
Ask someone who just beat Persona 3 and 4 for the first anything.

are you going to play persona 1 & 2 or are you only playing for the social links

Are they worth playing and what's the best method of playing them?

If the dungeon crawling is better than 3 and 4's then yeah I'd play them, before I played 3 and 4 I played Nocturne and the two Digital Devil Saga games and Person'a dungeons suck.

Why would you do that?

Because I heard they were good.

Who were best girls and boys?

How does it feel to be a weeb cuck

Marge or Liz?

For 3: Akihiko and Mitsuru.

For 4: Dojima (if he counts) and Yukiko.

Feels good man.

Elizabeth by far, Margaret was a non factor and her social link was stupid but also really easy to max.

>Elizabeth by far
Supreme taste

When will you play P4D?

What's your name and address?

why did you waste your time playing two bad games

I don't own a Vita, I played vanilla 4 on PS2.

Isn't there also a fighting game that's on PS3?


What level should I be for the Mitsuo fight so that he doesn't hit 500 in 1 regular attack? And how far away is that from the end?

Can I un-romance Yukiko and switch her out for the newest Rise model?

>Main Cast
Aigis best girl, Akihiko best boy
>Social Links
Isako best girl, Akinari best boy

>Main Cast
Naoto best girl, Kaiji Best boy
>Social Links
Margaret best girl, Adachi best boy

Undeniable best test coming through.

I was low 40's. I used Yosuke, Yukiko and Chie, it's important that you have a lot of SP restoration items because you'll be spamming Mediarama a lot. Buffing your defense is a good move too and debuffing his defense when you break his shell will make you do more damage.

I'm not sure how multiple romances work, I was on the PS2 version and I maxed Yukiko, Rise, Chie and Ai with no consequence but I think on Golden it's different.


Fair enough.

Thank you kindly.

Black Frost, ho.
Also mediarama on yuikiko.
Until then you aren't ready.

Wtf. What is up with all the Persona threads all of a sudden?

>desu I just finished P4G a few days ago and finished the animation yesterday. Now starting P3P

>Akihiko best boy

Ah man, Yukiko's Mediarama is like 6 levels away.
Fine, I'll train a little then.

>all of a sudden?
user, these threads are actually pretty common. We've been arguing about them for years.

Plus we got P5 recently and P4G went on sale for the past month and a bit.
It's not unusual at all.

Do you regret it?

Also how does it feel knowing your taste in waifus is awful despite your god tier taste in boys

No I really enjoyed both games, I think 3 had the better narrative and cast but 4 improved gameplay in most areas. I'll try the Digital Devil Saga games next I think.

What level are you? I remember Yukiko having Mediarama when I entered the dungeon.
Yukiko is god tier taste though.

Ehh that last bit about Yukiko was in response to

>What level are you?
In the 36-38 range, I believe. I like running past shadows and only fighting the ones I can't avoid or any Golden Hands I find.

Seeing if I can win at a lower level is pretty fun, it only stopped working at Shadow Teddie where he just sorta wiped my team in the last 1/6th of his health.