Wat do
Wat do
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Why are you playing in moon scribble shitspeak when the game is available in human language?
Sexually harass her, Gillian! Slap her hot Nip ass!
It's not the REAL and TRUE version the creator intended.
She certainly doesn't look 14.
You're wrong.
Just look up Hideo on the computer in OP's pic and he literally says he's glad the Sega CD version got made.
For you maybe.
Even in the manual (which unfortunately I can't seem to find high-res scans of) she looks pretty mature.
Also, whoever's been making all the Snatcher threads recently, I love you
That says Katherine, not Katrina
カトリーヌ ◯
Would you guys try out a Neo-Kobe Pizza if you could?
Hit the chinese button
Some people just like playing games in their original language. Or because they're a nice ways to practice a language. Or because the official localization is shit (no idea if it is for this game or not).
gib me tree sizes
Yes, and?
its actually really fucking good for the time it came out
Shame about the censorship though.
from red to green
So what's the best version to play if I want to deal with little to no censorship? The PC Engine release? I can read Nip, so it's fine if whichever version I'm looking for isn't translated, I know not all versions were.
PC-Engine has little to no censorship or changes.
Sega CD version changes some things and censors a couple of things.
Sony Playstation and Sega Saturn version craps on the game and censors all the gore like pic related and ruins the background art.
Then definitely the PC Engine version.
Yeah PC engine it's where you wanna go
Be aware though, OST is far superior on Sega CD
PC Engine it is then. Back to text heavy Japanese games I go.
There's always a catch.
I'm gonna fucking vomit.
Heh, i remember this
Sega CD = PC-88 > PC-E > MSX-2 > shit > PS1 = Saturn
Patrician taste.
I'm gonna agree with you just because i haven't played the PS1 nor the Saturn version
It's true
Sega CD version is still the hypest