Weebshit will never be as good as this again

Weebshit will never be as good as this again

Suikoden 5 was really good yes.


>Not I+II+Suikogaiden

C'mon. III was pretty good too.

i keep hearing good things about this game but the major complaint was its loadtimes and how long and frequent they are, even for a ps2 game.

is it really that bad?

I never noticed any.

so the game doesnt have any load times at all?

V was meh compared to the first three.
At least it wasn't as bad as IV.

It's not THAT bad but it is noticeable

Weebshit will never be as good as this ag-

Three wasn't that great. Splitting up the story into three protags was a neat idea but as a result the story itself felt a lot weaker by comparison.
Plus the buddy system was dumb as hell and made magic useless unless you felt like nuking your own party.

Plus it had the awful habit of constantly reminding us of a far more interesting sounding story than the one we got.

II > V > I > III >>> Tactics >>>>> IV

Shame the series is dead forever.

I wanted to play this game but after getting spoiled and seen the best girl dying I will not

Just how good is this? The other day I was given Suikoden IV and V and haven't touched them yet.

Which kind of RPGs are Suikoden games?

How well does V emulate?

Ok, question for everyone that shits on III or IV.

If they came out with VI tomorrow and the quality was on par with your least liked one, would you be ok with that?

I guess the point I'm trying to make is: Even the worst of this series was decent and enjoyable to play through at least the once.

Why does no one ever talk about Suikoden Tactics in these threads? That one was tight as fuck.

IV is generally regarded pretty poorly in the series and for good reason. V was something of a return to form and is one of the better in the franchise.

>Which kind of RPGs are Suikoden games?

Turn based combat with the occasional strategy based war battle and rock paper scissors one of one duels.

The big draw though is recruiting the 108 stars of destiny into your army to help expand your roster of playable character

Should I play PAL and NTSC 2? I've heard the PAL version has some bug fixes the American version didn't or something.

Tactics sort of slipped under a lot of people's radar. IV was already pretty disliked so the idea of it, of all games, getting a spinoff is probably not winning it some love. Plus in Japan it didn't even have the Suikoden title it was called Rhapsodia.

I agree game is sweet. One of my favorite SRPGs of all time even. I actually liked quite a few SOD's from 4 so seeing them get to be in a fun game is a huge plus for me

>recruiting the 108 stars of destiny into your army
That sounds like a lot of people. If it's a good RPG and it's long I'll enjoy it for sure.

It's arguable whether it was a bad game or not, but it's certainly a bad Suikoden game.

I mean, I appreciate taking a risk and trying something different, but in this case it didn't work.

>Plus it had the awful habit of constantly reminding us of a far more interesting sounding story than the one we got.

Spot on here, too.

assuming you can generally run ps2 games on your PC, it runs fine without any major problems.

never finished it on emulator but didnt run into problems. only graphical problem i can think of are just the standard menu/textbox glitches.
other than that, it runs full speed.

I liked III a lot and no one's ever changing my opinion on it. Chris is great, Geddoe is great, and Hugo is only sort of okay.

Long ago, I wrote a story about Chris having sex with that labrador-looking Kobold guy at Budehec. I was just getting into deviancy at that point so it was pretty bad.

I typically mention the load times, the easiness, and occasionally the opening chapter when someone wants an opinion of the game.

Honestly, the load times never really bothered me at all, but they were enough to apparently drive some people away. If you're emulating anyways then the load times would likely be irrelevant. You'll notice it if you are fucking around the castle a lot, like visiting the bath or screwing around with a bunch of minigames, but it honestly wasn't terrible for that generation of games. I really enjoyed a lot of Sui5 and just didn't want to give anyone false impressions about the game.

>That sounds like a lot of people.

It sounds like more than it is. A good number join up as part of the story and more than a few join in groups. A lot are time sensitive though and there is a point of no return in you want them to count towards getting the good ending.

I payed 2 bucks for this at a flea market and I looked it up and it costs like 80$. Haven't played it yet so what gives?

>the opening chapter

really I loved the opening chapter. The Royal family was endearing as fuck and I loved spending time with them. 5 was kind of weak in terms of villains but the protagonists where hands down the strongest in the series

There's other flaws too, like how ridiculously obscure and time sensitive a lot of the recruits are. You'll never get them all without a guide.

Even worse is that for some reason they decided that every character needed to start at weapon level 1, meaning that characters that join your party in the middle of a dungeon are useless.

I loved the opening chapter as well. It gave you a good overview of the state of the nation, introduced a good number of characters and their motivations, and set everything up for when you are out on your own. Some people didn't like the "hour long tutorial", though.

