Oh yeah, that happened

>Oh yeah, that happened

Other urls found in this thread:

vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Mirror's Edge Catalyst
vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Battlefield 1&publisher=&platform=&genre=&minSales=0&results=200


Red pill me.



Don't die on me, you bastard! Don't you die on me!


Soon, soon.

2016 was two years ago.

Ahhh I remember
>everyone shilling it on jewtoobs
>servers broken
>some weeks later servers fixed

it's going to die, soon.

>yfw you payed money for early access



At least i didn't spend real money, just sold some junk i had leftover from my TF2 days.

But yeah, i have never seen more incompetent devs than the ToS ones. It's like they wanted it to fail.

Nice meme.

Game sold better than Battlefield 1.

That's not the correct way to use the term, you absolute moron.


Loadout reminds me too much of hawken from the point of game development and how it continued. Loadout was actually fun and decent for what it was but went in the completely wrong direction and they had no idea how to balance anything, just like Hawken

We will never get the original vision for spore



M E .

>Had some fun with Loadout
>Eventually people started to figure out the meta-loadouts
>Everyone ended up with the same loadouts
>No patch
>No new weapon parts
>Devs dropped support
>Dead game

Shit, nigga.

Right in the feels.




Do people still play this? Did they fix it?

You forgot
>chasing the PS3 players
>chasing the PvE players with a game mode only available in PS3

It still hurts user
It killed Will Wright's enthusiasm too, he sort of dropped off the face of the earth after the game got released.


I literally dont know what the fuck they were thinking, especially considering Blood Dragon did the exact same thing but they handled it the right way when they did it

What was broken?

Game was actually fun early on when people didn't know what they were doing and used gimmicky builds


>Used the PC version as a beta test for the playstation
>Dropped PC version to only update the playstation

Pretty fun and and LOVED the mecha designs.



God I miss playing Hawken, the downfall started with the technician and Ascension just finished it off for me.

I barely remember it even releasing

>mfw someone i know bought the complete pack, long after the game already ded.

Isn't Primal great with survival mode, expert, and limited HUD shit?

My girlfriend still plays this with her sister.

irl chuckled
what hubris

End your life, pls

vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Mirror's Edge Catalyst

vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Battlefield 1&publisher=&platform=&genre=&minSales=0&results=200

No, they made it worse and only brs play it now

>People bitch because lil mechs are 2 fast for them
>Nerf lil mechs to uselessness
>Buff middle mechs
>Nerf big mechs too for literally no reason, but here we added a useless big mech so its okay!
>Literally no reason to not play middle mechs now

Its shit


Game sold well.

Go fuck yourself, cuck.

I miss playing Battletech 3025. No mech game has really felt the same since

I heard someone describe it as "A game that tries so hard to be unique, it ended up bland". I think that's pretty accurate from what I've seen.

From the very first{PHURST} time I saw this game, I knew it was shovelware.
That dumpster fire of an art style probably kept a lot of people from checking it out.

Glad my shitpost made you look shit up, lol.

Oh good lord, that's so sad it's funny. On that note, there's this.

Lo and Behold


Shame, I really liked the early stages of the game too.

The problem is that it was a fully recycled world map and limited assets. Primal still plays fine, the issue is that they pulled a blood dragon and then proceeded to charge full price for it.

Well I was curious anyway. Learning something new is never bad.

but is was BADASS

Top left, is that a dinosaur?

hehe, what a bunch of idiots, PS3 players are always broke. the game beng F2P and giong for exclusivity killed it.

they have no sympathy from me.


>Outsold by 3 dollar indie trash

No it didn't, but please go on to defend a purchase you were manipulated into buying by edgy devs playing people upset about SJWs

Meanwhile the gameplay is literally worse than Alien Swarm.

Oh wait, no it didn't

>Metal Gear Solid 4
>Grand Theft Auto 4
>Fallout 3
>Unreal Tournament 3
>Super Smash Bros. Brawl
2008 was the year gaming officially lost its innocence.

Hold the fucking phone. I remember a game named "Battleships" that used to come in cereal boxes in Canada in the early 2000's. It was a sort of arcade 3d game with battleships. Anyone remember something like that ?

I actually really enjoyed my time with it. The movement was good and you could pull off some cool shit in certain parts of the maps. certain loadouts were objectively better than others but still was fun. Then I just stopped...

>lets completely remove PvP from our class based shooter and make a new single player progression system every year for 3 years.

>Putting MGS4 on a shit list when it's multiplayer was god tier
>Putting it on a shit list in general

The only thing MGS4 did wrong was being the last one in the story line after the more interesting shit already happened.

Holding the phone. Let me know when you wanna let go.



Those were milton bradley cdrs from cereal boxes, iirc there were six of them.

Paid you fucking underaged piece of shit

Shit, I actually remember being sort of interested in this.
It just sort of vanished out of my mind.


Loadout was actually pretty fun.
Too bad it was fucking hideous to look at.

It's actually really good. Never got the hate.

Oh fuck me and fuck you for reminding me.

that's sixty dollars I'm never getting back

I don't hate it, I've just never heard anyone genuinely talk about it after it was released. I don't even know how it plays compared to other MMOs.

The funny thing is that while the game is not badass, bad and ass both describe it pretty well.

Felt like cashing in on syrim hype, not to mention literally another tortanic.

is this real
I don't entirely believe this exists

When it was good, it was so fucking good

Project Zomboid

Wasn't it some kind of moba?

Probably for the best. It looked pretty mediocre.


>We took our inspiration from God of War, Arkham Asylum......and Devil May Cry.

It's called Battleship : Surface Thunder. That game was fucking awesome man. At least, as I remember it. Gonna go watch a few videos and get thoroughly disappointed.

Loadout was actually so fucking good when it first came out in beta, shit was fucking fun even if it was ugly as squashed shit. Fucking devs killed it tho by pandering to ps3 shits and never patching broken builds.

What happened to that game? It looked pretty cool.


I don't know why I laughed at that.

>Paid you fucking underaged piece of shit
You paid that fucking underaged piece of shit? Did you pay him to shitpost?
What are you even saying, user?

alien swarm is a lot of fun

I tend to forget all the marketing that goes into videogames regardless of the quality of the product. Such a waste of resources.

I remember playing this days after its "release". It was fun despite the lack of content, had a lot of potential. Sad thing the developers didn't bother to update that shit and I don't even know if they made an official statement on what happened.


It has action combat but it's actually much more slow-paced and involved versus other MMOs (in a good way). It has a lot of features from CRPGs that most MMOs lack, it actually feels like an RPG, unlike say, WoW or ARR.

It did cash in on the Skyrim a bit, but it included so much more shit, that in pails in comparison. It has just as much Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion dick-sucking as it does for Skyrim. Plus it actually sold pretty damn well and the player-counts have gone up exponentially since it released.

>What are you even saying, user?
He's saying that you cannot into fucking english, and the fact you did not understand him prove it.


I like this game a lot. I haven't gotten around to playing with the first person mode. I think it's a combination of a satisfying level of destruction and isometric view, which i have a soft spot for.