with a bit of Outlast but without awesome melee system of Condemned.(shame that series died)
Molded are a fucking rip off of tar monsters from Condemned 2.
with a bit of Outlast but without awesome melee system of Condemned.(shame that series died)
Molded are a fucking rip off of tar monsters from Condemned 2.
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Here's your (You)
its a alien isolation clone
In Alien Isolation you can't defend yourself and have to sneak much more than in RE7, it is much more similar to Condemned
Do you know what is te problem with Resident Evil games? The problem are the fans. They are fucking morons. The games are not that bad always. But the fans are autistic idiots that want their childhood sold to them inside a magic can of happiness. Horror games do not work anymore not because they are bad, but because you cannot feel fear anymore of these things. You have grown up too much. Horror games real market should be women, pussies and pre-teenagers.
This new game, is a vious atempt to please the fans, and try to get the attention from this new "youtuber gamer , OMG, FNAF and Outlast are so scary, I shit my pants" generation . But, is full of older gameplay aspects of the classics games, that were a pain in the ass to play, but with you 12 years old, that bunch of green polygons looked scary to you.
>the hotel episode
>that house in the snow episode
man condmened had good moments
How is this supposed to please old fans when it's nothing like the series roots? Despite what they said.
Also doll factory and hobo fight club. The first level in Condemned 2 is great too.
What games are these?
Its because it has Umbrella in it. Thats the series roots. Source my ass. But I think thats what they were hinting at with BACK TO THE ROOTS
It was way too short. Was hoping Jack would torment you throughout the whole game but he only roams one hallway
>no 2 on pc
>no condemned games ever again
Yet, we don't even have any explanation why they are in it, why is Chris Redfield working for them and why he's a different face.
Maybe on emulator
So I take it you miss the round-house kicking RE games?
>Horror games real market should be women, pussies and pre-teenagers.
I know you're bitter and trying to be snarky, but that is the worst marketing suggestion I've ever read on Sup Forums. None of my pussy friends are buying this game because they have no interest in the genre at all. Their idea of 'scary' in video games is that one try-hard part of Fallout:NV. That isn't scary.
The problem isn't that it's marketed to the wrong crowd, it's that the crowd is too diverse now. We have the originals, like myself, who LIKE tank controls and item/ammo management, there's the kids who played 4 and 5 as their first RE games and automatically (wrongly) assumed those were the best and then there's you; people who came into the series extremely late, played maybe 30 minutes of some of the older games but absolutely adored 6. I don't like anything after 3, 4 and 5 babies don't like anything before 4 and you just want action games. None of us want the same thing and they shouldn't try to cater to any of us. So they aren't. They've made an all new kind of game to expand the fanbase further and increase the amount of people who they could potentially disappoint.
Tl;dr Resident Evil is a mess, everyone except me is wrong.
I'm not even sure I'd add outlast to the description. Definitely gave me condemned vibes though.
I do kinda get what they are going for with the return to their roots tagine, but it's mainly in mechanics.
Personally, I'm not a fan, because even though re5 as a shit re game, it was the most fun split screen couch coop game to come out in a while.
Honestly, they could of made the main character Aya brea and it would of fit better than the re tag.
>360 emulator
I played RE4 as my first but I prefer 1-3, Remake, RE:0 and Outbreak style with a fixed camera and pre-rendered backrounds to it..
torrent link?
>absolutely adored 6
Do those people really exist? I was pretty sure it was universally reviled. Hence the whole them talking about rebooting the series almost immediately after it came out.
In the works Xenia
Don't bother. Game is literally only 7 hours long. Fairly easy too. I'll get Haye for saying this here, but just watch it on YouTube
RE6 was more fun and much longer than RE7.
Without fixed camera angles and TPS view its mechanics are nothing like the classics.
Yeah I did instantly get Condemned vibes when I saw gameplay of it originally, and when I started playing it myself. Kind of funny how they have to copy a game from fucking 2005 to push this piece of shit.
The originals had more than just fixed camera angles and a third person view.