I'm kind of confused as to why you wouldn't like spending an hour developing characters and story in a character- and story-focused game, but some people have rather strange tastes.

Oh, and this is more subjective, but the Prince's main outfit is terrible, possibly the worst JRPG protag costume ever, and that's saying something.

I really wish he wasn't a silent character. He has a very distinct design and set backstory, there's absolutely no reason to make him mute besides tradition.

It's more like a 10 hour long tutorial. I think it's fine, personally, but it does last a really long time.

IV is the only of the main line games I never finished. It wasn't terrible, but it was just boring, and in the time line it's so far removed from all the other games it was hard to care about it.

That said, I'd be perfect okay with them making another game on par with that one. Although it'd need to have the original scenario writer back, who is a freelancer now and no longer works for Konami.

Tactics is seriously a lot of fun. I wish we'd get more fun spinoff games

>tfw you really liked IV for some reason
V is really good as well though. Although modern Sup Forums would have a shitfit about the MC being a prince in a matriarchal society.

>tfw Suikoden is dead and we're never going to see Harmonia or whatever became of Ted

Arshtat has huge tiddies though so it's okay

>for some reason
there was only one reason to like 4

I enjoyed Tierkreis

Also does nobody remember the PSP one?

Yeah, I remember Tierkreis threads when it came out. People were surprised there was a somewhat decent Suikoden game for the DS. Wasn't mindblowing but it was a fun ride.


Ted's dead

Why couldn't Miakis be the Prince's bodyguard instead of Lyon?

Because Lyon is far better and Miakis can just stick with fucking your little sister.


Just finished Suiko 2, now playing 1
Do they occur in the same world/timeline? Im noticing a lot of the same characters, is it like FF where the names recur or is it a canon?
Actually thinking of buying a PS3 just so I can play 3

They all take place in the same world, you visit the place Suikoden 1 takes place in in 2. A lot of characters from 1 are also in 2.

Why would you play them out of order like that?

Yes, all the mainline games occur in the same timeline. Sui2 takes place something like 50 years after Sui1. Sui3 is much later while Sui5 is much earlier, from what I recall.

My timeline might be seriously messed up, though. It's been a long time since I even looked at it. Suikoden Tierkreis is when they tried to "reboot" the storyline and have it take place just somewhere other than the main setting.

I saw Suikoden 2 on a top 10 list and decided to play it out of pure boredom, no other reason
It was a huge mistake because now im about to spend an assload of money finding every entry in the series

>Actually thinking of buying a PS3 just so I can play 3
Suikoden 3, Suikoden 4, and Suikoden 5 are PS2 games, so I don't think you'll be able to play any of them on the PS3. Only the early ones could play PS2 discs (you aren't likely to find one) and I thought that it was the PS4 which had PS2 games on their PSN.

Definitely check that whatever you plan on picking up can play the games, though.

Suikoden 5 was alright but Suiko2 will always be the best one in the series. The series transition to 3D and a ton of gimmicky mechanics took away the charm of the original games.

Played the new FFXV, graphics were great but the story and gameplay were meh. It loses its charm after a couple of hours into the game and becomes very repetitive.

Suiko 3 was good but felt very linear, and music wasn't as great as the first two games. Hugo, Lily's characterization were great though.

Suiko 4 was just mediocre, should have continued off 3 in a different continent instead of ret-conning back to the 1.

Just emulate em

>ps2 emulation
id like to actually play them user

But I've played V in emulator several years ago


Was 5 the one where you fought seaweed?

>find a new favourite game franchise
>find out its a fucking Konami series

Suikoden V is one of my favorite games of all time. I just really liked the characters and story despite a few flaws. I also thought Falena was cozy.

S2 is three years after S1, S3 is fifteen years after S2. S5 is 30 years before S1 and S4 is like 100 years before.

But I did buy it

>that short
Really? S3 seems like it is too vastly different to have taken place just 15 years after S2.

What's the point of making a huge story if it's going to die between the first and third game?

What are you talking about?

Sorry that was far too abrupt. I was just thinking that both Xenogears and Suikoden had a big idea behind them, but it's pointless. It doesn't work.

At least you had good stories in the games themselves. Suikoden might not have given you everything the series promised, but it did give you some good individual games.

What's really disappointing is when the game is good for building up the next one in the series, and then that game shits the bed. (Zero's Last Reward comes to mind.) It ends up retroactively shitting up the series, because now you have two games designed specifically to build up to a finale which is garbage. They're good at building up, sure, but you can't have just that and not playing the last game. It's even more annoying then the last game just never shows up. (Mega Man Legends/ZX)

hugo's mom was in the second game so it can't have been too long

III was so good, I miss all those characters, also Hugo is the only real choice for Flame Champion and no one else.

