Just from the demos did anyone else think the game was a lot easier than Dark Souls? The main complaint I see from people who tried Nioh is that it is too hard and not in a "git gud" way and that it's kicking everyone's ass, for me I thought it was easy compared to the Dark Souls games.
Just from the demos did anyone else think the game was a lot easier than Dark Souls...
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It's a million times harder than Dark Souls.
It was easy. Lots of people just tried to play it like a souls game, not knowing that ninjutsu and talismans are gamebreaking.
Why? Everyone keeps saying this, but I don't understand why
despite what people like to say about this game being original, it clearly has a lot in common with the soulsborne series. you'll always consider your first game like this the hardest and every game thereafter will seem easier because you're used to the more methodical gameplay.
i thought the most recent demo was extremely easy (the bat lady boss in the last demo took me several tries to solo, however), but i saw plenty of people posting that they thought the game was bullshit because they could die in two hits apparently. I saw that posted way too often for it to be trolling, so i have to assume that was from people who hadn't played many games like this and were instead expecting it to be closer to Devil May Cry
I've played every Souls games and plenty of action games and couldn't beat the Nioh demo. Well, maybe I could have if I kept at it, but I had zero fun with it so I stopped playing.
It was hardest at its first demo and then they adjusted the numbers. Its still as difficult. There's also the matter of people figuring out the systems.
Suffice to say, people who played Souls games, as much as I love em, tend to play them idiotically when starting out.
>no shields
>no easily accessible, insta kill backstabs
>no easily accessible, 2k damage magic spells
>no easily accessible weapon upgrades that melt bosses left and right
The notion that Dark Souls or souls in general is difficult is a retarded meme at this point.
Once you learn to Ki pulse well you really never run out of stamina. Then is just turns into don't get hit by the one shot/combo-lock moves that make up a majority of the harder enemies and bosses move sets.
>kill one revenant
>OP forever
Lets not pretend that Nioh can't be grinded out.
All i hear is Sup Forumsirgins talk about a game being 2 ez. I think the devs are just saying fuck it and just not explaining anything anymore. I think its a good policy to bring that shit back when games literally told you NOTHING.
Who are u trying to convince user and what did u mean by this?
>kill one revenant
>have a slight CHANCE at getting something SLIGHTLY better than what you currently have
>on top of that upgrade, add in damage+ talismans, living weapon and buffs
>the bosses or basic enemies STILL don't die as fast as in Souls games
Friendly reminder that the hardest boss in Dark Souls 1 can be one shotted at Soul Level 3.
>Aim bow at Luteman
>Cross hair doesn't turn red on his head
>Or his chest
>Only on the lute itself
D e e p e s t L o r e
Eh the only thing i can agree on is backstabs, i never used shields or magic in any of the souls games. The past two demos felt easy. Still pre ordered the game.
It has a loot system that can either make it much easier or much harder depending on your luck or the amount of time you spend grinding. It's also true in Souls but to a much lesser extent.
>The actual mission was piss easy
>The boss probably killed me as much as any standard souls boss
>Samurai guy absolutely DEMOLISHED me though
I'd say Dark Souls has harder levels to play through but Nioh will probably have harder bosses
>moonshig is giving me hernias
>go through nightmare mode to quell my burning rage
>kill auto-spawning revenant
>acquire moonshig kat
>highstance and completely demolish moonshig on 2nd attempt after
This meme is partially accurate. Still a tough fight that required lots of hit and run cowardry tho.
>no Shields
Weapon blocking is 100% so while there are no Shields it's mechanically the same as having one.
The comparison is retarded because you're taking into account greatshields or just how fast stamina recharged in Souls.
It wasn't too difficult but I would say I had more trouble on honobru samuraibro than any boss in das3 with the exception of El freida
You're not*
reposting from other thread
I've been saying this for a while but I think in a lot of ways the people who come to Nioh from a Souls-borne background can find themselves at a disadvantage when trying to play and enjoy this game. I say this simply because a proficiency in Souls-borne games can sometimes cause people to overestimate their abilities or understanding of something they incorrectly perceive to be more or less identical to what they're familiar with. There's a certain amount of comfort in habits and mindset that comes along with that proficiency, and it's for this reason I think that a lot of people may have issues when they aren't willing to deviate from their habits because there's an assumption that they shouldn't need to; that their default approach is already the best option.
