How much of the "60FPS or die" attitude that's risen into prominence in the past 4 odd years can be attributed to him?

How much of the "60FPS or die" attitude that's risen into prominence in the past 4 odd years can be attributed to him?

nobody actually thinks that way though...

hell the only time people really talk about framerate is when its a laughably bad console game

>implying 30 fps is playable or acceptable

fucking console shitter

he needs a bra

How do you even get bitch tits like that? I've got gyno and my virtually nonexistent exercises still leave me with relatively defined pecs and nowhere near that level of fat.

nice try TB

More than half

Hahahaha those tits

How can anybody take a Robert Paulson bitch tits cosplayer seriously?

To be fair, wasn't the universal 30 FPS a PS3/360 era invention? I remember old arcade games usually ran at 60.

Whatever, I can't even tell the fucking difference.

Look I'm mainly a PC gamer and of course 60fps and beyond feels better to play, but dismissing a game entirely just because it's locked to 30 is fucking retarded, I played a few PC and a lot of console games like that and didn't really give a fuck, of course it would be better at higher framerate but it's not unplayable either, whoever says that is a cancerous narcissistic moron, oh wait...

I've been used to 60fps since the 16bit era of video games.
This isn't some new concept made by elitists.

All of it

30 fps isn't bad, but it does look a lot worse than 60 fps.

I started freaking out when my games played at 45fps. But when i just turn off the framerate bar i find myself not caring as much and in return enjoying the game more. So this ellitist fuck can screw off with that fedora-tier standard.

delicious tits


>those damn man tits

I'd argue that 30 is fine so long as its stable.

Course, even with the lowered 30 fps, frame dropping is still a problem with a lot of big name games, which just goes to show how fancy graphics at the cost of performance is what the larger consumer base eats up.

Dismissing a game you dont care about however is totally fine.
Simply put the 900p 30fps lock is less enjoyable to play, and that was the tipping point into the not buy territory.

Try to play Viking: Battle for Asgard (native 30 fps) and tell me you can have fun this way


>hurrrr assuming i was even INTERESTED in zelda i wouldn't play this garbage if it wasn't 60 fps there are several PC games exactly like it that are 60 fps and maybe for some people it isn't a big deal but it is for intelligent "core" gamers like myself