Mfw smash players call casuals "friendlies"

>mfw smash players call casuals "friendlies"
>mfw smash players call mirror matches "dittos"
>mfw smash players call footsies "spacing"
>mfw smash players call recovery frames "endlag"
>mfw smash players call landing frames "landlag"
>mfw smash players call team matches "crew battles"
>mfw smash players call grab punish "shield grab"
>mfw smash players call meaties "late hits"
>mfw smash players call blockstrings "shield combos"
>mfw smash players call a series of unchallenged hits "combos"
>mfw smash players call strings "natural combos"
>mfw smash players call actual combos "cheap"
>mfw smash players call zoning "spam"
>mfw smash players call money matches "cash battles"

This is why no one takes your shit seriously

Other urls found in this thread:

what's wrong with the footsies spacing thing

You show very little knowledge of what you're talking about

>mfw germans call the Protestant Barbaric Confederacy the Holy Roman Empire.

>mfw it's taken more seriously than whatever shit you play

>>mfw smash players call recovery frames "endlag"
>>mfw smash players call landing frames "landlag"
meth, not even once

>mfw smash players call a series of unchallenged hits "combos"
there's something wrong with this?
>mfw smash players call zoning "spam"
spotted the ASSFAGGOTS player

no one calls money matches cash battles you sperg

>mfw smash players call strings "natural combos"
>mfw smash players call actual combos "cheap"
>mfw smash players call zoning "spam"
>mfw smash players call money matches "cash battles"

Never heard one of these, ever.

I bet Candy Land is taken pretty serious by a group of autistic faggots too.

>mfw smash players call money matches "cash battles"
no smash player calls it that, shitposter

Dunno what's worse smash or overwatch.


Wow, it's almost like they're different games.

>>mfw smash players call money matches "cash battles"
i think you made this one up

I call all of it autism. Because it is.

you've never heard of zoning as spam? really?

>MFW Britbongs call Popsicles "cold on the cob."

>mfw germans call their lands Holy
>mfw germans call their lands Roman
>mfw germans call their lands Empire

That's pretty funny actually lol

>mfw smash players call Tournaments "WinEmAlls"

Missed the best one OP

>mfw smash players call party games "fighting games"

>mfw traditional fighting game players don't want to fuck there own mother


is that weird?

I don't play smash but if you call spacing footsies you're autistic.

He made it up 100% it's actually gold coins game.

>series of unchallenged hits "combos"

this triggers me the most. im with you op

Newfag detected.

>mfw it's one of the lowest rated games

tfw smash players call nintoddlers "master race"

>mfw smash players call recovery frames "endlag"

This one triggers me the most. Even Tekken uses the general same terminology as regular 2d fighters.


>its not a fighting fame!
>why dont you use fighting game terms?!

not to mention all these things evolved separately from regular fgc shit

>if you dont use my autistic terms instead of your own autistic terms nobody will take you seriously

flawless logic

This isn't going to catch on unless you have a cold-on-the-cob style zinger

>mfw traditional fighting game players don't want to get fucked by their own mothers

relly makes you think xD

The real reason tournament FG players look down on Smash is that they dealt with the players for years in small scale meets until they got tired of their bad smells and asperger tantrums. Smash isn't a real fighting game = Contain your autism somewhere away from us

Damn shame because Smash is considered more solid by the average FG fan than they'd have you believe and really fun to play with people who are good without being autistic diaper weirdos

lmao ima use cash battles at my next weekly

this. i'd rather play tradtional FGs, but smash is alot of fun, Melee and 4.

There are just so many shitstains in both smash communites it sends a bad message. Not to say there aren't any in bad apples in the FGC, there are plenty.

But where there is 1 cool smash guy, there are 5 shitty smash guys. and they smell.

why do people in the """"""FGC"""""" love talking about the """""FGC"""""" and its """"""culture"""""""" moreover drama so much? they seriously discuss the community itself more than their actual fucking games

go succ a dick frog

Eurofags call FPS games "Rooty tooty point and shooties"

>This is why no one takes your shit seriously
>no one takes your shit seriously
>no one takes your shit seriously
>no one takes your shit seriously
>no one takes your shit seriously
>no one takes your shit seriously


>and they smell.
But why?
Why do smash players always smell? Why, at every convention I go to the vidya area always has an area that's got a horrible aura of stink?

This was funny for like, a month

>mfw smash players call Super Smash Bros. a "fighting game"

It is though.

There's more to footsies than spacing, especially in smash. It doesn't fully encompass the aspects

It's a common punishment game in the Smash community that losing players are forced to shit their pants and continue playing.

It's called "Shulking"

>Sakurai has outright said its a party game
>but you fight in it, it's a fighting game!

I mean you fight in Starfox but that's not a fighting game, now is it?

>Anyone down for a $50 cash battle?

>mfw smash players call top players "gods"
>mfw smash players demand extra time at events to "interact with their fans"
>mfw smash players call button checks "handwarmers"
>mfw smash players call reversals "out of shield options"
>mfw smash players call okizeme "tech chasing"
>mfw smash players call Ree-you "Rhi-you"

>>mfw smash players call Ree-you "Rhi-you"
I've only ever heard SF players pronounce it "Rhi-you"

The announcer in Smash 4 even pronounces it "Ree-you"

Why do Street Fighter players hate Super Smash Bros players so much? I never understood


Spotted the faggot speaking in Ebonics

It's always the unemployed guy doing those too. Fat fuck should get a god damn job. What does a Smash autist even need money for?

