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No. I want more Aranea though

is that really how empty the overworld of FFXV is?

That's from a section of the game where you're in another continent but cant explore any of it due to the game putting you on a one way linear train trip to the final boss.

That's out of bounds.

Remember when Tabata said the first half of the game would be open world and the second half would be linear?

Apparently not because you retards keep complaining.

Remember when Tabata said FFXV would be good?

Really happy I didn't buy this

I member.

It's always best to remember that "good" is subjective.

>that witcher

Does it include skellige?

it looks like just the map of velen

lol and people say final fantasy has silly names

Just looks like White orchard. It'd take up much more room if it included Skellige and Novigrad. Tousaint if you wanna include that too

>White orchard

That area was tiny though.

Okay so I found all the moonless dolls and took their pictures but the game isn't registering them. Do you have to take their pictures from very specific angles or something?


it's velen, you can see the nilfgaardian camp

damn phone posters

Fucking dumb inbred americans.


I just want to hunt this fucking frog.

It was gud.

>my map is bigger than your map!
Why do these threads always turn into a XV vs W3 fest? Can't we just enjoy both?


Weather effects are random. Just keep camping at that campsite south of the frog until it's raining.
Then dash up to it and do the hunt.

>Why do these threads always turn into a XV vs W3 fest?
You're the one trying to start shit, no gives a shit.
BTW they're both trash.

Nobody gives a shit about your faggotry user.

Cheers, I'll keep doing that. Just taking a long time.

No, fuck you, no one cares about the Witcher. That map is meant to show how much was cut from FFXV, not how much "bigger" XV's map is. It's all empty anyway. Fucking shitposter.

>how much was cut

This is why you're a faggot user.

If they never MAKE anything, it's not something that was cut.

If they made something, they wouldn't need to cut it.

>If they made something, they wouldn't need to cut it

Just how retarded can one person be?

kinda laughed when I found her at the carnival, sneeky breeki

I knew you'd be too stupid to understand that post, no worries.

Oh so instead of actually saying anything you were making an epic reference.

Par for the course user.

got to make sure theyre all in the red box and full body shots, i had tough time too with moonless dolls too
>14/15 baby chocobos
save me

Sure, let's leave it at that.

Just finished the Leviathan section. Is it weird that I no longer have any drive to finish the game after how disappointing that fight was?

It would be weird if you did.

If you thought that was disappointing wait until you keep playing.

bro, you gotta see chapter 13 at least... it's a gaming experience unlike any other...

much wow

Sup Forums is the only place I've seen complain about going Super Saiyan and fucking that bitch up with your Gatling gun of swords

Sup Forums always complains tho

>Gigantic monster rising from beneath a meteor
>The whole landscape around you is being destroyed as said gigantic monster its trying to crush you
>"I'm sick of all this walkiiiiing!!!!"

I think that was the exact moment I checked out of FF15. Like, what the fuck, thats some seriously bad writing.

I absolutely adored the leviathan fight - it was mechanically janky but thematically it was absolutely superb. The music alone kept me completely invested.

>that map

Thanks. I actually just found the last of the baby chocobos. Last one was in the square café for me.
Just try and think of all the little nooks and crannies you haven't looked over yet.
There's also one at the docks were Cid drops you off at in the main game.
Good luck!

>docks were Cid drops you off
100% forgot that area, and he was there, that fat lil shit
thanks user

That fight was garbage. It's a clunkier version of anything from KH2 which is what FFXV is trying to be. Dear god that camera is awful. And none of the fight feels as impactful as any fight you'll ever have in KH.

I've only ever seen this complained about here, and it's always struck me as a weird complaint. How did it make you want to stop playing altogether? Were you enjoying the game before?

>Noctis: "I've come up with a new recipe."

So did XV-kun kill himself when this came out? I stopped reading the threads after release when it was confirmed as absolute shit.

>it's always struck me as a weird complaint
Not him but I don't see what's so weird about it. It's impossible to lose the fight and the camera is even shittier than usual. I wouldn't mind it so much if it was at least somewhat challenging rather than just wiping the floor with Leviathan after going super saiyan.

I've been avoiding most XV threads because of him but he's still around.

No, because it wasn't shit and you're really posting from an alternate universe.

Damn, all of Prompto's photos have a black border and require fixing. Anyone know what the resolution of the actual photos are minus borders?

>confirmed as absolute shit.
That's a hot opinion right there. XV-kun got himself nuked from a carnival thread earlier, guess he pissed off the jannies.


>hold O for dragonball

So I'm at chapter 13 and can't bring myself to finish it. It's so fucking bad. Ardyn is probably the worst character ever created in any JRPG in recent years. Just the way its so obvious the things he is narrating to you as you go along during chapter 13 have never made me cringe so bad. Not to mention is was obvious he was leading you on the whole fucking game and you hardly ever do shit about it. If it was just more of the first 6 or 8 chapters but without Prompto in the party, then the game wouldn't have been that bad at all.


