Capture the Flag mode thoughts? Personally it's the most fun I've had with Overwatch in a while

Capture the Flag mode thoughts? Personally it's the most fun I've had with Overwatch in a while.

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absolute garbage desu
CTF was my favourite game Mode in Quake 3 and UT2k4 but this shit is horrendous
like the entire game

Play defensively with Torb, Symettra and a defense hero and you can usually either 0-0 tie if the enemy does the same or 3-0 every time.
I never go Offense because I don't trust my shitty random teammates to protect it.

>Have to stand on the flag for a couple of seconds
>Can use abilities while carrying the flag

It's like the developers never played CTF before

I've noticed a lot of people are bad at symmetra

Holy shit a gamemode defense heroes are actually viable in. I want more maps already.

>join game
>backfill, 0/2, defeat
>join game
>5/6 of team on defense
>5 minutes later, draw
>join game

yeah fuck this mode

Maybe it was the games I played, but it just seems to be way too defensive and if one side gets the flag, it's gone.

There was a whole 15 minute video explaining their process for it.

Whatever their bullshit excuse for it is, if they had done the exact opposite it would have been much better. Now it's basically a stupider point capture map.

I don't like it.

it doesn't feel like CTF and more like capture the point and run back to base without dying.

horde mode needs to come back. maybe lucioball.

I stopped when the lead designer said they want to try something different than the usual ctf. Then why the fuck does payload and CTF feel the fucking same as other game?

More like a 15 min video explaining how fucking stupid they are. They should've put one flag in the center. One flag in the center and slow down whoever is carrying the flag. Here movement abilities drop the flag or are unavailable until the player chooses to drop the flag first. That's up to the devs.

i played it twice. i lost the first time but got my free box the second. i will not be playing it again.

if the map wasnt so bad i would like it more, but its too spread out with too many obstacles. it would be ok if the teams werent so small, but alas. all it takes is one genji or traceer or whatever to kill whatever guy is guarding the point and then fuck off with the flag while the rest of my team is either dead, across the map, or trying to find which of the four routes the genji may have taken

got pretty triggered when I saw Sombra translocating witht he flag and not dropping it

That sounds worse. Fucking D.Va, Lucio, Genji and Tracer would make it unplayable because no one could catch them before they kill the flagfucker


but whatever

>movement abilities drop the flag
There's a reason teams don't do 6 scout lineups in CTF on TF2. The fast guys might be great for nabbing the flag, but you can't get it back without your actual team behind you.

they need to just remove the fact that you cant pick it up while taking damage, then it would be perfect

That's why they slow down and can't use movement abilities with the flag.

TF2 CTF is more balanced and engaging than this crap. How does Blizzard manage to fuck this up?

I think some abilities should be useable, but movement abilities fuck no. Also NO ults what so ever.

I remember when they said they didn't want to do CTF because of the abilities. oops.

CTF doesn't work with all of these powers.

>Blizzard is this retarded
I mean I knew they were retarded, but seriously?

It encourages turtling by making so that you need to capture the flag before picking it up and also that if you take damage it resets the cap. Its impossible to get the flag without a lucky ult and when the enemy does get the flag its almost impossible to stop them


Should have been included with the game from launch.

I really don't give a shit 7 months later. I've already uninstalled. Looks like they didn't even manage to balance it right, so what is there to congratulate Blizzard on?

It's still the worst "competitive" shooter I've ever played, and I thought CS:GO and TF2 were fucking bad.

The biggest problem are the shitty maps. It's obvious they're balanced around koth, not ctf.

You can't flank. you can't sneak steal the flag. It's impossible to steal it back because they're so close.

It basically just devolves into teamfights. If you win, you get the flag. If oyu lose, you don't

CTF could work if the flag was a robot you activated that followed the person who activated it with a maximum speed and limited mobility until it was destroyed

Played 16 games. All of them draws. There just aren't enough people like you'd have 12 v 12 in tf2.

I like it because it forces teamwork. I played with mostly friends and the best strategy seems to be having 2 defense watch the flag and the rest go in to take the enemy flag with 2 tanks and 2 dps. Healers aren't really needed.

if either team gets 1 flag, all they have to do for the rest of the game is turtle in their base

its worse than fuckin 2fort engies

A lot of games become draws because one team decides to just camp instead of trying to win for some reason.

CTF goes so well with games like Quake 3 it's almost wrong for modern FPS games to call their variants by the same name.
>fast physics based movement
>projectile weapons and power weapons making routes to and from the flag more dynamic
>maps made for 3D movement with teleporters, boost pads, etc.
The closest thing in recent history was Tribes maybe. Like says, but to expand on it some more, most modern FPS games suffer from the same problem of CTF being a mode determined by teamfights while in classic shooters all it took was one person swooping in, landing a sniper or rocket on the carrier, and touching the flag for a recovery. The stakes and potential were WAY FUCKING HIGHER for every individual in the match to flip the flow of the game on its head with one good play.

