Just Cause 3

What's the consensus on this? Thinking of picking it up with the DLC since it's cheap.

Surprisingly meh even though I really liked JC2. I don't even know why, it just feels so bland somehow.

Really fun and cheap. DOn't listen to the contrarians.

You just most likely got burned out by sandbox games, it's not like 3 does anything worse than 2. I admit that it doesn't really innovate the formula, so it must feel boring if you already had your dose of games like that.

The dlc all sucks except for the jetpack one because it turns you into iron man.

I did really like two, and to an extent 1. I've been playing a lot of sandboxes recently so I may just pick it up and save it for later.

I'm on the same position as OP, but i heard that it was downright unplayable on release, was it patched?

I'm talking about the PS4 version btw

This is actually very likely, considering that I can't exactly point out why I like 3 less than 2. Sure I can pinpoint some bad things out of 3, but they would also apply to 2 too - the challenge based upgrade system is annoying in 3 but 2 has no upgrades like that at all, liberating settlements is repetitive as fuck in 3 but so it was in 2 too...

Maybe 2 had a bit more variety in scenery (deserts and snowy areas in addition to the main terrain, which obviously was jungle), but that alone doesn't make it better.

if you are getting it for console, dont. it runs like shit, and I mean 20fps and lower shit

pc version? make sure you have a more than good pc, the game runs like shit if you have less than 8gb of ram

its sad since JC2 ran so well on every platform it was on

What a shame.

Well double shit. I was going to get it on my PS4.

>it's not like 3 does anything worse than 2
Except driving, the parachute, FoV, and having really stiff movement. Just some really important stuff.

How could they fuck up something so simple?

It's middle of the road. What's weird is I dug two. Maybe I just didn't like the Mediterranean vibe.

I wanna play a video-gamey video game where I can jump & fly around like a madman and cause indiscriminate violence with a variety of weapons. One where I don't really have to pay attention and can just zone out to fun gameplay.

I'm between Just Cause 3 and Saints Row Re-elected (with Gat Out of Hell bundled in)
Both are about 30 bucks on PSN.

Which do I choose?

I'm so fucking burned out on open world games man.

Stopped playing Mad Max and uninstalled Shadow of Morder. Those were both good games, but the bamham, QTE, leveling skill system shit was really getting to me. Anyone else just can't stand them anymore?

it was made by a shitty b team and it shows.

This disappointed me as soon as I started the game. It just feels terrible.

I've been bro-oping Sants Row Re-elected with my cousin. It's been great, but it gets kinda grindy if you're going to do the challenges.

When 2 came out the game was a huge map and people were hungry for a more crazy sandbox like old GTA. People have now had GTAV which added a ton of content.

2 found a niche. 3 is just another sandbox of its time.

I've heard many tales of very bad performance on 3 as well, but my system is overpowered so I didn't notice. But I played 2 on a very modest system and it ran rather well. 3 also seems more buggy in general in terms of glitches.

It gets a bit old with so many games needing a three week course to learn to have any content level. Its rare to find one with complex gameplay that builds you into without being boring as shit to start. Or is simple yet just as fun. Its a hard balance and a lot of the bigger games that come out do not pull it off....part of why I'm in limbo after finishing Doom.

Bought it on new years sale and its pretty fun.
If you played Just Cause 2 its pretty much the same, just in a new map and with new stuff.
Honestly I have more fun with the optional challenges than actually destroying stuff.
There are mods for the game tho, but I havent checked to see if theres any worthwhile yet.

With with you on that man, that being said I just picked up the first Gravity Rush and I'm having fun with that so far.

I played through SR4 to near completion - barring shit like extra clusters after maxing out and not giving a shit about getting gold on all challenges - but that was vanilla.

I wouldn't mind fucking around in SR4 since I enjoyed the gameplay, but I'm just looking for opinions on whether or not that + Gat Out of Hell and DLC is worth the $30 or if Just Cause 3 would fulfill my urge for flying around and shooting things in 3rd person.