Based MS shitting on the competition yet again.
Who hyped for Scorpio? Comment is from the creator of Ori
Based MS shitting on the competition yet again.
Who hyped for Scorpio? Comment is from the creator of Ori
Other urls found in this thread:
I've been saying this since last year but Sup Forums's is too retarded to understand this.
Can't wait to play Scalebound on it
Also >making threads off NeoFag posts
>at e3 they said Xbox One owners won't be left behind
>Now it's a next gen console
So Phil Spencer was lying yet again?
And yet, no worthwhile games to play on it. So who gives a shit?
What new IP is coming out though
I doubt they will drop support on old xbox, this is probably just a marketing thing
>console with no notable games is getting forward compatibility
Of course they are. Remember how they said that Kinect was always going to be integral to the Xbone? They dropped that shit real quick.
>creator of Ori
Not trusting a furfag, sorry.
Are you really this retarded? It's a next gen console but think of it as a Smart Phone or changing your fucking graphic card in your PC. You can play all of your old games and you can play all of the games for the Xbox that comes after the Scorpio, and if you decide to stick with your Xbone you don't have to worry about being forced to buy a new console (like you have to with the Switch) since you can play all of the Xbox Scorpio games on the Xbone possibly until the Sagittarius, maybe.
But the OP specifically says they arent going to be left behind?
Eventually sure, after 3-4 years, but by then xbone owners will have switched to PC or scorpio
Xbox is shit. It's the only system where you can't play as my nigga Laharl. The lil nigga on PS4, PC, Vita and 3DS with BC.
>company is so big with so many resources that they can just give up on a console mid gen and try to jump ahead
This is horrible business practice, consumers will either openly detest it or it'll set precedent for an awful future to come. Take the fucking hit you pussies, your next gen system will be outclassed by PC by...two years ago. I hope bill gates, sole member of the microsoft corporation, decides against this.
If scorpio is next gen, will it have games the xbone can't play?
Cause if it does, that's a real dick move.
doesn't Scorpio still use the jaguar architecture ?
>Trusting an indie dev
>Trusting an indie dev in M$ pocket
>Buying Xbox
>Buying consoles for power
Every console generation since the 7th feels rather like a hardware upgrade than a genuinely next gen. At least Nintendo tries to do something different, even if they have horrible ideas.
where the games?
>Announce a "next gen machine"
>no gaems
oh well
okay, but...
Right here
*teleports behind you*
It will, but not at first. We can expect some features to be Scorpio exclusive to ease us in.
>He actually wants gimmicks that stop being fun after a coupe of weeks
Dumb frogposter
They tricked us, now Sony will have to put out a PlayStation 4 Pro 2.
This. Who gives a shit? Do you really care about quantum break that much?
come on man its 2017
>cancelling games left and right
>what's left is on Windows anyway
What's even the fucking point
If it's actually that much more powerful and is set to become the base hardware for the next however many years, eventually they'll be moving forward and they can't bring the newer stuff down to the old system forever.
This is really going to muddy things for console consumers.
>now Sony will have to put out a PlayStation 4 Pro 2.
4k is years away, and Sony is 30 million consoles ahead. They have lots of breathing room. Scorpio isn't gonna sell because it's more powerful, when nobody cares about 4k and Sony still has everyone in their pockets.
>Scorpio isn't gonna sell because it's more powerful
But that's like 90% of why Sony won this gen, it was stronger than the Xbone.
>Who hyped for a shit PC
Definitely me. What can I play on Scorpio that my PC with a 1070 can't?
>can't read
Dumb dumbposter.
Sony won this generation because their console was $100 cheaper and had far better marketing and public relations.
If this post is true, consoles might become interesting in the near future
>idiots didn't know scorpio had backwards compatibility
That means games are still held back by Xbone Original because they need to be compatible with it.
Not next generation.
They had one advantage over every other platform and they threw it away to become more PC.
>Scorpio $499-$699
>PC outclassing Scorpio and optimisation $1499 - $1699
You're not very frugal huh
that's a terrible strategy, really. the average consumer is stupid, they can't assimilate that much info. fuck, they couldn't even differentiate the WiiU from the Wii.
and at that point you might as well just build a PC. I get the PS4Pro, it's just a beefier version of the base console for people willing to fork over the cash, but annual upgrades that might or might not kill its predecessor? nah, that's bullshit.
it's as bad as Sega bad in the '90s.
This, no jap support is a no buy from me.