Having to sit there twiddling your dick on the flag for a few seconds before you can actually pick it up and run is fucking retarded. That simple mechanic changes it completely from actual CTF into what's effectively another control point map, just with two active points instead of one.

You still have to go have a team fight at or near the flag. Whoever caps the point (picks up or defends the flag) is still dependent on the outcome of said team fight. There is no possibility of someone dashing in and grabbing the flag out from under a team's nose. And if attackers win the team fight and grab the flag, there's no real possibility of the defenders getting their shit together in time to actually reclaim it. The actual victory is decided by the team fight at each home base... which is exactly how capture point maps work. The carrying of the flag itself is just a formality.

I would've liked this if it was confined to classes with high mobility, and maybe cut everyone's HP down so flag carrying is more risky, encouraging map roaming and making 1 on 1 encounters riskier for the flag carrier. Would be way more exciting. Oh and obviously make the flag instant pickup.

I think the sole reason they did it that way was simply Tracer. She could easily just run in and rewind out with the flag without losing health. She would be to broken for the mode.

literally all they need to do is make it to where you don't get interrupted from capping if they are going to make it be a 3 second cap time where taking damage resets your cap time. Otherwise make the cap time 1 or 2 seconds.

easiest way to fix that is to make it so HEROES CAN'T FUCKING USE ABILITIES WHILE CARRYING THE FLAG

CTF in this game is fun in comparison to the rest of the game, which isnt saying much because Overwatch's CTF is dogshit compared to literally every other games version of it

Also why is this just a brawl and not a permanent gamemode

This mode makes me realize how much I've missed CTF in multiplayer.

I hope they make some actual CTF maps eventually.

I'm just waiting for team death match. thats what every one pays anyway instead of capturing points.

don't say they can't because they already have it in skirmish. just add a timer and points. there , team death match.

but then it "wouldn't feel like Overwatch anymore" is the dev's excuse.

>be me
>playing ctf
>playing sombra
>get close to flag throw recall thingy closer to my flag
>run in with team
>manage to get flag
>whole team dies to torb's ult
>stealth run back to cap flag
>team camps flag with a torb, bastion, symmetra, reinhardt and hanzo
>wait it out for 2 minutes

Such a broken gamemode. Blizzard can't do anything right.

I hate it

It needs maps designed for CTF and altered characters to either make the whole roster jive better with CTF or at LEAST cut the roster down to a smaller number of characters who are already decently suited for it.

My team has managed to win quite a few games with three tanks, mercy and a lucio rushing to the other team's flag at the very beginning. That leaves me as a junkrat at the base with a trap and mine on the actual flag point. Works 9/10

>smoke weed shoot people

>make the game slower and shittier

>There's a reason teams don't do 6 scout lineups in CTF on TF2.

Scout can't travel 50 fucking meters in a second.

It's a valid excuse. If actually executing the win-condition for the fucking game, renders you without your basic gameplay abilities, then its fucking stupid.

Do you really think 150 Tracer with no blinks would be useful at all? Almost all the tanks would become ult batteries the second they picked up the flag. This idea would never work in OW because the TTK in OW is too fucking low.

Any hero that had the mobility to get to the flag would be shredded by the time they got it - as all the mobile heroes suffer the most from standing still. Not to mention the insane CC this game has. Being the flag holder and coming 7meters in range to a Symmettra would mean death.

Any hero that has the damage/kit to take the flag back, would be shredded by any competent team trying to get in your base (which is why McCree's aren't flankers).

It would be like a shitty HL2 deathmatch, except you die in 2 seconds. CTF was always a bad idea for OW. Had they done the other ideas, you'd be complaining about the exact opposite.

Do you still respawn in waves in this mode?

>CTF was my favourite game Mode in Quake 3 and UT2k4
What about...Tribes?

15 seconds to get 2 the flag
only one long sprint
A team full of retarded people
Final destination
Taco meta 24/7

>this face
>that dress
>even offering you a chance to resist an erection
Plz nerf this cum sluts power blizzard

>Tfw heavy on flag is bully simulator.

Where's the porn, where's the god damn porn of this satanic slut

>every game

>cap once with winston then defend for the rest of the game

This mode would work beautifully with three changes.

