GAYMUR injuries

>start playing videogames again
>start using a trackball because wrist started hurting for the first time in life
>have ulnar wrist pain that won't subside now

Take vitamin D supplements

I think I would be having pain in other parts of the body if I had a vitamin D deficiency.

I didn't

This is why I use a controller as much as possible. I use a computer at work too, and mouse+keyboard tires your wrists out super fast compared to controllers. If my wrists still feel sore and I'm using a controller, I just don't play vidya or shitpost for a full day, maybe watching anime or reading instead. Never had any permanent issues doing this.

I have problems every once in a while, but they seem to be limited to certain games and how frequently I have to use the shoulder buttons.

Ultimate Spiderman was really hard on my hands, even though I used a 360 controller. Something about having to press both shoulder buttons together frequently, I think.

More recently, Dragon's Dogma made my hands hurt. Switching to mouse and keyboard actually fixed it, plus my archery became far more accurate. I could suddenly reliably hit the eye of a cyclops.

How the fuck do you get hand injuries from video games

I've been gaming 60 hours a week since I was five, what the actual fuck are you doing?

Painkillers all day everyday.

smoke some weed, maybe that'll help

>normies too dumb to use kb+m properly
>get injuries

self solving problem

Anything competitive or generally high apm can fuck you up over time if you're not taking good care of your hands.

I don't know. I used to do exactly what you described, even with horrible posture and desks, when I was younger with no issues. I didn't really play games for around 4 years, and just recently got back into it playing 4-5hrs daily. Within a month I started getting wrist pain, so I moved to a trackball.

Some of it is just genetic.

A while back I had problems with my wrist and arms, I have generally good posture and take breaks, really frustrating to see people at my job with awful posture doing it for 20+ years, and I'm sitting there a few years in with wrist problems.

I only really ever have hand problems when I play lots of SSBM at a time, i cant really go to tournaments because it can get really bad.
Everything else is fine though, dont know why desu

The key is to not sit in the same spot for 17 hours a day

That would just make me not feel like playing games at all.

This is why top level players (aside M2K) take breaks. The game can get too hard on your hands if you don't.

>have bad wrist pain
>create a makeshift wrist rest out of folded up papers
>after a while wrist never hurts again
feels weird and unnatural to not have something supporting my wrist now

>hand used to close or lock up as if i were balling it up into a fist, thumb would be tucked in without my doing so and pain would endure until a couple minutes until suddenly my body releases hand this would go on for years but would be rare
>now time from time index finger might get stiff

Nigga just take a break sometimes and do some wrist exercises.

I can't move my pinky fingers freely anymore
They just lock into different positions and generally feel painful in general

Yeah, it happened to me in 2010. It's for life. Sorry.


I guess I should start learning to use a mouse with my left hand.

I use an orthopedic mouse thingy. Carpal tunnel is serious business.