Say something nice about him
Say something nice about him
Other urls found in this thread:
i like his beeps
It's the best character.
Rein's worst fear.
Best bird pet.
Best robot.
Shut up you cunt, alright? chick, chick, chikeeen!
My friends and i go into 3v3s with a comp of reinhardt, mercy, and bastion and camp in the spawn room. we dont do it every round, but we do it at least once every game we play of it. we also take this into payload quickplay games and once or twice in a comp game. its some of the most fun in the game. we also call out in team chat CHOPPER GUNNER INCOMING
"Fuck off to /vg/, we have five Overshit threads up already"
Not very nice I know but it needed to be said
I think everyone loves Bastion as a character
I think everyone hates Bastion as an in-game hero
He needs a recon ability in recon mode that uses the bird.
He helps boosts new players' self-esteem by giving them something easy to kill!
Nobody uses him so he will never get killed :^)
Bastion summons his feathed friend to scout and recognize the path ahead and the surroundings
The player loses control of Bastion, but takes control of Ganymede for 15 seconds to explore the map in third person, Ganymede cannot be killed, flies relatively fast, after the ability expires, the player takes control of Bastion again, Ganymede will fly back to Bastion.
Ability will only enter in cold down ONLY when Ganymede has successfully returned to Bastion, meaning if Ganymede has traveled further away, then it will take longer to return to Bastion, meaning the delay before the cold down starts will be longer.
Bastion will be vulnerable to any attacks during Ganymede ability, but the player can 'abort' the ability to defend himself; delay and cold down acts normally
If Bastion is killed during Ganymede's ability, the bird will fly back to spawn and wait for Bastion to respawn
Ability has 30 seconds cold down, can only be casted on Recon mode.
I wish he were viable
What this guy said
His beeps are super cute
I like it!
>tfw somebody likes my idea
Being honest, I think this ability is just a gimmick, sometimes useful, situational.
Bastion DPS is okay as it is, it's lack of movement is fitting drawback for it's massive damage output, well why not an ability that can be used to recognize the battlefield?
He had a shield during beta, but I guess it was deemed too good.
But it's not like he's a threat against anyone that isn't a newbie.
How about
>passive ability
>tweets whenever enemies are nearby
>Passive ability
I dont know how that could work
>Tweets whenever enemies are nearby
Okay, that's a cool idea, it works both ways, to inform about the enemy, and to inform the enemy there is an enemy Bastion scouting the area
Make it happen!
passive just means its always in effect, similar to Mercy's self healing.
Oh, I see now, it would be like some sort of detector or radar to give away enemies around Bastion?
It would stay sit on Bastion instead of going around flying?
bastion had a hard life
But now he's fine and dandy in the forest
Guess he had a happy ending?
He was perfect the way he was originally designed.
>Blizz can't/won't buff bastion because the same retards who called him 'OP' in the beta will sperg out and lose their shit again
>meanwhile 3/4rs of the hero roster (or even anyone who has more the 3 brain cells for that matter) has no problem countering him because being stationary in this game is a death sentence
Still though, at least he's not *the* worst hero in the game now since Sombra was released.
>Reins worst fear?
This robot dude is like my best friend.
He's pretty cool but needs a complete rework to be viable above Bronze.