>Maps actually designed to be CTF Maps
>Abilities don't come off cooldown when you're holding the flag
>Can grab a flag while taking damage, but not while invincible (Wraith Form, Cloak, Trancendence, ect)

At least it wasn't 6v6 only Mei CTF

they really should have done CTF on the larger maps like route 66 and eichenwald. lijiang tower is just way too small for it to work

Best bully simulator

It's definitely the best event mode they've came out with so far.
But it needs some major map tweaking so it's less defensive and also actually possible to take the flag back when someone takes it.
It's so very close to being blizzard level "balanced"

>people are still stupid enough to walk into obvious Junkrat traps

I don't like the capping system. Encourages team fighting and easily strolling back to base. I think that tracer cheese would be hard countered by static defenses like Turrets, symetra and junkrats trap as well as heroes like Sombra that can stop tracer outright from doing it. (or snipers who can just shoot her.)

In other words, I think overwatch had fine mechanics for CTF and it would actually make less used characters more useful but instead they made it into a typical overwatch game mode where reinhardt and ultimate wipes rule.

It wasn't balanced properly, should have removed Torb and Symmetra.

Every single fucking game, those two set up their nest, and until you have a D.Va ult enjoy never capping.

>"competitive" shooter can't even do a basic game mode almost every other team shooter has

Why was this piece of shit made GOTY again?

what they need is a custom map for it. CP stages are too small and guarantee capturing the flag is a point even before you get it back


This map design is fucking god awful holy shit

muh blizzard polish








Reinhardt for Hots when?

That's why the idea should be that you can't use movement items or shit like invulnerability items without dropping the flag or have it be disabled.

I didn't love junkenstien, it was really fucking boring compared to this

>three fuckers take support characters and just stay back at the base
>everyone else is scared of advancing
>that or they stop to fight someone midway even tho theres people to defend the base
>faggots are scared of attacking for whatever reason and no one wants to take the flags
>when ONE gets the flag, the entire team goes back with them like retards, when its way better to stay and take another flag ASAP

I forgot how much this game makes me mad.
This mod is even worse because it can give you a draw and you dont get victories for the weekly boxes.
Overwatch is the one competitive game that I feel like I'm playing with literal monkeys.

Because other shooters don't have wildly unique abilities and characters.

One of, if not the worst, CTF mode I've ever played.
>flag takes time to pick up
>any damage at all resets it
So essentially it requires you to kill everyone and push with a full team to even pick it up, much less get it back to base to capture it. And Torb just fucks this gamemode up. It's even more of a joke than 2fort in TF2. Fuck Blizzard. What a joke of a game.

>choice of voice lines




I came here SPECIFICALLY to be mad about it with other people who were also mad about it.
I feel happy. Happy that we're all fucking mad.
Fuck this shitty game mode.

I'm liking the mode a lot, but it obviously needs a lot of refinements.

Better maps first of all.

>All of these complaints

You all do realize that it's a brawl right? Where they put all the shitty game modes that will never be real, right?

Just play it to get your shitty achievements and then fucking do something else.

>Dva upskirt

>if enemy shoots you can't cap the flag
>literally devolves into spawn camp the enemy base until they are all dead and you can cap

oh shit nigga there's a CTF mode?

that's my shit dawg hoppin on right now

Or you just have a Mei/ Winston/Reinhardt

It has huge problems they won't address.

>fly in as D.VA
>defense matrix for 3 seconds
>Take the flag back

dva is seriously op in this mode

They introduced it as a new 6v6 mode, not a brawl.

Blizzard just shows times after time that they have no idea how to balance their games.

Wouldn't be surprised if they just butchered the mode on purpose just so they could say "told you so" and not have to go through the trouble of making new maps for it.

>Enemy team scores a point
lol gg, time to quit and find another match.

>It's supposed to be shit you guys are retards wow


They literally call it a brawl, user. It's just like Lucioball, Mei's snowball fight, and Junkenstein.

It's never going to be a regular fucking game mode.

Personally I love it. It breaks the meta even if its not competitive. I love that defense heros are actually useful now and characters like Sombra have a purpose.

Not to mention Rein is completely dropped in this mode.

My only complaint is that people can use abilities with the flag. There is almost zero flag recovery/contesting. If someone has the flag 90% of the time they score. Thats kind of boring.

I think standing on the flag is really smart though you idiots dont understand. Every game would be instalock tracer and sombra seriously you guys are fucking idiots for not considering this.

>be sombra
>throw tele 20 yards behind me
>turn invis
>run to flag

Game ends in less than a minute like this.

Also possibly need to up the game time to more than just 5 minutes. Too many draws. Move it up to 7 minutes or even 10. is OP in every mode. Health of a rank, best HP in the game, can just fucking negate damage, one of the most mobile characters, actually decent damage output, and you don't even actually kill you if you get rid of her mech.

How is any of that actually balanced?

That's definitely what they did.

I refuse to believe they thought abilities working while holding the flag was an actual sound decision.

Blizzard is stupid, but they aren't that stupid. I refuse to believe it honestly.

All of the brawls are shit, they're literally made to be :"" here's some dumb fucking shit to break the tedium."