Game is comfy as fuck.
Why does /v hate it so much? Seriously question.
Game is comfy as fuck.
Why does /v hate it so much? Seriously question.
It's an easy rehash of LttP with a retarded item system
and shit artstyle/pseudo retro graphics
I'd have played the game in 16bit and ALttP engine.
The dungeons didn't really grow more complex because of the open structure. They couldn't anticipate which order you'd do the dungeons in, so each dungeon is designed only around a single item or a single item + the Hyrule items once you're doing the Lorule dungeons. The overall difficulty of combat was also impacted because of this.
It's the best top-down Zelda game and Sup Forums is tsundere for good video games.
"It's comfy" is not a valid reason to like a game.
It's a meaningless subjective quality.
The old system of finding the item in the dungeon was getting boring as fuck.
>Find Item.
>Use item to navigate rest of dungeon
>Boss fight. Wonder how I fight it?
At least in ALBW there was genuine curiosity as to what lay hidden in each dungeon.
The 60 fps gave me headaches. It's too fast for an adventure game. It's sensory overload.
Also, the game is linear. That played a role in my dislike for it.
It takes more than that for a Zelda game to be nonlinear.
bad 3d graphics, dumb gimmick, too easy and dungeons were forgettable at best
It is only loved because
a) it the most traditional 2D Zelda since fucking GBA the DS ones were a huge mistake especially ST
b) it rode ALttP's dick so hard that it was impossible to completly suck
Is mediocre at best, and the fact that people praises it as "the best Zelda 2D game" signs how low the standards have fallen.
>there was genuine curiosity as to what lay hidden in each dungeon.
>he says this with a straight face.
is this bait?
because /v hates every game
The old system used to make use of various items in every dungeon instead of just the one. Later Zelda games started becoming about using the one item everywhere in the dungeon you got it in and then rarely anywhere else. Pic related is probably the worst offender of this.
I played a bit, seemed OK, but then I got stuck on a bush and there was nothing I could do but reset. I hadn't saved in over an hour so that was really annoying. Does this sort of thing happen often? How can I avoid problems?
LttP rehash. LttP is ok but I'm not crazy about it.
absolutely not.
in link between worlds, the only offender was the sand rod, everything else could be used often elsewhere
>"blank" isn't a reason to like a game
>Subjectivity plays no role in liking or disliking
you sound like a fuckin riot at parties, man
>in ALBW there was genuine curiosity as to what lay hidden in each dungeon.
Keys. There, I just spoiled what was in every dungeon.
So is literally every other metric you faggot.
don't tell me every dungeon also had a compass and a map
Insultingly easy and too derivative. The "free dungeon order" sounds good on paper, but the result is there is no difficulty progression. Every dungeon is as simple as the first. It's awful.
Meanwhile, the aesthetics and everything are almost entirely from ALttP. It's almost a remake. Fuck this shitty game, really.
Comfy is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the game is good, don't use it.
being able to mark the map and quick transport were really nice
I hope nintendo keeps those for future games
It's an easier, shittier ALTTP remake with more talking and more forced characters. In that generation Nintendo hasn't made a single truly original Zelda game, just various rehashes.
>The old system was getting boring as fuck
And the new one isn't better.
>navigate dungeon
>boss fight, practically everything works on it
>At least in ALBW there was genuine curiosity as to what lay hidden in each dungeon
Fuck off, it's literally upgrades to your stats and nothing more.
capcom did it better.
They do.
Serious answer - Sup Forums hates it because Sup Forums hates everything remotely popular.
Some of the negative posts are going to come from people who genuinely didn't like it, but the majority are just going to be bait and trolling. This does not just apply to this game or just to Zelda (though it is particularly bad with Zelda). This is just how Sup Forums is.
>genuine curiosity as to what lay hidden in each dungeon
>no new items
>all you find is keys and the final "item" is a boost to your attack or defense
My mind is blown, etc.
This is one of the worst Zelda games. Comfyfags like you should be burned alive.
This, it's one of the shallowest ways in which you can praise a game.
