How did he eat it all?

How did he eat it all?

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Inserted into mouth.
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Obligatory post

Whats 2+2?

Eat all of what exactly?

That baseball bat ya dingus

All of the train

I don't know know, does the Pope shit in the Number 9?

>stalling for time
He did say he was hungry - and you do have to eat multiple cluckin bell meals to get to full energy. It's reasonable that he could have eaten all the food. Considering that CJ has to eat around 10 Busters or whatever to get to full energy I'm sure a hungry Big Smoke could at least triple that - he'd be capable of finishing it.

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Hes a fat nig


D e e p e s t L o r e

....And a large cheese soda

he's ordering for everyone tho..

Weed makes you hungry
and he was called Big Smoke
step it up

The families, homie.

He's BIG Smoke.

Also, if he didn't end up shoveling it all down his gullet, he was stalling for the ballas to show up anyways.

At the end of the mission he's eaten the food he ordered and everyone elses.

>Rockstar will never make another game like San Andreas again
>the closest we'll ever get is Franklin's shit storyline in V

I hate this theory
Why would he wait for them to show up when he is in the car
they would kill him accidentally dumbfuck

He's a gang banger, and therefore a dipshit.

IIRC the ballas was already circling the block by the time they got to that place. They just didnt see the car then.

he's a big guy

i feel like r* are the perfect trolls. Franklin was totally disinterested with the families and instead wanted to gargle old man jizz. Dont even get me started on that FIB fuck. lamar was cool though.

Please allow me to let out a little autism here:

THAT VIDEO ANALYSIS IS WRONG. Big smoke orders for the others in the car first, THEN orders for himself.

You can tell this because he asks what they want, they tell him, then he repeats it. Finally, the others in the car look at him funny once he goes on to order more than one item for himself.

This, what a fucking retard this guy is


That doesnt make sense for him to order for others when they went first...

plus his first two orders are either different or more from CJ and Ryder's

Yeah he even says it.

Have you ever been in a drive trough with your friends? If you want the same thing as your friends you ask for 2 you don't wait till after.

You're wrong, 2 number nines for Ryder/CJ and Sweets extra dip thing, everything else is his

So Smoke is a moron, duh, this was more obvious on the last mission before you smoke him (pun intended).

>I want a number 9
>give me a number 9 just like his
>let me get a #6 with extra dip

Big smoke orders: 2 number 9s for the passengers, a number 9 large for himself, a number 6 with extra dip for passenger, a number 7 and 2 45s one with cheese and a large soda for himself.

you absolute fucking retards, smoke eats everyone's food during the shoot-out. have you never fucking played san andreas before?

what's 2^2?

It's really fucking simple.
Smoke ordered:
>1x Number 9 Large
>1x Number 7
>2x Number 45 (one with cheese)
>1x large soda

Then, of course, this happens .
Either way, the joke is that Smoke is fat and he did order quite a bit for himself, and ate even more.

>That gif
I want DSP to blow his load on my face while he eats fast food and laughs at all the retards that keep giving him money

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I'd like lick semen off Ritsu


You sicken me.

What's 2.2?

A number between 2 and 3