's applicable to something like Prince Of Persia.

>I can't form my own opinion or I didn't see the movie so here's this video
user, please.


Frog fractions

Limbo's got some pretty decent puzzles in its latter half. But if you played that game solely for its gameplay and didn't get immersed in its aesthetics you did it wrong.


I hated Spec Ops. The game was so ham fisted.

I remember it. It was really amusing to experience it the first time, but then I got mad because I died over the dumbest shit.

Is ARMA a deconstruction of the FPS genre? Is FPS deconstruction of TPS or vice versa? No! They are just different genres that are either evolutions or mutations of each other, deconstruction is about narrative and it only makes sense in that context.

thanks for sharing that was a lot of fun

Eversion for 2D platformers, Conker for collectathon 3D platformers.

Stanley Parable is the ONLY walking simulator I've ever played though

Got a link? I want to play it.

You Only Live Once, I think.

Thanks user

>Is ARMA a deconstruction of the FPS genre

Is it? I haven't played it.

> Is FPS deconstruction of TPS or vice versa

Why would it be?

Deconstructing never had anything to do with good writing you can make a perfectly normal story without trying to play with tropes.
Deconstructions have always been a pretentious excuse for writers who can't form a plot using conventions and instead just settle with pointing out that conventions exist as if the audience is stupid then try to convince the audience that their product is high brow with shallow symbolism and metaphor.
Evangelion and Madoka are both guilty of this Sup Forums just succumbs to group think into treating them and by extension other deconstructions as deeper than the shallow trash they are.

You seem to believe that deconstruction merely means "kind like the source but different!" That's the only explanation for considering Prince of persia a deconstruction of platformers.

It takes the conventions of Super Mario Bros. platforming and places them in a realistic world. I wouldn't say the devs of Prince Of Persia said "alright fuckers fuck that Mario game we got this shit." But the contrast is there, and worthy of note, and perhaps worthy of being labeled a deconstruction of the conventions set forth by Mario.

But what's more important is not whether something is a deconstruction or not, it's why it is that way. Labels are boring. That's why people should stop giving a fuck whether something is art or not.

>Le tvtropes will ruin your life meme

It's just the layman's term page

It's an in joke on reddit. You channers wouldn't get it.