2 = 5 > 1 > 3 > 4, for me. 2 and 5 are so good in different ways, and 1 is only not as good in comparison to them, because it's still fantastic.

Never played the side games.

Also the inane amount of backtracking combined with the low number of locations. Damn that mountain path was a slog.

Still liked the game though

It always annoys me that Suiko 3 is a case of an annoying idiot doing mischief rather than a country fucking shit up and the fact that one idiot is your dearest buddy from Suiko 1 and 2. I wish you could also recruit the mc from previous Suikoden like 2 did so you could give Luc a beating he fucking deserves.

Also Yuber is now wears a fedora wearing 'nothing personnel kid' faggot villain instead of a badass general in full armor. The fact Pesmerga is not there hunting for Yuber's head pisses me for the entirety of my play in the the game.

The only good part of III was that you could play as Sasarai

Yeah, I couldn't believe that in a game where Yuber is a much more prominent character Pesmerga doesn't appear at all.

People wanted Pemerga so much they had to settle with the theory that Pesmerga is one of the recruitable dog. It's just that bad.

Suiko 3 could at least expand on the Pesmerga and Yuber rivalry because it's one of the thing that probably have a really interesting background and lore behind it.

It was really noticable. but game was just too good to care about it.

>Suikoden Tactics in these threads? That one was tight as fuck.
Story was stupid.

nobody is better than Miakis

>ywn serve under the silver maiden

Why even live.

Didn't mean to quote.

Can we all agree that Georg is the most badass Suikoden character followed by Viktor and Flik?

>wanting to serve under an incompetent wench instead of the the leader of the best mercenaries around


I just remembered how much I hated S5's strategist. Does she make a mistake even once?

Her mistake is that she's too perfect tehepero

Yeah, she's by far the most unlikable strategist.

I only find her annoying but then again, strategist in Suikoden tends to be bunch of jerks except for Apple.

The part that gets me is when she's like, "You need to abandon this castle that's in a ridiculously strong defensive position" and you're like, "Why?" and she's like, "Not tellin'" and you're, "Then I won't do it" and she's like, "Fine, enjoy your bad ending, fag".

Her only mistake happens before the game even begins.

Lucretia combined the Guerilla Warfare tactics of a grasslander with those taught by a Silverburg. Fucking unstoppable in a homeland war. She probably would not have fared so perfectly in a foreign invasion, she was basically custom tailored to the situation you used her in and that's why she absolutely raped at it.

Do these games work well on ps2 emulator?

If its good, its not considered weeb shit.

Modern day weeb shit is called so for a reason.

Its shit.

Yeah. Helps with the load times, too.

But play the PS1 games first if you haven't already.

Well I meant in that it was her idea for Arshtat to wield the Sun Rune. Even Lucretia called that her biggest mistake.

V was only kind of good because IV was such shit. Tactics was a lot of fun. 2 was the best and 3 was good once you got used to the new battle squad system.

One of the best Mother/daughter combos in all of vidya and we got NOTHING.

Man I really loved the floatilla (or whatever they called themselves) both everyone in it and the set piece itself. And that battle where you use it to fight against a navy was fucking great as well. That navy woman whose name I forget should have been your strategist.

Miakis was the superior guard. Her attack power and magic was way better and made her extremely broken with just a fury rune. Plus she was more fun than Lyon who was just servile and boring.

Between my sister and myself we bought every game. A few we bought twice after we grew up and lived in sifferent places. We both also bought a crap land of merch. You can't pin this on me, user!!

Lyon's backstory was also kind of retarded. I don't know. I felt like it was a little out of place for her.

Suikoden V was not a good game compared to the first three. It was a game trying to follow the formula of Suikoden II, but not getting it right.

There's plenty of 'weeb' games that came out since that are better.

>your base is a 7 story tower
>each time you go up a floor, there's a 40 second load time
>go all the way to the top floor to trigger a story event
>story event tells you to go back down to the bottom floor
>get to the bottom floor
>NPC tells you to go back up to the top floor
>already between two stupid NPCs, you've wasted 30 minutes
>turn off game

No. You actually get penalized if you try to go against her. She is the epitome of a mary sue.

This is sharp contrast to the original strategist who also never made a mistake. But was endearing as a character outside of being a strategist. And in the end, sacrificed himself to make sure you won the final battle.

The only thing Lucretia has going for her is being a strategist. Her personality outside of that is about as interesting as Luc.

Only the first game in VC was good. Second was fucking retarded in every way possible, and the third just sucked ass.

The castle has an elevator.