Let's discuss EVO. Is he right?
Melee Thread
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It would be really nice if the autistic kids took their ball and went home.
Yeah. He's actually rather correct. EVO is nice to have for the sake of additional views and shouldn't be taken for granted, but it's unneeded to bitch about it since there's so many great tournaments in the current era.
He is half right. Melee is a better game for the usnday slot, but melee players were dicks last year with the TOs while smash 4 players were pretty civil when complaining, which I think is one of the main reasons smash 4 got its spot the other one being nintendo's sponsorship.
Sure. Let them have their own event, make their stuff. That's what most people want, actually.
this melee players are horrible if its not a tournament run by them
Melee also gets the an Nintendo sponsorship
It's just that they can actually make money off of Smash 4 than Melee.
If Nintendo just released Melee on Switch VC with GC adapters for it and Smash 4 Switch, they can actually make money off of BOTH games which actually has a decent amount of crossover
>melee threads when theres no tournament
>smash threads ever
I really don't understand why nintendo doesn't just do this already. It's literally free fucking money.
Smash 5 with a rebuilt Melee engine and Gamecube Joycons when?
He is going full retard as usual
why the FUCK would anyone want to ever take smash 4 seriously
it's a goddamn flaming garbage heap of a game that removes or neuters everything unique and fun about melee in the first place (movement mechanics)
the fact that it's stealing melee's spot when no one gives a shit about it anyway fills me with rage
>No interviews
Why would i want to hear autistic kids?
I love smash and stuff dudes and the more I see other people that like smash the more I fear I'm autistic and just dont know it
Just classic Leffen pretending he doesn't care and then ranting about it for the next week.
Look I love Melee but you can't have every fucking game on a Sunday. Smash 4 had to put up with the Saturday spot for what 2 years now? No issues with letting it have Sunday this year, EVO isn't even a Smash centric event and you can't have both games on Sunday because then it just hurts other communities that deserve their game to be represented on Sunday too.
>implying analyst desk has been done well fucking ever
So then what is the top event for Melee if not EVO?
By guess is timing and they might still do it.
Especially when they just confirmed that Virtual Console games might have online play. My guess, wait until E3
>we do not need Evo
Obviously the people who play it give a shit about it, otherwise there wouldn't be a fan base.
The Summit, DreamHack, The Big House, Pound, Genesis,
Somewhat salty honestly, either way I guess Leffen is right, at this point I might just be spoiled by Melee tournaments.
>no crews on Monday
>no doubles to watch instead of 2nd wave pools
>no Bo5 all top 64
>no exhibitions
It's probably for the better, funny enough, I don't think Wiz knows that Smash 4 since EVO has been losing viewers and entrants, if he was expecting the 2500+ entrants of last year he's up for a surprise.
You DID make your hotel reservation already, right Sup Forums? What are you, poor?
Reminder that outside of EVO, there has been 0 (zero) SFV tournaments that hit 100k views, and Melee hit 100k views yesterday.
I don't know about entrants, but finals in smash 4 have been getting more stacked since last year, at least in good players count smash 4 is at its peak right now.
I agree EVO is horrible in smash tournaments. Dubs are best format and they always get shafted at evo for both games.
SFV is shit though and the few people that play it only do so because of the name so it's not surprising desu
>b b-but s-street fighter!!
>stop liking what I don't like
So we agree Melee is the biggest fighting game right now.
I had more fun watching the Capcom cup than Melee this weekend.
LOL even sf2 players moved on and that game invented the genre
Oh sorry I meant the fighting game genre, for you guys it was probably mario party 1
Forget about this what about Plajtfjuu
>fighting game
>own CEO event
>at EVO
>not a fighting game
Whatever it is, it's pulling more people than most of the other fighting games combined LOL
>knows he'll never win an EVO
>"E-Evo isn't important guys"
It was Crash Bash you ignorant fuck
>a party game is considered a more popular fighting game than an actual fighting game
How will fgcucks recover?
>"b-b-but muh espn!"
>Street Fighter variants are the only games that can be played competitively
hope you faggots are ready to see Sm4sh break 300k viewers with unprecedented story lines and hype
>>"b-b-but muh espn!"
Speaking of which, Nintendo probably shilled for ESPN which is why Smash 4 got put on Sunday. Just you wait, it's gonna happen. Scarflard sperging it up on fucking ESPN.
>ARMS has been, by far and wide, the most popular choice for the last slot
>UMvC3 is going to win because of a couple autists with deep pockets
I don't think this semen slurping community is for me.
play the new game, grandpa
>unprecedented story lines
>will zero or someone you have never heard of win? tune in and find out
>yfw Nintendo says YOU THINK YOU DO
Yes, EVO is for man-children, not literal children
Remove Smash, make EVO great again
I tried. Smash 4 plays like shit.
>most popular choice for last slot
>being BTFO by 4 other games
>playing a game competitively makes it a fighting game
who the fuck is this faggot?
>we have better tournaments
isnt smash the community that had a pedophile, alex strife, organizing tournaments?
I hear sm4sh summit is coming soon too user! The death of melee autism is finally upon us and I can't wait to see what the top player commentary couch brings!