Every time. Shittiest throwaway excuse after "WELL E-CELEB SAID THIS, SO YOU'RE JUST HOPPING ON THE BANDWAGON."
if you actually read the thread you'd find out it's pretty articulate about what is wrong with ALBW
Everyone was begging Nintendo for a remake of ALTTP for years.
Rather than being cheap, they made a pseudo-remake: a whole game which paid homage to the original.
People think this is bad somehow.
I enjoyed it more than I would have enjoyed replaying ALTTP for the billionth time, so in that respect it's a nice trip down memory lane. But it didn't really feel original enough to be a fully fledged Zelda game, and it's sad that the 3DS didn't really get one
No, you can easily point which things make gameplay objectively better and why the story, setting, music etc make the experience better. Saying it's comfy is as empty as saying it's fun, you have to describe why, otherwise you're practically saying nothing about the actual quality of the game.
Brilliant game. Plays like a dream. /v is full of fucktard sonyggers who wouldn't know good game design if it was preinstalled on their shit-tier PC rigs.
I hate the art direction and find the flatman gimmick unappealing.
How does the street pass thing work? I don't use my 3DS much and want to fight more shadow links to get the 50 challenges.
Fucking this.
B-but comfy!
enough of this shit. comfy isn't a thing. you either like that game or not, have fun with the game or not
This is bad because the game sucked and was too easy. The renting system has got to be the dumbest idea ever, and it actually fucked me over because I never died in my entire playthrough so I never had the option to buy items, which means I was just confused as to why the game wouldn't let me upgrade my shit.
>renting system for all items is interesting, game claims to provide more freedom
>however, as a result of said system and freedom, dungeons do not scale in difficulty and your rewards for going through a now consistently easy series of dungeons are SIGNIFICANTLY less interesting
>ALttP already had a portable remake, it didn't need to be brought back, especially as the overworld to a new game
As for everything else, the music is really good and it's nice to be able to use multiple items against bosses, but the game looks very ugly. Whoever they got to voice Link in this one sounds like they were being strangled and the slanted model trick they used to get the perspective right makes cutscenes where you see everything from all angles look laughably bad.
However, being a Zelda game, you're not allowed to criticize any part of it. Feel free to call me a Sonygger.
What is the game?
Game is comfy as fuck.
Why does /v hate it so much? Seriously question.
>Have to buy/rent items instead of finding them in dungeons(although tunics and gloves are still found in the dungeons)
>Dungeons are linear with very little to no backtracking
>Save points like in Skyward Sword instead of saving anywhere like the past games
>All items now use that purple meter instead of magic or ammo, even items such as the hammer uses that fucking meter
>Link's character model has paddles for hands while every other character model in game has hands with working fingers
Only good thing that came out of it was the music.
Loved this game, 100%'d it on the hardest difficulty.
Fuck those baby squids, Jesus. There's always one or two that were a complete pain to find.
It's fucking mind numbingly easy even do casuals
>being a Zelda game, you're not allowed to criticize any part of it
Zelda get criticized more harshly and held to a higher standard than most any other game, just not by the 'critics'.
It's remake of ALttP that was sold as a sequel and manages to be worse than the original game.
Because its infinity better than LttP and the parroting kids can't stand when its revealed they have no idea what they are talking about.
How is that a bad thing?
>Dungeons are linear
How is that a bad thing?
>with very little to no backtracking
How the fuck is that a bad thing?
>All items now use that purple meter instead of magic or ammo, even items such as the hammer uses that fucking meter
>Link's character model has paddles for hands while every other character model in game has hands with working fingers
Are you for real.
You retards always complain about the word comfy but you sure love throwing around completely subjective, worthless metrics of "quality" like "easy" or "linear."
It's the nsmb of the Zelda series. Pure uninspired trash. Faggots like you are the reason Nintendo are so creatively bankrupt.
sure glad all criticism can be dismissed with "nuh uh"
just like the praise
The item renting system is retarded and sucks away one of the most fun mechanics of the genre. Yuga is also a bit too flamboyant for my tastes.
It's still a comfy game that would be much better if it didn't stray away from the formula of ALttP though.
I would love your gaming circles user, but outside of Sup Forums, even entertaining the idea of something wrong with a non CDI Zelda game will get you marked as a hipster/someone who hates video games.
