When are they gonna nerf this dike cunt?
When are they gonna nerf this dike cunt?
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Zarya did nothing wrong.
They will at some point honestly.
But it won't be too much of a nerf because it will piss off THOSE people.
I hate her
I'd see pic related
They have nerfed her a few times now not huge but still nerfs.
>She rapes you with her fat futa cock
>Doesn't even let you talk
>She just uses you as a cock sock
What do?
They already have, stop feeding her charge if you don't want to be lasered in the face, scrub
>fat futa cock
kys faggot
she's a woman that needs to be fucked tenderly and soft
>Implying she doesn't do the fucking
When are you going to stop playing this shit game?
As soon as they nerf her you babbies are just going to complain about the next character because Blizzard can't balance for shit. It's an endless cycle.