>it was stronger than the Xbone
I am sure people will buy the scorpio and rebuy all the games they already bought for the PS4 for the Scorpio.
>play all of the games for the Xbox that comes after the Scorpio
What games? "Halo 6: Let it Die?" "Gears 5: Who Gives a Shit?" Scalebound and Phantom Dust looked like the most interesting games for the Xbone and they were canned. If From came up and asked to do Metal Wolf Chaos and Otogi sequels for free, they'd get canned too.
Xboners shouldn't talk shit about the Switch. At least Nintendo treats Platinum with respect and cares about giving the spotlight and recognition to niche series like SMT, Xenoblade, and Dragon Quest (in the West.)
Xbone is the only console without Dragon Quest. It's the only console without ATLUS games. It's the only console that won't be getting a Platinum game. It's the only console without niche franchises like Yakuza, Gravity Rush, Persona, SMT and Xenoblade that appeals to the core gamer. It's the only console without a flagship RPG. Not even Namco Bandai or Suda 51 would make exclusives for it. Most importantly, the Xbone family introduced the online subscription cancer.
I don't give a shit about the Xbone or the Scorpio. They have no games. I don't give a shit about graphics if the games are literally absent.
What? I haven't heard anyone talking about specs all generation. Nobody saw any difference between the systems, but the xbone killed itself on launch. PS4 won because it was completely inoffensive and ran COD.
it won't have the new AMD ryzen proc it will be a slightly more overcloked PS4 pro
It will be just like PCs and Smart devices. When the oldest console is too weak to run the newer games and can no longer handle the graphics or scale of the game, that console would be phased out and the console above it will take its place.
>the average consumer is stupid
>might as well just build a PC
This is where your point falls apart
>1500 PC
Stop buying Alienware bullshit user.
A very good PC with a 1070 cost 900 dollars.
I feel like OP and the other recent statements from people playing test Scorpios that it will definitely be more than just that
did anyone actually think it was gonna be a "mid-gen upgrade"? Most people thought neo was gonna be the same. Sony fucked up and made the pro as a way to try and sell 4k TV to prep for the PS5, only it's selling like ass. Producing and manufacturing a PS5 so soon after the pro will not only make people realize the pro was just a misstep, but it'll piss people off too since sony's been hyping up continued support and the "refreshed gen cycle" with the midgen upgrade shit.
I can't tell if they played into microsoft's trap or they're just realizing they fucked up and are just rolling with it.
In any case, I think the scorpio will likely do alright, but I don't think devs want to spend too much money on optimizing for this hardware, since it means, like working with nintendo consoles, that you're spending more effort and resources for the hopes to sell to a smaller market. More hardcore and dedicated markets, sure, but still smaller. I think unless the scorpio sells gangbusters like the PS4 did, we're gonna see it taking a seat with the switch.
But i'm no businessman. I didn't expect the PS4 to sell as well as it did. I expected the bone to flop because of the pre-launch "well just buy a 360" shit, but damn, it flopped HARD.
Halo 6 and Gears 5 will be on the PC as well.
At whatever resolution you want/ whatever frames your PC can handle. With free online.
Based, gonna trade my Xbox One S for a Scorpio.
PC + Nintendo + 4k Blu ray player masterrace reporting in.
digital foundry disagree and they're the one that got the leak
It may sound terrible but it works for Smart Phones so it could work for the Xbox if Microsoft markets this thing right.
>Weebfag trying to tell me
There's a reason why that shitty looking dragon simulator got canceled.
PCs don't cost that much, and after building one it's cheaper to upgrade parts every few years than buying consoles.
Either way, the Scorpio isn't frugal either, considering it will, like its predecessors, have no games
>trade my Xbox One S for a Scorpio.
Why did you get the S?
I dont get why you wouldnt just wait for Scorpio, especially if you have a PC.
People who believe this shit are delusional. There's absolutely zero chance microsoft will take a loss that high on initial console cost. Unless the PC cost is alienware tier in which case you're a fucking idiot
What credibility does this person have?
Also, it's literally what the PS2 was to the PS1 then.
Backwards compatible like PC. So the older hardware remains relevant, with reduced performance.
This is a healthy model.
You'd still be a retard to buy an Xbox over a PC, but a significant enough proportion of consumers ARE retarded, so this should work nicely in Microsoft's favour.
forgot article
you can also watch their youtube video
what do you think they'll call it at release
xbox one two?
PS3 had a EOL of 10 years and was released in 2006.
