So... kickstarter backers get the game for 15 bucks, and the rest of us have to pay 40 on launch?

so... kickstarter backers get the game for 15 bucks, and the rest of us have to pay 40 on launch?


Im going to be pissed if its good

Early investors.

then why the fuck didn't you fund it

because I'm not a dumb goy? same reason I don't pre-order

fair enough. enjoy paying $40+ though. lol

guess they're getting a day 1 pirate from me instead lmao

If I were a backer and paid to see the game finished, I'd be upset that they charged me full price.

the game looks like trash tho
fuck "Rare" platformers desu

You must be 18 to post here

Banjo was good. If you didn't like it, you aren't going to like this one either.

I actually will be getting a steam code for 10 dollars

i got the cheapest kickstarter level that included the game

I think backers should have a discount for sure... but not cost a fucking third of the price. It just feels misleading as hell.

I don't think the adult thing to do is put money blindly into products before they are out.

What is misleading about it? You could've backed, you didn't,the full price is higher than you assumed. How is any of that anyone's fault other than yours?

Because you don't put the game up for a 15 bucks bracket then make it cost x2.5 as much, it's pretty unreasonable and I can't think of another game that's done it.

That said it's no big deal, I'll just pirate it like most people will. 40 bucks, top jej

They made the game possible you fucking retard. Instead of seeing it as you paying more see it as it is. They are paying less than the average consumer by making a risky. There is nothing wrong about this.

Charging anything higher than 30 dollars for an indie game is a bad idea.


It's a full 3D game made by actual real developers who are renowned for making some of the best games in the genre. It's not some indie pixelshit, why would you expect to be paying under 20 bucks for this game?

Like, pretend that you hadn't even heard a thing about the Kickstarter and had just heard that Rare's old DKC/Banjo staff were making a new 3D platformer (but with modern graphics/engine). Would you still be offended about the price? I very much doubt it.

Most people aren't going to pay more than that for an indie game just off the fact that it's indie

Most indie games that charge higher than that are typically not big enough or good enough to warrant it (such as No Man's Sky)

I'm sure Yooka Laylee will be good but just seeing some of the gameplay I don't think it's worth 40 dollars

It costs 40 because it is a full fledged game.
Backing it up was a huge risk, you saw those memes about
>lol backing kickstarters
You know how much risk there is. It was successful, if you pirate you are entitled.
If it had failed you would have been the first to laugh, bitch.

I honestly wouldn't pay much more than 30 dollars for any game, indie or not


haha wow, kill yourself op
your life is sad

>$40 indie game
I understand these are industry veterans, but I still refuse to spend that much on indie titles. I guess I'll pirate it and buy it on sale if it turns out good.


Well it is on gog anyways, so you probably will have a torrent day 1.

>The graphics aren't stunning but they're leagues above most indies and on par with full priced platformers
>Well known developer
>Very little of it is being outsourced to nobodies so very little chance of getting Inafune'd
>It's a full game and it looks to have all of the content of a $40 game
>Nintendo have gotten away with charging more than this for far less content in their platformers for over 10 years
>They can get away with charging more because there's a gap in the market, since very few platformers of this kind exist anymore
I think you're just a little spoiled, OP. Just because it had a Kickstarter doesn't mean it is automatically gonna be some ten dollar piece of shit that you get gifted by a friend, play for 20 minutes and never touch again

>muh spoiled and entitled
How to spot Reddit

>this post
how to spot a FUCKING FAGGOT
kill yourself you fucking retard

So you can't even come up with a counterargument? Fair enough mate

>not denying you're a Reddit user

>Instantly valuing things lower regardless of content just because they got Kickstarted
How to spot nu-Sup Forums

What's the problem? It's thanks to backers that the game exists in the first place.
I was skeptical of it the same way I am skeptical of every game that comes out of kickstarter, but the folks appear to have done a good job. I'll pay $40 for it no problem.

This. I'd pay 60 to get Rare gameplay back. Assuming this game is a success.

for my son...for all of us...............I AM BRINGING YOU BACK

To be fair, everybody screams reddit now.
I have been called reddit hundreds of times, and I don't even know what the hell they do there.

Why do you keep bringing up Reddit so much without it ever being mentioned? Are you a shill for the place or something?

bet you ask to sample everything at restaurants too, you fucking faggot

Can't wait for the N64-shader.
Already got my rose tinted glasses and claned them.
SO ready to be nostalgia-pandered.

That's because when the Kickstarter was announced Playtonic was still independent, but a few months after their campaign Team 17 signed up to be their publishers.

As far as I can tell it's Team 17 setting the price, where as those who backed the game get to keep it at their original backed price.

>It's okay to pay $40 for a game like this, but not a game like Yooka-Laylee
t. faggots


Sup Forums used to get mad for reasons that concerned bettering video games
at some point people stopped complaining for a reason and just started complaining for the hell of it

That's the perk for backing a game. Why should someone back a game if they aren't going to have an incentive to do so?

It's called an open buffet

I adore banjo.

This doesn't look good. The worlds look sparce and uninspired. Lighting is terrible.

It's $24 for the digital copy reward tier.

This. Who cares about the price? It's going to suck. If you think a game released in 2017 is going to recapture even a sliver of the magic that made banjo kazooie enjoyable, you're delusional.

Yup, OPs entire """""argument""""" stinks of nu-Sup Forums

Nigga probably doesn't even play games he just enjoys shitposting about them, as is typical of nu-Sup Forums.

Played the toybox or whatever they called it. It feels a hell of a lot like banjo.

If yooka laylee sells as much as nms I think they'll be pretty happy

Just wait for it to go on sale.

all y'all niggas is gay

have you ever heard of risk and reward?

If you backed this then congratulations, you are literally rhe reason video games are in decline. I hope you enjoy there not being a single good game release for the next decade until the industry collapses.

nice! you figured out how kickstarter works!

>Because you don't put the game up for a 15 bucks bracket then make it cost x2.5 as much

Actually they do, and now you can't own the game legally without spending 40 bucks


>worlds look "sparce" and uninspired.
What? Are you referring to the toybox? That's just a demo of how the character handles and general mechanics of the game. That shit was empty and it was still an enjoyable demo. I can't imagine. The people that were largely responsible for DK 64 and Banjo Kazzoie will disappoint. The only negative I can see is that it isn't a Banjo Kazooie Game.

>People pissed about Microsoft fucking over Banjo and Rareware
>People pissed when original Rareware team gets a second shot.

Can't make everyone happy I guess.