Now, obviously this is entirely anecdotal, it does not apply to everyone, and is only my opinion based on what I've observed from my friends and fellow Souls-borne content creators. It also however stems from my own experiences with Nioh in the alpha, beta and most recent demo. I'm a twitch streamer who's content focuses mainly around the various Fromsoft titles, and I've put in a stupid amount of hours between all the Souls-borne games (like, easily 5,000 - 6,000 hours or more) and my first experience with Nioh was that of frustration. It was frustration stemming from my unwillingness (at least initially) to deviate from my ingrained habits and muscle memory because I assumed I'd be able to jump right into this game and be good at it. It became abundantly clear that I was wrong.
It wasn't until I started to unlearn some of those habits and actually dive into the deep combat and gameplay options of Nioh that I really started to enjoy myself, and now I feel entirely enamored by the game.
The tests clearly aren't balanced when it comes to progression. It's more than obvious the final game won't work like that. In the Beta for example after 10 hours you could nearly fully upgrade 2 weapon trees and have all the best Ninjutsu and Mage stuff, as well as a 10/10 weapon with only God-rolls on every slot.
Regardless, it's more complex than Souls and that automatically makes it harder combat-wise. Level design is better in some Souls games (so you won't die from traps as much in NioH, I assume) but the combat itself has a much, MUCH higher skill ceiling in NioH
Considering all we've played were early-game levels with OP gear and accelerated skill progression It's a very safe bet to say that NioH will be harder.
I bet that even here most people cheesed pic related with the ranged-shot>Hammer>stun-lock tactic or something similar, rather than learning the fight, and I'd love to see how many did the Beta challenge level solo in the "hard" mode.
Dude states it can also be done at lvl 1.
Thats one humanoid boss in the game
What about all the other ones, which can't be parried?
Theres a lot more cheesy OP shit in Dark Souls than Nioh.
They should really get rid of the mechanic where a low level person can kill a revenant that's 3x their level and get their gear. I started the twilight mission at level 10 and killed a few level 20-30 revenants at the beginning and got the entire warrior of the west set. I didn't even have to cheese them either, since the revenants have brain dead AI for some reason.
An AI improvement would be nice. I doubt it'll be much better on launch, but hopefully a later update changes it.
I managed to cheese the shit out of Ogress but ragequit and uninstalled at Tachibana.
If I'm going to be forced to cheese every fight in this game I'd rather not play it.
>t. conquered
>Darksouls player plays Nioh in a nutshell.
Guess that's all Darksouls players do against bosses eh? Just cheese them to death.
I never played a single Souls game and that's exactly what I don't want to do.
I wanted a fair 1v1 fight and instead I got an unfair bullshit fight where the enemy doesn't follow the player rules (Ki).
I won the fight in the end but I didn't enjoy making him run around the rock in the least.
>skullgirls finally has another shot at the big stage
>its competing with every single other big league game that couldn't buy it's way in
Well fuck that I guess
Wrong thread?
Much harder than DaS. DaS has the absolute bare minimum when it comes to stamina management.
I think I find it really offputting to see a lot of Dark Souls players (or people that are new to video games in general) completely ignore the fact that you don't have to choose 1 stance over another.
If you cant literally mash R1/RB and beat the entire game, its harder than dark souls.
>waahh it's too easy!
>waahh it's too hard!
Do you fags ever stop whining about the difficulty? I swear to god both sides are annoying as hell.
It was fun. F U N. Difficulty felt good. Not stupidly easy but not impossible either. A good challenge and an awesome combat system. Souls is good too in a different way. Same with other action games like Onimusha, Ninja Gaiden, etc.
He's not that bad once you get his rhythm down. The only true bullshit he does imo, is when he's out of ki and dashes away three times and shoots arrows. If you cheesed him with the rock, you are simply mechanically bad at the game.
It really depends. For example when I started out I saw the "damage buff on successful ki pulse" skills and thought "I suck shit at those so far, I'll try getting other stuff". Got my shit pushed in hard, though unlocking some specific skills jacked up my damage by a lot. Bought a reset and got the "dodge = ki pulse" passives and suddenly was having a way easier time with it.
Basically, it's going to be easy or hard depending on your build. Also your luck with gear drops is going to be a huge component. If you head into the twilight mission right away you are literally eating hits for over 1k damage from those stone solders or whatever. Grind out the right gear and suddenly you are on much more even footing.
It seems the game has placed a much higher emphasis on the stats and other RPG components. And yes, I know you can beat shit at level 1 with shit gear if you know the systems well enough, but don't you dare try to tell me that maxed out skill trees/gear don't heavily influence the overall difficulty.
I didn't find it fun.
Not hard, just not fun. I honestly didn't bother playing more than 5 minutes into all betas because it looks and plays like shit. It feels literally like an upscaled Vita game.
Lot of concord posting tonight
Maybe you should've put more than five minutes into it before judging it.