I didn't mind that fight, but it went on for way too long. It kinda sucked that holding O basically wins the fight, I was trying to warp strike and break off all her fins.

I just beat levithan as well and I just can't bring myself to pick back up this piece of shit game again.

what a clunky horrible mess boring MMO tier quest game.

reading ur conversation it's pretty sure that u have autism

Up until that part is considered the good part too.

But the EPIC MUSIC, man!

The only good boss themes were Omnis Lacrima and Ravus Aeterna


I was just at that same spot last week user. Let me tell you that after getting to chapter 13 that it gets worse and worse. The only thing that kept me going is I did want to see the end with the world of ruin. I figured it would at least see where things are going since I was so close to the end. Maybe it would be cool with the bad guy winning to an extent before Noctis does whatever to save the world in some manner I ultimately won't care about. But I honestly can't find it myself to finish chapter 13.

Didju rike it?
Maku shuru to buy srasonal passu to see what happen to friends ren they reft.

I literally felt like I was playing FFXIV running around doing bullshit quests and running around aimlessly with long ass load times, it just felt like an empty world with shitty characters that are gay as fuck and all look the same


They needed more quests like the Deadeye hunt, most side quests felt like a reskin of the same fucking fetch quests and don't get me started on the frogs.

the leviathan figght was such a letdown from the trailer when your running around in a house dodging water blasts and killing guards and sliding off cool furniture.

Even the ennd boss is warp kill repeat.

I only had a problem with three characters, but they were large part of the story. Ardyn is shitty villian. He's obviously playing your party like a fiddle the whole game, but you never do anything to stop him until the very fucking end. They kill Luna off and then in chapter 12 they dump a bunch of cutscenes on you out of fucking no where to make you care about her some more. Why kill off a character then try to develop them? And holy shit Prompto is the whinniest little bitch who is always complaining about something and wanting to stop and take a picture when youre fucking trying to avenge your kingdom.

I just don't know who thought these were good characters that were worth creating a game around.

Who thought it was a good idea to have Prompto being a robot an excuse for them to unlock a door is a better question.

I absolutely did not care for any of the main characters. They all looked the same, generic pop-culture jap boys, a whole TWO ATTIRES.

game was just a cash grab, if people don't see that they are truly delusional.

The carnival was pretty great. If it was in the game and Noct went there with Luna through a dream it would help a lot with her character.

that mimic gave me a down right laugh, they know damn well
Honestly with how wacky this add on was I can see them doing a valentine theme where noct chooses who he can date or a date with luna
>bromance option

I like this ladies' music.

>implying this isn't Kenny Crows dream where he can pray on Noctis

>pray on Noctis
>that scene where noct sits on the bench and kenny pranks him
>force feeding noct
hes out for blood

This carnival ended how it started, a dumpster fire. If that egg doesn't hatch into a flying black chocobo or a permanent Carbuncle ally then fuck everything.

na, its a kenny the crow themed chocobo

>MTs are robots

They aren't robots.

what are they?

>In Final Fantasy XV the Magiteks are Robotsoldiers imbued with daemon essence and used by Niflheim Empire.

Is that not a robot?

Same. I had fun with the fight because I've always wanted to play a game that lets me use Gate of Babylon, and that was the closest I ever got.

>genuinely give the game a chance
>already bored 5 hours in
>characters constantly popping in that I'm supposed to care about??
>oh noes one of them died
>immortal asshole who's also somehow the final boss
>his fight and the ten fights before him are literal quick time events and cutscenes where you can't lose
>barely even lasted 20 hours WITH sidequests
>nothing but driving everywhere or massive loading screens (especially when using fast travel, how ironic)
>have to rely on the nixperience band every other moment so I don't become massively overleveled, half the sidequests offer literally nothing due to it (they usually only offer EXP)
>dungeons are boring and too labyrinthian without any noticeable features (the sewers)
>can't even drive the freaking car off road, since that would be too videogamey

This game is a disgusting mess and I regret giving it so much of my time in the hope that it was gonna get better. I'd rather play that dump heap known as Xenoblade X, because at least I can drive my robot off road.

For crying out loud Tabata, turn in the towel you hack.

You've clearly never been in the military

>sand niggers all around me
>gunfire flying over my head
>"I wish I could have a cheeseburger right now".

>the Ignis impression Noctis does at the cafe
my sides
also where do you guys get the mariachi outfit?

It's exclusive to goys who bought a season pass. You can't even buy it separately you NEED to own a season pass to get it.

well damn, now I can't be Diego Luna Noctis

Does the season pass include the DLC that makes the game fun? I've been waiting on that for months.

if I leave can I go back?

scratch that, how do I leave

Test tube babies infected with demon juice and crammed into shitty armor.

Did you really not pay any attention to Ardyn's verbal masturbation where he basically goes "You've been killing people all along Noctis."?

too busy being ear raped by his sexy voice, my bad
maybe ill pay more attention on ng+

>get a game with empty grasslands
>wants a game with empty deserts

You fasgs are worse than WRPG fans.

Well I want empty snowlands