A party game and a fighting game.
What's all the fuss about Smash in gaming communities? To me, Smash seems like Baby's First Fighting Game
Actual fighting games aren't fun for more than a few hours
nope, just party game, the platforming and item usage excludes it from the fighting game definition
I also consider the fact that most, if not all fighting games have proper ways to counter grabs/throws.
>What is no items fox only final destination
>it's a party game
No, it's a fucking roleplaying game. We've had countless threads about this, newfaggot. There is no dispute anymore: >customizable movesets >different armor pieces/skins >many different mcs to pick from >open world (50ish stages)
Need I go on?
Cricket is a patrician's game while baseball is a watered-down version for amerifats to clap to. I assume Smash is supposed to be baseball?
it's a party game that doesn't deserve any respect
After the SNES, Nintendo systems rarely got real fighting games, the only notable ones I can think of are CvS2 on the Gamecube, Tatsunoko vs Capcom on the Wii, and Guilty Gear XX Accent Core on the Wii. As a result of this, competitive Smash was born from the desperation of Nintendo loyalists. This entire thing could've been prevented if Capcom, SNK and Arc System Works just ported a few more fighting games to the N64 and Gamecube.