Some other things- limited personal inventory with a magical storage box. It occurs largely in a large central location that gradually unlocks. Actual lethal enemies. A much more limited ammo supply (although not enough in my opinion) slightly bringing back puzzles (again, not enough)
For the record, not a huge fan of 7. But it does bring back a lot of older mechanics.
Can't wait until 2029 to play it.
>only 7 hours long
still worth torrenting because i can't watch videos like that
Agree to disagree.
Are you saying you enjoyed 6, or just 7 is that bad? If it's the former, what did you like about 6?
>In Alien Isolation you can't defend yourself
What fucking game did you play
The series roots are slow paced, low ammo and weapon, and some puzzle solving
But Condemned 2 was shit. The only Condemned is the first one.
I am still sad we will NEVER get a Condemned 3. Sure 2 was lacking a lot of things from 1 but everything finally made sense in 2. Really wish we would get 3. If there was a Kickstarter I would pay a lot of money.
Also nice to see I wasn't the only one thinking this about those mud monsters.
>End of game
>Bad end
>Ethan talking about a new light he see's
>cut to two umbrella spec ops talking about the new guy
>Commander telling his squad that they have a new recruit on their team
>Soldier 1: is that the guy i heard breaking records on the bow training ?
>Soldier 2 : i heard he was recruited after wiping out an entire bow infestation solo
>Commander: yes we've all heard stories about this one, im still trying to think of a code name to assign him
>Female officer comes in at the end of the converstation
>Oh are you guys talking about that new recruit. I heard he's quite the Hunk
Actually, in retrospect, it's more like fear than anything else, minus slow mo and military.
Enemy variety is subpar though.
>Umbrella reformed
How do they keep getting away with this?
>Redfield saves you
So is 7 going to take place before or after Vendetta?
More like 4 or 5 hours
Good luck convincing the fan boys
Condemned 2 was fine for like 3/4 of the game and is much better game than RE7 even after you get guns.
I saved all my grenade rounds throughout the game because i never had a chance to use them. i never ended up using them.
I finished with 60 handgun rounds(5 hp),7 shotgun shells, 9 flame rounds, 18 mines, 900 burner ammo and i was playing on normal.
No need to conserve ammo at all.
Against the Alien you can't but you can against Bakers.
>Without fixed camera angles and TPS view its mechanics are nothing like the classics.
What do you guys think of this?
As for 7, it's alright. It has a groundwork that works, now they need to add the refinement needed for future games.
I really liked Condemned 2, enough so that I forgave it towards the end when it got worse. I still replay both of them from time to time.
So what happened to the son ?
I read the files so i know he was a double agent for umbrella, but he just disappears after his bit.
You can't kill the alien but you have *so* many fucking things to either stun it or drive it off.
>what did you like about 6?
Much longer and diverse gameplay, enemies, and bosses than in RE7
Depends on how you play. There's a lot of collectables/reading lore laying around. If you were to play it twice, and if you can skip cutscenenes/knew what you were doing you could probably knock it out in 3.
Did you even get the flamethrower? Actually, did you even get the molotovs? Even the weapons generally ineffectual against it still can make it pause for a moment before it eats you.
who? how?
FNAF is Five Nights as Freddys
Probably in below 2 hours
It still oneshotes you and is way faster than Bakers.
Did he take the serum or is still infected? He might be a future villain along with Chris Redfield.
>Without fixed camera angles and TPS view its mechanics are nothing like the classics.
I was actually the one saying it's more than that.
If be curious about the end result. I could see that making the actual game much easier as the crap controls are baked into the whole game. Suddenly popping head shots from across the room could lead to pretty shitty end design.
Is anybody else getting random major framerate drops on PC? I have a 970 and have everything set to high, it runs smooth most of the time, but every 2 minutes or so it drops drastically for a few seconds. Really fucking annoying.
You can still defend yourself against it, which was all I was saying earlier.
im using a 980m and i got a constant 60's at very high on all settings, Never dropped a frame.