I hated the whole rental thing and how you can do all the dungeons in whatever order.
The fact you can do dungeons in any order means there is no escalation of difficult whatsoever since all of the dungeons have to be somewhat simple and easy since you can do them from the get go.
The ONLY dungeon in that whole game that was even remotely challenging was that godawful ice one, that was clearly a later dungeon before they did that whole EVERY DUNGEON IS ACCESSIBLE WHENEVER bullshit.
The rest of them were insultingly easy, formulaic, and boring PLUS the fact their difficulty had to all be the same throughout meant that there was no sense of danger or progression, you were simply going through the motions.
Those who say this is better than LTTP are objectively, provably wrong.
Sup Forums praised it for a couple of weeks.
the dungeons were all short as hell too.
Comfy is a valid reason though. If it wasn't then stuff like Kirby or Animal Crossing wouldn't even be regarded nearly as well as they do. Not every game has to be hardcore, but it sure involve some actual engaging challenge, unlike the stupid collect them all formula of Pokemon/gacha shit that Japs love so much.
>How is that a bad thing?
Because people want a challenge.
>How is that a bad thing?
Dungeons are all about exploring and figuring shit out in getting through the dungeon.
>How the fuck is that a bad thing?
Again, dungeons are to explore and figure out where to go and backtracking makes you think that you go back to an area to advance on.
Game feels too fucking caualized without the magic and ammo and having every fucking item in the game to use that one meter that recharges. Gimme back magic meter and ammo.
>Are you for real.
Wish I was bullshitting but Nintendo really did a lazy job making Link's model giving it paddles for hands while everyone else has hands with fingers.
The same will happen with botw.
Not him, but
>How is that a bad thing?
No sense or progression throughout the adventure, something every other Zelda has managed to do until the end.
Linear dungeons contrast poorly with the open nature of the field. With the inclusion of the rental system, which now has all your standard adventure items, dungeons are now straightforward, much shorter paths where you only get a buff for attack, defense, or stamina. They're mostly useless unless you're playing on Hero Mode and need the extra damage reduction despite enemy behavior not being different from normal.
Items using the same meter means you no longer have to worry about resource management, which is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you won't have to be chopping grass or throwing pots hoping to refill your arrows, but now rupees have less worth unless you are very repeatedly dying and having to rent items.
The hand thing was silly to bring up, though I'm not a fan of the style they chose for the game either.
>hey Sup Forums, why do you not like this game?
>Sup Forums gives a reasons
>uh no, those reasons don't count
Nice try, Ubisoft fag.
In the original Link to the Past, you could pretty much do any of the Shadow World Dungeons out of order, except Turtle rock, which you needed the ice rod from 5 to beat the boss, dungeon 1 had to be done first, because you needed the hammer to open up the path.
Although this may be false recollection because it has been awhile since I played it, but I rememeber trying to beat all the dungeons out of order.
I personally thought that the relatively open structure of the overworld was awesome. I did have a problem with many of the dungeons, but I loved the interactivity of the game in general.
That's one of the game's few redeeming factors tho.
>How is that a bad thing?
Well, when you compare it to ALttP, the game it's heavily based on, you realize they got too carried away with streamlining everything. It's fine to cut out tedium with items, but dungeons should not be hit by the casual stick so severely. You can't even use the excuse that it's for kids since ALttP was too.
Most of the dungeon chests in ALBW contain keys, stupid optional collectibles for making concoctions, and a larger amount of rupees. It's uninteresting and unexciting, which is why people shit on the renting system of the game, you mong.
Koizumi's Zelda games with the exception of OoT had the linear progression method.
>that Tedious as fuck Scale puzzle
>then You still have to escort the statue for 4 more floors
Dominion rod was a mistake
>enough of this shit. comfy isn't a thing. you either like that game or not, have fun with the game or no
are you a retard? hes saying that he enjoyed the game because of the comfy feeling he got form it.
are you a legit autist?
It IS cool to do the dungeons in any order
...until you realize the next one won't ramp up everything
It's lazy. They could have done an original Zelda game that fully utilized the 3DS's capabilities, but instead they remade ALttP with a wall merge gimmick and diluted gameplay.
