When are they gonna nerf this dike cunt?
When are they gonna nerf this dike cunt?
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Zarya did nothing wrong.
They will at some point honestly.
But it won't be too much of a nerf because it will piss off THOSE people.
I hate her
I'd see pic related
They have nerfed her a few times now not huge but still nerfs.
>She rapes you with her fat futa cock
>Doesn't even let you talk
>She just uses you as a cock sock
What do?
They already have, stop feeding her charge if you don't want to be lasered in the face, scrub
>fat futa cock
kys faggot
she's a woman that needs to be fucked tenderly and soft
>Implying she doesn't do the fucking
When are you going to stop playing this shit game?
As soon as they nerf her you babbies are just going to complain about the next character because Blizzard can't balance for shit. It's an endless cycle.
>Extremely fun game
>Updates regularly
>Stop playing it cause Blizzard tries to balance everything
Go kill yourself.
Futafags are pure cancer. Can't have one strong women be sexy without some faggot adding a cock to her.
A fat feminine cock.
Let's be accurate on what I stated here.
It's not gay if it's a feminine cock.
Since it's girly and on a woman.
>Non-official porn is evidence.
Roadhog demoishes her now
Stop. Just fuckin stop.
People said Tracer is gay before it was official.
I am sure that is official as well.
Blizzard loves to feed the fans.
In this case.. with Zarya's penis.
She deserves a nerf because the playerbase is too stupid?
Your parents said you'd be a success before you were born, but that didn't come true did it
>Overwatch releases
>Sup Forums and most of the OW community declares Zarya one of the worst characters in the game. Think of ways to buff her. Call her weapon "the tickle gun"
>Modern day
>"Waahhhhh she's too strong"
>Literally nothing has changed about her
People can be such fucking idiots.
What do you think she needs changed? She's been nerfed twice already.
Tell that to all the pro tournaments where Zarya still sees near 100% pick rate.
>Just don't shoot her bubble xD
It takes time for people to realize what is actually strong and what isn't.
If you're trying to engage a 50% charged zarya 1v1 or without waiting, that's your fault. If you're not kicking her ass when her bubble is on cooldown, that's also your fault.
Everything has been nerffed.
Zarya needs barely 40% charge to destroy 90% of the cast. That is not hard to achieve.
>>Literally nothing has changed about her
she actually got nerfed a while ago. It's small, but her bubbles used to let her get to 50%. Now a single bubble can only give 40% max
Also Rein's firestrike only gives her 20% now, which was pretty much the easiest source of charge.
a male reproductive organ? that only men have and are born with?
>Sup Forums and most of the OW community declares Zarya one of the worst characters in the game. Think of ways to buff her. Call her weapon "the tickle gun"
I've literally never seen this, user. I've always seen posts say that Zarya's kit is strong, and that it just isn't as brain dead as the others so you see it shine less often.
They already nerfed her
They nerfed her maximum charge per bubbled then buffed her in the same patch by making her M1 do more consistent damage.
Tanks don't need nerfs, Ana needs more nerfs.
-Instant 100 HP from Biotic Grenade no longer instant, now heals 100 HP over the course of four seconds. Ana still gets instant 100 HP because she doesn't have armor/shields/any other way to heal herself
-Extra healing from Biotic Grenade reduced to 30%, down from 50%
-Enemies hit with Biotic Grenade's healing now reduced to 30% of original value, down from 100% healing block
There, actually balanced compared to the other healers. Now make it so that Lucio isn't a 100 percent pick in every single composition in every match, nerf Reinhardt so every match isn't "See who breaks Reinhardt's shield first", and nerf S76's damage because Ana isn't horrendously OP. Also buff Mercy hard because she's just a worse Ana now.
>people thought ana was underpowered
When will futafags stop memeing and admit they're fucking gay, bros?
Hopefully never
Cry harder, D. Vafag
You just need to nerf the ult. How far it pulls people, how strong the gravitational pull is, how fast people are pulled in.
>futa fags
That's an oxymoron don't you think?
Except any Zarya player with a brain inside their skull projects a bubble onto their team's Rein or someone else that's being shot at first.
Any Zarya that isn't constantly at 60% power or higher at any given time in a firefight is trash with her.
>Stop shooting the other team bro haha
You realize she can shoot her shields onto teammates instantly, right retard?
I don't mind if there's no balance, I'm just tired of looking at her (male).
They did.