Wasn't Chris killed by Natalia Alex? Perhaps Umbrella revived him.
>much longer
I won't argue that. Halfway through jake and sherri's campaign I was praying for it to end. For me, with that game, was not a bonus.
>diverse gameplay
No. There really wasn't. Maybe the ada campaign could count, but mostly just 3 campaignso of doing the exact same crud over and over.
>diverse enemies
Again, not really.
>diverse bosses
What bosses where diverse in 6? Especially considering that there's a boss fight you have to do multiple times in different campaigns.
>than in re7
Saw this after typing up all the other crud. I was talking about 6 as a whole, not in comparison to 7. Not gonna delete all that shit cause I'm lazy. That said, 6 enemies were mostly palette swaps and enemies from earlier games. In 7 there's just goo monsters but they come in new flavors at least. Bosses still are just hit weak points till they die crap.
At least there's not an infinite supply of instant death qte's in 7
>Again, not really
Well compared to RE7 very diverse
>What bosses where diverse in 6? Especially considering that there's a boss fight you have to do multiple times in different campaigns.
Still way more bosses than in RE7
Depends on how you play. Once you realize that you can control enemy spawns with doors, there's not a whole lot of need for ammo. Also, in my original statement-
>A much more limited ammo supply (although not enough in my opinion)
Depends a lot on if you're crafting as well. Would of preferred less ammo drops and more extensive crafting with it. Making you choose what ammo to have while limiting ithe would of been neat.
And with the inventory system as it is, you may have had all that, but you couldn't of carried it. You are still far from a walking tank. So, they somewhat mitigated it another way.
My point was mainly in reference to going back to the roots. In the last few entries you could carry ridiculous levels of armament.
Having more bosses doesn't always equal a good thing. And again, the repetition of them all was awful.
Chris and helena-
Deborah. Repeated as ada.
Gas hag in the church- repeated on air plane( requires multiple instant death qte)
Ustanik- repeated with jake and Sherri.
Simmons- repeated with ada
So, more bosses? Sure. A most every boss in the game is repeated at least once. Chainsaw guy shows up like 5 times or something.
Having more of something doesn't equal better. A significant part of my re6 experience was just "oh this shit again"
Diverse to me means having many different things. Not having 8 bosses that you fight over and over.
>What bosses where diverse in 6?
Not the same user but you had (counting them all)
That thing who smokes blue gas what can convert people into zombies on Leon's campaign
Deborah (Leon and Ada's)
Simmons (Leon, and Ada's at the end)
Invisible Snake (Chris)
That ugly thing who was released from the cacoon (Chris' campaign final boss)
Ustanak (Jake's)
Don't know if that Chainsaw enemy is a boss, but the fucker doesn't just die. (Jake and Ada's)
Fake Ada who turns into goo (Ada's)
I want to know if RE7 is actually worth
I like RE for the bosses.
I hope Rebecca returning in the next CGI movie leads to her being in a future game as a main character
>I want to know if RE7 is actually worth
If that was going to be worth it, as in buying it, no. They're already dropping dlc for it, so wait for the complete edition that's out in a year. Or rent it if you have a console. Short play time with very little replay value.
Ubistvo is most definitely a boss or at least a miniboss.
>Chris Redfield
thanks for the spoiler faggot
Not the same user but you should check his face
That never happened. Chris wasn't even in the same game as Natalia/Alex.
Stop lying.
I didn't play RE until adulthood.
I never found it scary.
But they were fun.
RE7 is not fun or scary.
RE7 was not an attempt to please fans, it was an attempt to get streaming and LP publicity while just telling the fans it's what they want.
RE7's gameplay is not at all like any older RE, tossing in herbs and pseudo safe rooms doesn't make it RE and only an idiot would be convinced by such superficial additions.
Why are you in the thread? I dipped out of anything RE7 related 2 weeks ago when the game first got leaked. What could you possibly be looking to gleam from this thread if you haven't played or beaten the game and care about spoilers?
2019 more realistic considering how far Wii U and PS3 (which has Condemned 2) have been coming.