It's also really ugly compared to the other Zelda remakes on the 3DS.
No fag, just like OP saying the game is comfy apparently doesn't count then saying the game is bad because it's easy also doesn't. I want you to elaborate on your points.
>No sense or progression throughout the adventure, something every other Zelda has managed to do until the end.
You do progress though. I was way stronger at the end of the game. You can still upgrade your sword, armor and rental items.
I think the item bar was a good idea, most zelda games just throw arrows and bombs at you whenever you need them, so I don't considered that a decrease in difficulty.
Also I don't remember correctly but I think most dungeons still had secret items and treasure chests in them to incentivize exploration anyway.
>3DS capabilities
So... first person boomerang control using the gyroscope? What else could the 3DS do that the DS couldnt and wasnt implemented in Spirit Tracks / Phantom Hourglass?
>too gimmicky
>hurr they ruined muh perfect zelda gameplay
>no gimmicks
>hurr not original enough would not buy
Should have been a 2D game / cellshaded game. It looks fucking horrid.
I meant more in terms of a full 3D Zelda game like OoT and MM instead of a weird 2.5D style from top down that it went for.
DS capabilities
I think he means the technical specs of it. If the 3ds can run an upgraded OOT/MM then they could have done something just as or more impressive.
Why would you want that though? You have Ocarina and Majora's Mask to play if you want a full 3D Zelda.
It's a good thing they went ahead and gone back to the 2D top down gameplay, otherwise it'll get stale and even more unoriginal.
You wouldn't want Zelda to suffer the same fate that Metroid did, do you?
I just wanted an original Zelda game on the 3DS that wasn't just a lazy remake.
>I was way stronger at the end of the game
A game that doesn't increase in difficulty. Now you have maxed out weapons without more challenging enemies to use them on, just the same starter area fodder and final boss.
>I think the item bar was a good idea
It only introduces a different form tedium. Smashing things for supplies could get annoying, but it taught you to be more careful with your usage. Now you just twiddle your thumbs as the bar fills. Made more annoying by the fact that it's shared with the ability to become 2D.
>most dungeons still had secret items and treasure chests in them to incentivize exploration
Keys for simpler dungeons, rupees, which again, you won't be using unless you're repeatedly dying or playing minigames, and Maiamai which provide upgrades to weapons already capable of destroying most enemies.
You got that. It's called Triforce Heroes. :^)
T-thanks, Nintendo
>otherwise it'll get stale and even more unoriginal.
is the joke here that there have been more 2D top down zeldas than 3D ones
3 were released before albw and triforce heroes came out after
meanwhile there were only 3 3D zeldas prior and they literally all played differently
I liked it a lot but it's the worst 2d Zelda except Zelda 2 maybe
>It's a good thing they went ahead and gone back to the 2D top down gameplay
2D top down never even left.
It's a hour long haunted hause game that got 9-10/10 from sites because of its story content.
It's so unoffensive to play though people here overstate how bad it is.
Personally, it's my favorite Zelda. But I can easily understand why people would hate it, the game's easily among the easiest Zeldas, and there's little sense of growth outside of Heart Pieces and upgrading tools. The in-game visual style is pretty cheap too, and the dungeon themes and Hyrule overworld are taken straight from ALttP. But I love the rental system, as it in a way lets you "build" Link in whatever way you want, and the game in general feels like a dream to play. Most 2.5D entries of series that were previously true 2D feel awkward and not quite right not even just for how you would expect the series to feel, but I think ALBW gets it right and actually feels the best to control of any 2D Zelda. The general dungeon design, while maybe too easy, generally feels very intuitive and it's easy to pick up on what to do throughout them, plus the wall cling is applied well throughout the game and is probably the best implementation of a major gimmick tool in the series.
Probably more I could go into with pros and cons, but those are what feel most important to me.
just replace the word comfy with atmospheric and then go find a cure for your debilitating autism
you really think it's better than links awakening? that's whack
tri force heroes is meme shit.
I can't believe someone this retarded exists
>someone never died
>therefore they're retarded
>there is no way the system is flawed