We did it Tumblr! Blizzard is fixing the """bug""" that prevented her from looking like the whale she is...

We did it Tumblr! Blizzard is fixing the """bug""" that prevented her from looking like the whale she is. Can't wait for the fix :)


If someone actually has the audacity to eat this shit up their cognitive dissonance should be studied.

>patch makes mei more thick
Blizzard based as fuck

Makes her more fat you fucking degenerate whale loving cuck.

More like typical forum users

Thank you Blizzard.

Oh boo hoo :( Make a forum post about how mad you are

Mei's intended to be a fat fuck. lulz.

I really hate forum users.


Lmfao, jfc this fucking company. I regret giving them $40 though not because of this but becauss its a shit game

Sup Forums btfo again

eat shit low-test betas


This takes me back to visiting real forums

>Dislike moused over
You need to go back.

What the fuck is going on there?

"Boop" is a running gag related to the latest character, Sombra, who says it in her reveal trailer.
And because all Forum Goers are autistic lemmings, they all cry out for boop when someone mentions it.
Also notice who has the most posts in those 5.

Looking at screenshots this shit really does look like someone made a really retarded mistake with her deformers. What are you autists getting so triggered for

it's not a bug, it's your future

When the sombra trailer was revealed, she pokes a person on the nose and says "Boop" the forums were immediately filled so many XD requests about it being a voice line.

Yeah, it's a rigging mistake. She looks normal once she emotes.

It's alarmingly like pre-2007 Sup Forums, without porn and swearing

>tumblr complains mei isn't fat anymore
>blizzard immediately issues apology and takes down servers for 24 hour maint to fix the "bug"



>People fap to this

I think they're referring to this which does look pretty unintentional. Unless they intend for mei to be centaur

T H I C C is the future. More fat = better, go fap to skinny ugly no ass models grandpa

I just did




Today is a good day

>Wanting this pig over a delicious /fit/ Pharah


>people don't fap to this

Needs more T H I C C make her 50 pounds heavier at least

That girl is not /fit/

There's a sever lack of fat girl posting in this topic

>only 50

Don't be such a lightweight

>"It's about representation. The male characters in this game have an incredibly diverse mixture of heights and weights, making each one unique and interesting.

The female characters? They're either barbie dolls or Zarya. Mei seemed like a good in-between, except that now Blizzard seems set on putting her on the curvy side of the skinny spectrum."


>you will never be a cute fat girl
I hate living.

You don't think that an outfit like that might be slightly less thick than a fucking arctic jacket?

this must be a troll because no one would intentionally post the shittiest mei cosplay they could find

Good I like em THICK


The only fat character is Roadhog, and hes a fucking pig.

>literally have to lie and say the reason your character's new look isn't SJW tumblrina is because of a bug
>literally have to ship a patch to restore a character's landwhale status to avoid offending your fanbase

o i am laffin


To be fair, a bug is basically anything that you didn't intend to happen. So it is possible someone made her waste small when the original designer intended it to be thicker.

>President of the United States is casually proposing martial law
>EPA and Department of Agriculture have been gagged from discussing science
>White House is delivering thinly-veiled threats to anyone in the press that speaks against their "alternative facts"
>you still think a bunch of teenagers on Tumblr are the biggest threat to your freedom of speech

Shut up fag.

I'm australian so I don't give a shit
Fuck off

>people still look at President Trump's shitposts

>Blizzard self censoring because SJWs complained

Not like it's the first time or anything. Blizzard is almost as bad as Riot when it comes to being cucked.

t. triggered liberal


She's not even /fit/ !
LITERALLY grasping at straws !
LMAOing @ you for being this weak before the THICC

this bitch is bretty THICC but something about her eyes kills my boner

Just gib the name dude.

Her eyes, sharpie eyebrows, and white boi lips really ruin it

trumps right though. chicago is shit. send in the army and purge the gangs and niggers.

also alt facts? you mean the truth?


>The Feds

Yeah because the FBI gives a shit about any of that.

>fixing the obviously broken model that had her ass sticking out five yards behind her
>pandering to tumblr thiccfags

>T H I C C is the future
So funny how times change. When I was young, thin was in. In the 80s and 90s, it was like a sin for women to be fat. Now it's everyone's fetish and skinny girls are the butt of every joke

There's literally nothing wrong with what trump said
>he still believes fake news
lmaoroflkek you fucking redditard.
In 2 days, trump has done more for america than obongo did in 8 years.

Weird thing is that I used to love fat chicks with big milk jugs when it was fringe but now I prefer skinny women with small tits.

You rang, friend ?

alt facts is something trump said and the phrase originated from him. Are you defying trump?

Why not both? I just realized I have a fetish for extreme body types in either direction.


My exact thoughts

It would be funny as hell if it was actually Justin

This, Mei should always have been thicc.


I don't get it, whats wrong with patching a problem?

>they are fixing it

Good, was unironically about to uninstall tbqh

>and the phrase originated from him

kill yourself. back to r/the donald with you

>people still play this garbage

We see you, Doland.






my bad dick was too hard and my brain was off

I always get frustrated when I play and someone is spamming "boop" because you just know they probably unironically still use XD as well.

granted I spam the "mess with the best and die like the rest" line so I'm not much better

Are you retarded?

"Bug" usually suggests that the algorithm or calculation used to implement a feature resulted in something unintended. Calling it a bug suggests that a software developer intended for her waist to be bigger but a programming mistake caused it to be smaller. It's not really a bug if the artist intended for her waist to be thicker but the programmer intentionally implemented it thinner.

Still, even that seems unlikely. More likely, the designer did design it thinner and PR didn't foresee the outrage.

that's a man right?

Lines I spam
Keep calm and tracer on
Im your huckleberry
I am mother russia
R8 me


Yeah but sometimes your own thinking can be a source of the bug, that's a logical bug. I see your point though.


Naw shes got some spicey nudes.

this is an underrated comment

This is a pretty poor attempt at tracing her thigh.

>Im your huckleberry

I wish I could spam this but it just ain't as good as it was in Tombstone so I stick with "Reach for the Sky"

Also You gotta believe

Jesus fuck I can't tell who I want to fuck more, Mei or Usatame.

>Being thin is a glitch now

Her purpose is to stay home, get fucked by her husband, bear him children, cook, and keep the house clean. Big fat titties and ass makes for better wives and mothers.

Yeah I wish they had given the line like more time to breath but I feel they want all voice lines to be like 3 seconds long.