What was her problem?

What was her problem?

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She was dead

She was stuck on a ship with near invincible alien zombies that will subject you to an unbelievably painful death AND then use your body to repeat the process for other survivors while everyone she knew and cared for were dying around her,

you dumb faggot.

Finally played ds2 recently and it wasn't even a little bit scary anymore. And people say that 3 is even worse.
Fuck you EA!

Yeh I actually know all this but BEFORE THAT. She already didn't like Isaac before she got necromorphed. Also why did she end up being something like a leader Isaac has to fight if she was just one of many necromorph minions?

The problem is: They removed boss battles. 1 had amazing boss bottles. Why those got removed- I'll never know. It took me ages to beat 2 because I always gave up on it. I got 3 when it came out and I still haven't beaten it to this very day. What angers me the most:
>You can only fly to planet X with your ship if you buy our DLC
>This planet is a DLC location
>This planet is for multiplayer only
FUCK YOU! Guess I will never get to see your shitty planets then.

D1-3 perfectly legal in Germany. No problems. Nothing censored. OH you want to get the DLC for Dead Space 2 - fuck you we don't sell it in Krautland. I hate DLC and they can fuck off with their planets but Dead Space 2 DLC looked interesting but who am I kidding might be shit anyways. DLC needs to die. It's shit no one will ever be able to play in the future. Lost game content.


Chapter 1: New Arrivals
Chapter 2: Intensive Care
Chapter 3: Course Correction
Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent
Chapter 5: Lethal Devotion
Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard
Chapter 7: Into the Void
Chapter 8: Search and Rescue
Chapter 9: Dead on Arrival
Chapter 10: End of Days
Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions
Chapter 12: Dead Space



A better Resident Evil game than RE 4, 5, 6 and now 7.

It understood the shock factor of body horror, reanimated corpses and claustrophobic level design synergising with the combat.