PS4 has been released for around 3 years.
Unless console life cycles have vastly reduced we are at the mid way point for PS4 and the PS4pro launched with the slim like most mid cycle refreshes.
PS5 isn't going to happen for another 3-4 years.
the xbox one S 2
Xbox 1 2 switch 360 degrees and VR moonwalk by Apple
>PC + Nintendo + 4k Blu ray player masterrace reporting in.
PC + Nintendo + PS is the real masterrace. Just compare the list of games you are missing out to what the latter is missing out.
Gaylo 5.
Sunset Overdrive.
Big woop
You are misreading his post. What he is describing is the exact same thing as the PS4 pro. He's just trying to make it sound cool.
xbox SS
It can only benefit Microsoft if Sony decides not to follow suit, and the PS4 revision seems to indicate that that won't be the case.
>There's a reason why that shitty looking dragon simulator got canceled
Yes, because MS obviously fucked with it. Just look at the MC.
The "leak" is a developer white paper called Reaching 4K and GPU scaling across multiple Xbox devices. It's simply information to prep developers for multi-device capability development, and not an official technical spec document.
You're not stupid are you user?
This is why people shouldn't complain about the lack of backwards comparability one the Xbox1 and PS4. It was clearly a current and forward thinking move to use x86. Cheaper, easier to port games, easier to make games in general, future systems will have bc without having to slap on a mini ps2 like sony did with the fat ps3
would it even make a difference?
Regardless of microsoft, i don't see why the next playstation wouldn't be backwards compatible
4k blu ray player
>stop liking what I don't like!!
X2: X-Bots United
my first point was made with the average consumer in mind but I was thinking about core gamers when I made the second.
>fuck this, I'll just buy a PS4
>fuck this, I'll just build a PC
I fail to see a viable market unless is right and they miraculously market it so well that consoles go the same way as smartphones.
which would be terrible.
>Calls himself masterrace
>Gets BTFO
>Stop liking what I don't like
No one cares but calling yourself masterrace is borderline retarded
"Scorpio isn't some half assed upgrade (which PS4 Pro kinda is..)"
>cinematic movies and bad weebshit
No thanks.
Why would you trade your S for a scorpio? The S already has the one feature that a gayming PC doesn't have which is the 4K blu-ray player. A scorpio will benefit you in absolutely no way
Lmao how mad are you that you're not masterrace little fag?
> stop it! you're wrong btfo!
>Dude memes lmao
It is about having options. I can play cinematic movies and bad weebshit if I wanted to. And plenty of them as well. What do you get to play that I don't?
Halo 5: Casuals
Sunset Overdrive
Wow. Such a fucking loss for me not to own a Shitbox.
>weeb shit
Great arguement
>yet again
Care to refresh my memory on the first time MS shat on the competition?
No one knows what the fuck happened but the game looked like shit since its reveal so who cares. If you still pissy about that dragon simulator go play your weebshit on the PS4 and Switch since Sony can only make movies and the Switch doesn't have anything worthwhile except Zelda and Mario (hope that changes at E3).
Why wouldn't I? It will also have a 4k player and be beefier.
Stupid sonygger.
>Can only play Halo 5 SP and Sunset Overdrive
>Tries to lord it over others
Lmao. A little pathetic and sad there user.
It will still have the same problem the PS4 pro will have which is that games are designed for its weaker predecessor.
>automatically assumes I own a sony console
lmao what games are you going to play on your scorpio microsoft already confirmed all xbone games are coming to PC also
>Why would you get a major upgrade for your living room gaming/multimedia system?
Gee I wonder user, next you'll be telling people they need to build a gaming PC for living room entertainment
dumb frogposter
>the game looked like shit since its reveal
It, did. I wonder why though, no platinum game had looked less inspired.
Nice goal post moving, faggot.
Plenty of console only games you do miss out on. If you want to stick to one platform that is fine but if you plan on getting a secondary platform get the PS4 or Switch. Shitbox is worthless unless you like Gaylo: 343 shits the bed the game or Sunset Overdrive.
>my subjective opinion is the truth!!
When you finish high school you might be able to see that you're wrong
>Calls himself masterrace
>Rightly point out he library of games is pathetic
>"Goal post moving"
Sounds like you ran out of arguments and trying to throw a random fallacy and see what sticks.
>Shitbox having Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive is an subjective opinion
Uhmmm. Are you trying to imply you being able to play Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive makes you masterrace? Really fires your neutrons this implication