ITT: Autistic shit you do while playing video games

ITT: Autistic shit you do while playing video games

>pressing buttons harder for more power

>keep pressing the throw button in pokemon games after I throw a pokeball cause I think it increases the chance of catching

while playing racing games like mario kart, I lean to the direction I am turning even if there are no motion controls

>Leaning around slighter to look round a corner in-game.
>Talk to npcs out loud, nothing extensive. Just one-liners like "Taste my steel!"
>Murder NPCS so you can remove their clothes and furiously masturbate to their dead bodies.


Reload my gun so damn often I die due to the animation.

I cry when I reach emotional moments in games. It doesn't matter if the moment is happy or sad.


fart whenever turbo on racing games XD

This and this . Both are things I've been doing since I was a child, and I don't think I'll stop now.