This is incredibly fucking good. Way better than Ground Zeroes in terms of a "demo" release.
This is incredibly fucking good. Way better than Ground Zeroes in terms of a "demo" release
I liked it other than Aqua's fucking abysmal defense stat
So what is it? Birth By Sleep Final Mix with some more extra bits? Is the entire KH series on PS4 at this point?
It's basically a BBS epilogue and a KHIII demo
They're coming out with 1.5+2.5 in March, which is literally every game on one disc
>literally every game on one disc
For real? Even DDD and 358/2?
Christ that makes me want to get a PS4
DDD is on 2.8, 358/2 will probably just be all the cutscenes sandwiched into a movie
But everything else will be there
1.5+2.5 has 1 final mix, 2 final mix, re: chain of memories and bbs final mix as full games, plus a cutscene theatre for 358/2 and re:coded
2.8 has ddd, the new bbs epilogue and a cutscene theatre for some browser game (unchained I think)
you need both and even then you don't get the ds games
I never bothered to play RE: Chain and others so that would be nice
If only the PS4 had other things I wanted, it's the same case as Rare Replay being the only thing I'd want on the Xbone
Whats with all these spinoff KH games
I've already beaten those on PS3.
please convince me that 60 fps isn't worth buying them again