I'm not a street fighter player, I'm an anime player.

I think the hate for smash's community is pretty warranted, considering they're mega autistic faggots who lash out at everyone and everything

Especially ironic considering the actual games themselves have been accepted more and more by the FGC to be real, even great, fighting games.

to make themselves feel better about their own autism. they feel bad about practicing a video game for 8 hours a day when they could be contributing to society so they gravitate to making fun of the easy target - a game in which the target audience is casuals

Melee got dumped from Sunday. Meanwhile SFV got 2.5 million views on television.

I guess smash isn't a fighting game then.

>Posts spanish king
his HRE was holy because
>Spain is holiest after the vatican
>Spain is actually latin and roman descendant
>Spain is an actual empire

Post >yfw the only time germany was a global empire (or an actual empire) was when it was owned by random brown desert dwellers


i feel like you know more about smash than you let on lad

>mfw smash players call money matches "cash battles"

You went a bit too far on this one, they call them money matches. In fact I've never seen 'cash battles' used at all.

The rest is correct.

>implying this whole thread isn't clearly falseflag bait by someone who plays both games

I'm a semi-serious fan of both melee and smash 4, but i haven't played melee since i was a kid and I didn't buy a wii u
Might play whatever one shows up on Switch, provided it ever becomes worth buying

>mfw smash players call okizeme "tech chasing"
> okizeme


In fighting game terms, this refers to what happens after an opponent is knocked down and about to get up.


I don't understand why Melee players would rather destroy their hands than try alternate forms of control

They're too young to be crippling themselves for life.

What is the problem with calling things different for that specific game? If they called it the same stuff you would still say it's not a fighting game.

Shouldnt you guys be happy they use their own autistic terms for their party game?

>try alternate forms of control

What do you mean? As far as Melee goes there's no other way to play the game besides a GC.

That's not true, Hitbox recently made a smash variant of their controller.

The community's initial response? WAH BAN IT, IT'S NOT FAIR.

Which players are having hands issues from using a GC and have outwardly voiced such? I haven't really heard anyone complain besides M2K, who still plays anyway.

Hax$ literally had to have surgery because he JUSTed his wrists.

I think the controller is called a Smashbox. It was legal at the latest major Genesis 4

Gravy, who advocates for the Smash Hitbox, retired because he fucked up his hands.

I'm pretty sure even Mango fucked up his hands at one point.

oh. lel.
gonna go look up this hbox controller

I don't know if there's any pics but don't they hold the controller really weird to so they can wavedash more efficiently or some shit or whatever.


Well of course they're going to bar its use from mainline tournaments in the immediate future. Smash Melee has always had a standard controller with alternate controls being disallowed, so this is just an extension of that. There's nothing to say people can't experiment with it though, which is something that the FGC doesn't seem to get about Smash, we'll test out different rules and settings to see what works however we please.

Hitbox* not hbox. kek

Corect me if I'm wrong but are any fighting games even relevant besides the following:

KI (?)
...I think that's it

I mean isn't MK basically the laughing stock of the FGC because of how poorly it controls. Feel free to correct me, I loosely follow it but this is what I seem to always here going to SRK, other forum generals, Sup Forums and hearsay from irl friends.

I think with proper care they wouldn't have any problems. I assume a lot don't stretch or have a good diet.

>smash players actually have a port priority issue to this day that has not been solved

And I hear most of the 2D fighters are graveyards in terms of communities and they are relevant in any serious way tourney wise. This includes Blazblue, GuiltyGear and KOF

Have you seen the Hitbox controller? It's a mess.

>port priority issue

Can you explain for retards like me.

But why restrict input methods? No other game does it. If you want to use a standard controller, an arcade stick, a hitbox, a fightpad, etc, in any other game, you're free to. The only things that are banned, AFAIK, are turbo controllers that can replicate tapping a button faster than humanly possible just by holding the button.

>The community's initial response? WAH BAN IT, IT'S NOT FAIR.

Maybe Hitbox or some company could attempt to create one that isn't shit. But , easier to just lap up whatever new comes along because it's shiny and new, right? That makes sense

>Blazblue, GuiltyGear and KOF

Apparently they are really popular in South America and Oceania.

what game is in most direct competition with MKX cause you seem to be shilling it hard

I can't believe its only on PS4. That was a mistake.

>mfw smash players call zoning "spam"

Maybe when you're playing with 10 year olds

>mfw smash players call money matches "cash battles"

You got played by a parody series.

Have you seen people playing on it? It's less complicated than it at first appears.

Also if you play any fighting games on PC with keyboard you're already halfway to mastering hitbox.

I think it'll eventually get ported. I mean, 13 got ported. It took some time, but it happened

>competitive smash

tl;dr if Player 1 and Player 2 try to do the exact same thing at the exact same time, like a grab, Player 1 will always beat out Player 2.

It's a fucking mystery.