>We don't need EVO
I mean it won't but I'm glad you guys got your Sunday slot.
>cs:go major got 500k on a MONDAY
lol get fucked with your shit tier game
Melee needs to go
It's outdated shit
On a scale of 1 to 10 how fucking mad were FGC cucks that both Smash games got in AGAIN
I wasn't around for the announcement
Kick the faggots out. Smash never belonged at EVO, much less Melee. Fuck the man children clinging to their 16 year old broken game. I swear, smash brothers, especially melee, is the worst thing to happen to the fighting game, the nintendo, and the video game community in general.
Not as mad as Meleefags are about being downgraded to Saturday.
Outdated in what regard gameplay-wise?
cs rng doesn't get as many as the best game ever made league of legends
>deflecting onto SFV
Where I can see this
I don't even think you tried but you didn't write 'memelee' at least
>we dont need evo
then dont fucking go you autistic retard
>top player commentary
Commentary for Smash 4 is actually amazing I will admit. It's always just 2 random guys screaming their brains out trying to make the game seem interesting and exciting
It can just be 5 minutes of two characters rolling and trying to fish out a random f-smash and after someone finally does it they'll scream so loud my neighbor has to call the cops
Booed Guilty Gear GF, karma is a bitch
A mechanical overhaul is needed
Good, fucking leave.
Take Smash with you, eject yourselves from fucking EVO. Everyone else will be only thankful for it.
league of legends gets tons of views
therefore it MUST be a great game!
>willingly eating shit
you faggots deserve to be gassed
You must have missed the best comeback in fgc history then when mango beat leffen :^)
>Approx 400 replies to that tweet
Why does this matter? That's nothing substantial.
>user claming Melee needs EVO
>I claim Melee is doing better than THE fighting game
>somehow I'm deflecting
I'm not wrong, user.
As someone from the scandinavian FGC, Leffen is such a big pussy.
Stop listening to him, you smash fags.
The door is to the left, he and his ilk can leave any time.
I would rather endure the intense body odor/axe body spray/cocoa butter mixture inherent in most traditional FGC tournaments than the near constant shrieking autism of most Smash players.
Different user here tbhfam, Melee doesn't need EVO but if some sort of circuit doesn't appear this year, EVO is still in the top 2 premier Melee events and helps Melee way more than it hurts it
Arms is literally a meme. No one has played the game, it has no community whatsoever besides a bunch of idiots online spouting how they want Arms. This donation drive is enough proof. If Arms doesn't win, it's because all the people claiming they want arms are children who wouldn't support the game beyond just watching on twitch.
Then why did both Melee and 4 have less attendees COMBINED than SFV at EVO last year?
Because it's a pretty good reflection of how the viewerbase of EVO feels.
Not like it matters though,
We all know Nintendo is gonna swoop in with that 10k donation and secure the slot for ez advertising.
not mad at all, mainly because wizard got rid of melee cancer and replaced it with BLAZ FUCKIN BLUE.
best change ever. get hype for anime.
because EVO it's still the superbowl of FIGHTING GAMES, it's not like Melee doesn't care, it's huge and an oportunity to grow, but it's not essensial anymore.
>THE fighting game
They're never going to do it for several reasons:
1) Melee HD or whatever will never sell enough to recoup the costs of enhancing it and making special adapters for the Switch just for it
2) They're not going to undermine the game they're pushing (Smash 4) in favor of a game that a very vocal minority of the fanbase wants
3) Sakurai would more than likely raise holy hell if Nintendo ever thought about releasing it without him being on hand to rebalance it. Because he views Melee as one of his greatest mistakes, he's not going to approve rereleasing it without his own input.
>how to get blacklisted by mr wizard
keep going
next year you wont get a spot at all!
Let me ask you this: as opposed to what? Many fighting game fans argue that Smash has no place in their tournament, and nothing would make me happier than Smash outliving their frankly obsolete and irrelevant genre just to rub it in their faces, but where would they go? Again, I don't say this to give validity to Early Access Fighter 5, or the millionth Tekken entry that no one gives a fuck about. I'm just saying that if you have a better option, take it.
What? Final Round and Capcom Cup had 100k+ views. Capcom Cup had more views than Genesis just like last year.
They'd fuck off into their own garbage hole.
who even cares about viewer counts?
by that logic, league and csgo are the best things ever.
>but tekken doesnt get 100k viewers!
fuck off.
Lmao not only is this punishment for being huge conts like the melee autist are but im pretty sure based nintendo had a hand in this. Probably slipped wizard some extra cash to switch the games
You're outdated shit
When Sakurai is no longer in chare of Smash, his idea for Smash since the start was to make a fighting game without an execution barrier, Melee was a total failure at that.
And honestly, Sakurai's other games are better, I'd be fine with someone else in charge of Smash, specially i that means we get more games like Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Melee has a major dedicated to smash almost every week.
>Melee was a total failure at that
How so? The game was completely perfect as a casual party game. Hell, it even had the kind of fast gameplay you'd want for a quick party time waster.
That would nice to see, melee will always get bigger numbers, but I would be happy to see Sm4sh get more attention
No game in history has ever been that accessible and that deep at the same time as melee